Quoted post


#239 Please stop this arguing

2014-02-20 17:25

I live on Tunstall road and hate all this arguing. I do not want people knocking on my door trying to scare me and I do not want to receive misleading leaflets. I need to remain anonymous as my neighbours are so aggressive in their views. I support the future and think we should be proud of the new school. Please stop being rude to each other. Maybe this petition should stop as if is inflaming unnecessary arguments.
Perhaps all sides can agree to only talk about facts not scaremongering or opinions. I cannot say openly how I feel and there are many more like me behind closed doors . Is this how people should be treated? The children are our future and we should welcome them.



#240 Re: Please stop this arguing

2014-02-20 17:45:22

#239: None - Please stop this arguing

Unfortunately in a situation like this you will have two sides to the story. i have not noticed anyone being rude to each other just human beings expressing feelings. No one has to hide behind closed doors and certainly no one is knocking on your door being aggresive. You may well want to live opposite a large school but others do not and unfortunately in Tunstall Road I suspect you are in the minority. I have not seen any misleading leaflets but leaflets that give information about what could happen. Its simple if you do not want it then please bin it. There is certainly no scaremongering only the fact that KCC want to relocate the school and local residents do not want it relocated.


#246 Re: Please stop this arguing

2014-02-20 19:21:56

#239: None - Please stop this arguing

Yes we should stick to facts and people who are pro new school and who are in position of trust should not be going round scaremongering about school closures.


#345 Re: Please stop this arguing

2014-04-09 20:59:48

#239: None - Please stop this arguinWhose children though?