Say no to stalybridge mosque

Quoted post


#253 Re: Re: Re:

2013-10-24 19:51

#249: - Re: Re:

A spelling mistake does not negate the point. You come in and make broad statements and presenting your opinion as fact. Atleast I have the presence of mind to read the proposal and consider both arguments equally.

This person has applied legally, been open with their intention and is funding this them self. Arguments against this focus on the fact that I'll advised people assume this means a mosque because it is in partnership with the Islamic society. It is not. Traffic issues because of lots of people attending this mosque but given the car park is for 20cars I believe, this does not warrant traffic concerns raised.

Arguments surrounding it not being fair Muslims get what they want are naive. If you want to achieve something with this building space then buy it. Contribute to the community you love. But do not criticise others for doing the same

If you are concerned regarding trouble in the area look at the current crime rates of Stalybridge. Drunks in the area are a widely acknowledged social issue, yet not one person protested the pub that stood there for years contributing to this.

Everyone's opinions are valid but please be aware the opinions you distribute can be damaging the community also




#255 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2013-10-24 20:18:27

#253: - Re: Re: Re:

What do you call a place where people go to pray to allah 5 times a day, A MOSQUE, therefore they did not apply legally, they used the usuall taqiyya to twist words to make it sound as if it is something it is not. they claim parking will be for 30 not 20 cars, i used to frequent the pub for over 20 years and never in that time saw any serious trouble.

But even in a derelict state without any new mosque the traffic in that area, particularly at school run time is horrendous, so what possible benefit can there be? they say it's to educate people about islam, i know enough thanks, as i posted earlier, i read the quran so iknow more than i ever want to, i don't need some nutter trying to peddle that rubbish in this town.


#256 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2013-10-24 20:26:01

#253: - Re: Re: Re:

Firstly, I do not recall saying "Muslims get what they want".  Secondly, are you naive enough to think because the car park holds 20 cars only 20 cars will visit at one time?  Secondly, you don't need a pub to get drunk, you need an off licence or supermarket and there are plenty of those about.  Thirdly, I cant afford to buy the building and yes I do think it is a shame that it stands empty and boarded up.  If it became a restaurant at least the traffic problems would not be added to during the day and school times.  Yes, Stalybridge does have its social problems that need addressing, but if this Mosque goes ahead then they will only be added to.  Also, please read the comments re donations towards this building.  Why are the Islamic Community of Longsight, Oldham and Ashton wanting this building so much?  They already have their own education centers in their own towns.