Concerned residents of Providence Road Marietta GA

Quoted post


#46 Re: Can we do anyhthing about this? What rights do we have?

2011-03-18 15:41

#45: -  

 The first thing we can do is attend two upcoming meetings-

March 24th Joann Burrell has a town meeting.  At present, she has no real input because Wellstar does not intend to pursue normal zoning process.  But she should hear that her constituents are concerned.

March 30th is a meeting between ECCA and Wellstar, which is open to the public.  Attend this meeting to hear from Wellstar directly, and to voice your concerns.

As far as our rights in this, they appear to be minimal.  Any other business, a gas station, car dealer, office tower would have to go through the zoning process and then we could speak to people that we elected.  At present, the only people Wellstar HAS to consider at present is the Hospital Authority. 



#47 Re: Re: Can we do anyhthing about this? What rights do we have?

2011-03-18 17:44:08

#46: Guest - Re: Can we do anyhthing about this? What rights do we have? 

Commissioner Birrell's townhall meeting will not be dedicated to Wellstar questions. However, the ECCA (East Cobb Civic Association) will host an informational session at its March General Membership meeting on Wednesday, March 30th at the East Cobb Government Center (4400 Roswell Road) at 7pm. The speaker will be Joe Brywczynski, Senior VP & Helath Parks Administrator for Wellstar. He will be giving the community an update on the Wellstar East Cobb Health Park project planned for the intersection of Roswell Road & Providence Road, next to the Goddard School. Additional information concerning this project can be found at