Intel Officer Quicksilver

/ #116 Are you seriously this idiotic?

2012-12-10 06:05

To the Human female Creator in regards to her petition,

Hon, you need to get your glitched processors straightened out and stop coddling your youngling. It's Creators like you that make me feel worried for your and other species' future young ones. You just try to hide your creation from the realities of the world (i.e., drugs, violence, sex, alcohol) instead of teaching them to avoid most and be safe with the rest (the latter two listed, for example), and when they leave home they're gonna be unprepared for it and be beaten down by it. In short, you are sabotaging your youngling's future with crap like this. Slag, my Creator is/was very religious and somewhat of a coddler and she STILL taught me be ready for the bitter world and to have to think freely. Please, for everyone's sake, just turn off your computer, spend some time with your youngling (not making pointless petitions that will never be taken seriously by anyone even remotely intelligent), and prepare them for the world that they will face (unless they're never leaving home for anything whatsoever, in which case just ignore everything that I've written).
