Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post

Warrior girl

#322 Re: consider this

2012-01-22 19:03

#4: - consider this 

 Not true, Six flags and White Water stay open longer and earn even more because of the week off in September and have for years becasue of surrounding counties that are out.  They made third and fourth quarter last year, thanks to us being out as well as surrounding counties and extremely warm weather.  Make no mistake they do not rely on Cobb students for employees either.  You do pay higher taxes it is called SPLOST.  Which by the way, where are all the improvements that were supposed to happen?? Our high school has needed a new roof for longer than we have lived here, any funds they touch seem to evaporate.   Why are we cutting 300 teachers when we are top heavy? Did you know that our administrators have yet to have taken their pay cut let alone gone without a raise?  The people who work with our children took a pay cut 4 years ago, and have seen only increase on cost of benefits.  By cutting our teachers we directly impact the students, not  acceptable.  Let's start with excess administrators, and no raises for them, I am not really worried about whether they will leave us, where are they going? Frankly some of them need to go.



#328 Re: Re: consider this

2012-01-23 16:52:46

#322: Warrior girl - Re: consider this

Wow, that's a great fact to know about Six Flags and White Water actually making more with the balanced calendar!   That really needs to be a strong talking point in front of the board - more business/supporting the economy.

A lot of people who are supporting the balanced calendar need to realize this and stop saying that Six Flags is behind the push for the traditional calendar.