Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post


#1617 Re: Re: Re:

2011-10-28 20:25

#1608: - Re: Re:  

 look up laws for commoners rights in law and also definition of as you well know any one that uses for any purpose as prescribed in said laws ect...



#1621 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2011-10-29 00:49:33

#1617: - Re: Re: Re:

'look up laws for commoners rights in law and also definition of as you well know any one that uses for any purpose as prescribed in said laws ect...'

I'm not 100% sure what you mean there (so sorry if I get you wrong), but if you mean that anyone who uses the common is a commoner then I'm afraid you're wrong. Any member of the public can use the common for exercising on or walking accross because it's land that the public have access to, but it doesn't make them commoners. There are only a couple of 'commoners' for Hartle bury common, 'commoners' being the people who have 'common rights'. The couple of commoners with rights on Hartlebury Common have the right to dig sand and stone for their own personal use.