I Would Like Gila County to Cut Cell Phone Expenses Now.

Quoted post

Donna Jones

#2 cell phones

2011-02-17 14:54

What did they do before cell phones? Pagers and car radios were used. The money being spent on cell phones could be better spent on the schools, mental health and low income programs. Who checks the usage, how many personal calls are made on these phones?


Susan K

#3 Re: cell phones

2011-02-17 16:02:28

#2: Donna Jones - cell phones 

 There are unlimitted personal calls at no additionall expence. There is a law that protects gov agencies, group phone service for gov is unlimited calling. If you look at the list of County employees who have cell phones, you would think there  would be a law that protect the citizen from the government from their unlimited taxing plan. Do you think we have nutritional service emergencies? Go to our website and see the list of emplyees who have cell phones. gila1019.com in the news section. I think as a community, on this subject, we should be done demanding answers and start demanding change.