STORMONT! END the violation of our Human rights NOW! Face masks should NEVER BE MANDATORY!!!

Quoted post

Protect the patients !

#4 Infringements of human rights & forcing people wear masks

2020-08-11 20:56

I know some employers are forcing employees to tell customers they must wear a mask on entering their premises but employers haven't notified the staff of the government advise of what you must do prior to putting a mask on (as in 20 second hand washing or hand sanitizer & the same repeated on taking off the masks & how to dispose of disposable masks . So in a busy shop how are staff meant to do all this with each customer as I very much doubt small business could afford extra staff to oversee this & it shouldn't be a staff member job to do this either .

employers also aren't advising their employees of the government list of exclusions on mask wearing ! Which could lead to confrontation between staff & the customers as lots of employers are instructing staff everyone must wear a mask ! 
employers making employees wear masks when they are excempt from wearing masks ! 

the government guidelines aren't very clear on employess with hearing impairment of any type being able to hear what the customer is asking for it hard enough being an employee & trying to serve customers with a screen infront of you never mind make out what customers are asking when they covered by a mask & therefor if a staff member asked them to remove their masks those that think masks are stopping or preventing spread of Covid could become abusive to staff . 

there is stuff can be printed on British lung foundation site & infact on gov. U.K. site that you can download to your phone or print & show to staff but bit pointless if the employers haven't notified their staff that lots people are excempt from masks . 

bit pointless making masks being made mandatory this length time in to Covid -  the government doing anything they can to made it look like they have been working hard when really they been hardly working & to take the bad look of themselves for all the money they wasting on crap !
&  since they introduced masks saying they protect you no reason why they can't open every the trust services etc back up & start seeing patients - what good for shops & supermarkets etc is good for the health service etc that people haven't had access to in months !! building lying empty with their work from home where possible rule - 1 rule for 1 staff & another for another (job titles shouldn't matter - equal treatment for all employees if the government staff want come & work in the shops & tell customers what they must do well hell bring it on . 

my body my choice springs to mind !! 



#5 Re: Infringements of human rights & forcing people wear masks

2020-08-11 21:01:09

#4: Protect the patients ! - Infringements of human rights & forcing people wear masks  

I would collapse wearing a facemask,  resulting in a hospital admission,  really is this what they want? ? 

The author of this petition

#10 Re: Infringements of human rights & forcing people wear masks

2020-08-12 12:01:15

#4: Protect the patients ! - Infringements of human rights & forcing people wear masks  

I've noticed a lot of retail staff online are confused because their employees are saying they have to wear masks when the executive announced they don't. It's as if the executive are waning to cause division in the public. It's disgraceful to some people abusing staff who aren't wearing them but the government is to blame for that because they created the mindset in the public that people not wearing a mask are a danger to others and don't care or respect them. I believe it was deliberate. Conquer and Divide? Possibly their goal. 

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