Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post

Graham Dodd


2011-07-19 12:38

Why do people keep cutting the fence? Don't you realise it's people like us that will be paying for it when wcc put their council taxes up to cover the cost! If you don't agree with what's happening fine but stop costing us all MORE MONEY!




2011-07-19 12:56:01

#973: Graham Dodd -

Well said Graham we have all tried to tell them about vandalism but he does'nt seem to understand

He says he's not gonna pay the fine--------

Steve McCarron

#975 cost of fencing

2011-07-19 13:09:28

#973: Graham Dodd -

If you had read the petition page, which you dont seem to have, you would understand that the council should not be spending rate payers money on this fencing. We are tax payers too you know.

The funds have been misapropriated. They are using OUR money to make money for themeselves. The fencing is persuent to every tom dick and harry, sub contractor, consultant, regulatory body, operatives, graziers, vets, cattle providers. You name it THEY have in interest, thats why our money is being used to put up a bloody fence.

Other people can see this clearley. Some people think that the sun shines out of county hall, others disagree.

People have given up with so called normal process, they want to protect their enviroment, hence the fence cutting.

