Induct Robert Bouchard Into The N. S. Country Music Hall Of Fame

Quoted post

Vina Moses

#48 Re:

2014-01-05 20:58

#26: -

As a Board member of the NS Country Music Hall of Fame, I need to let you know that unless someone is nominated according to the process set out in the Bylaws of the NSCMHF, they cannot be inducted.  There is a nomination form on the internet at with all the rules etc or you could contact Floyd Spicer, the President of NSCMHF at (902)462-0694 and he will help you.  All inductees have been nominated and should the forms be completed filled out, the nomination form is sent to independent judges according to the rules.    I hope someone looks into nominating Robert Bouchard and should he not be chosen this year, try again as it all depends on who is nominated in what category and scoring results so keep trying.   It is indeed an honour for those who have contributed to furthering country music in Nova Scotia.    I know the Nominating Committee look forward to receiving nominations for deserving folks.  Hope this information helps out those who want him to be nominated.



#51 Re: Re:

2014-01-05 21:45:49

#48: Vina Moses - Re:

Thank you so much for your valuable information and taking the time to write us. It is my understanding that Robert Bouchard was nominated by someone a few years ago and was denied. That is the reason for the petition. I felt that if the Nova Scotia Country Music Hall of Fame knew how much Robert was loved and admired by his thousands of fans for his music, his chances of induction would increase. It is my intension to send in the nomination for Robert, along with the necessary forms and this petition, on behalf of myself and his fans.


Jeanne Joyce-Stone