
/ #113

2012-12-10 04:23

With all due respect, ma'am--actually, no, I do not respect you. The entire premise for your argument is that NO child has the mental capacity to discern right from wrong and is prone to commit acts of violence for no other reason than a fictional character they've seen on TV has a name with insanely vague references to topics which a closed-minded adult may consider controversial. Your argument is based under the assumption that ALL children, regardless of parenting methods, environmental factors, natural intellect, and so on, are predisposed to acts of violence, brash decisions, and idiocy. If you honestly believe that a highly beloved and successful entertainment industry such as Hasbro would deliberately "pollute" the minds of their most prolific audience, then my recommendation to you so to get rid of your TV or at least stay away from the toy aisles in Wal-Mart.
If I may be so bold as to say, ma'am, you are one of the reasons so many proud, red-blooded Americans are seen as back-water, hobumpkin hicks with their heads buried so far up their asses that they see nothing but malevolence and ill-intent in the world. So, just take a deep breath, quit bothering Hasbro with your cockamamie delusions, and leave the Internet petitions to objective folks with ACTUAL problems, okay?