Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post

steve mccarron

#775 Re: Re: Re:

2011-07-12 00:15

#774: - Re: Re:

The oak trees in question if you look are the same age, we know who planted them, they are not self setters.


Oak trees are highley poisonous to both horses and cattle. Therefore your whole preposition is a nonsence.


How much longer are you going to embarrass yourself?


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2011-07-12 00:19:57


#778 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2011-07-12 00:26:42

#775: - Re: Re: Re:

Not saying that the horses would eat oak trees more their trampling effects would keep the young saplings from growing to full age, hence the advice to graze the common.

Please note oak is toxic not poisionous- "Leaves and acorns of oak contain tannins that are toxic in large enough doses"

If they are toxic to horses surely they should be removed for common users who ride horses?