Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post

Mark Fisher

#401 Re: Birch not a native species????

2011-06-29 21:15

#108: -

Birch certainly is a native species!!! It was one of the first trees to cover the landscape after the ice receded from the last glacial period.

It is interesting that those who parrot dogma about heathland seem also to be ignorant about our native species, because i have come across that ignorant assertion before!


Steve McCarron

#403 Re: Re: Birch not a native species????

2011-06-29 21:30:56

#401: Mark Fisher - Re: Birch not a native species????

Thanks mark, I was being told only recently by some pseudo conservator about birch trees and what little value they have in this landcsape. Have you had a chance to look around this site. If you get a chance, look a the pictures here



What we have at Hartlebury would be comic if it was not so appalling. Have you seen the article in this weeks radio times by Richard  Mabey?

Also did you see the dispatches programme on ch4 which addressed the issue of pretend conservation for cash.