Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
Sulocana |
/ #8143 Prabhupada audio poison2012-12-02 13:27http://www.vnn.org/ivc/audioclips/index.html Summary of Audio Clips If you have installed a recent version of either Netscape or Explorer you should be able to listen to the sound files without problems. If your browser cannot play the sound files download one of these sound utilities: Macintosh: SoundMachine / Windows 95: Goldwave or go to shareware.com and download any of the sound utilities there. To listen to sound files more often click on the sound file link, hold down mouse button, and choose "Save As" from the pop-up menu and save the file to your harddisk. VNN Story Sound Clips 12/12/97-1346 Investigators Find Another "Poison" Reference Kaviraja: (Hindi) Newly discovered text: (While kaviraja speaks hindi, yet unidentified whispers can be heard, and then:) Tamala Krsna: Put poison in different containers. Unknown person: That's all right. Audio Clip in WAV Format (2.4 MB) 12/05/97-1321 More Audio Clips "The poison is going down (giggle) the poison is going down" Audio Clip in WAV Format (650 kb) "Is the poison in the milk umm humm" Audio Clip in WAV Format (1 MB) "Poison Ishvarya Rasa Me! or In Me! Take it easy .. get ready to go going under Srila Prabhupada Going under" - devotees offering last..." Audio Clip in WAV Format (2.6 MB) 11/29/97-1295 "Poison Has Been Given" Srila Prabhupada: koi bolta hai koi poison diya hai - some one is saying some poison has been given. Kaviraja: kisko - to whom? Srila Prabhupada: mujko - to me. Sound Clip in WAV Format (150 kb 11/24/97-1278 "Poison Ishvara Rasa" "Poison Ishvara Rasa" Sound Clip in WAV Sound File (501 kb) 11/18/97-1237 Audio Clip Of 2nd Whisper And Updates Srila Prabhupada: "Hmm" About 7 seconds into the clip there is a whisper which is currently being analyzed: ".... is going down" (that is what we hear) Person: Giggles Jayapataka: (speaks about kaviraja) Srila Prabhupada: "I drink milk?" Towards the end of this clip is the controversial "poison" whisper. Two Whisper Sound WAV file (142 seconds - 3MB) Maha Buddhi prabhu's report explains what follows: "Also, listening later on in the tape shortly after "Poison in the Milk" part, actually Bhakti Caru Maharaja asks Srila Prabhupada in Bengali if he would like milk? Srila Prabhupada agrees, he drinks, and Bhakti Caru asks if it is too hot and Srila Prabhupada answers no it is extremely sweet!" 11/17/97-1230 "Whisper" Sound Clip in WAV Format and Updates (The whisper starts about 60 seconds after Srila Prabhupada asks for milk) Sound Clip in WAV Sound File (390 kb) 11/15/97-1214 Preliminary Enhanced Version Of Audio Clip "Let's put poison in the milk... Hmm" Sound Clip in WAV Sound File (390 kb) Sound Clip in Quicktime Sound File (423 kb) 11/12/97-1197 GBC To Call Emergency Meeting "Put the poison in" or "Put the poison in the milk" or "Put the poison in the cup". or "Is the poison in the milk?... Hmm..." This passage is shortly after Srila Prabhupada mentions "milk" and a loud "click" can be heard on the tape as in a poorly done editing cut. Above section in WAV Sound File (2.4 MB) Above section in Quicktime Sound File (2.4 MB) 11/11/97-1196 Incriminating Whisper Found On "Poison Tapes" 1. "Lets not poison him and go" or 2. "Lets now poison him and go." Sound Clip in WAV Sound File (390 kb) Sound Clip in Quicktime Sound File (325 kb) 11/04/97-1159 20th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance Day Overshadowed By "Poison Tapes" Room Conversation, Vrindavan 10/31/77 Prabhupada: Huh. No more, no more trial. Adri-dharana? Adri-dharana: Yes, Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada: What do you think? Adri-dharana: About this man? Prabhupada: Yes. Follow strictly. Tamala Krsna: Do you agree that we should follow strictly his advice? Adri-dharana: From my experience I think he's a very good man. He's a Vaisnava. Tamala Krsna: We certainly have... We might as well try. We've tried everyone else. Prabhupada: Hm. Tamala Krsna: So let us try. Bhavananda: He did agree with your own diagnosis, Prabhupada. He said makaradhvaja at this point would be poison and today you said that it was poison. Prabhupada: Yes. Bhavananda: So that was... Prabhupada: Mm. Mm? Tamala Krsna: Satadhanya asks whether he looks like the man you saw in the dream. Prabhupada: He has tilaka? Tamala Krsna: Yes, he has nice tilaka. Prabhupada: (indistinct). The other man, he has nice tilaka? Tamala Krsna: Govardhanaji has tilaka? Adri-dharana: No. Tamala Krsna: No. Prabhupada: That's all right. Adri-dharana: Also Govardhanaji was not very, extremely helpful. He said he would not come to Vrndavana. He said he would not... Tamala Krsna: Now this man said in fifteen days Prabhupada would be better. Adri-dharana: He said there will be improvement, in a few days, two or three days there will be improvement. Above section in Quicktime Sound File (2.6 MB) Room Conversation Vrindavan 10/77 Prabhupada: So... Kaviraja he might ... Tamala Krsna: What Srila Prabhupada? Prabhupada: That Kaviraja .. some how another it does not happen. Tamala Krsna: I don't feel this is conclusively not happened. Prabhupada: Simply, one after another. Tamala Krsna: Yeah.. First we had that Madva.. not Madva - Ramanuji from Sri Rangaji temple he seemed to be a cheater... then this one we got this medicine from that Shakti...Shakta Kaviraja and that medicine turned out to be poison. Prabhupada: Hmm... Tamala Krsna: And now this Kaviraja, who is supposed to be coming from Calcutta has become a mystery where he is. The temple was called they said had left... Devotee: Twice... Tamala Krsna: ...they called twice to Calcutta...they said they left and yet he is not here. I don't know what to make of it. A very puzzling situation. I think if by tomorrow noon they have not arrived, then Satadanya can go to Calcutta. Above section in Quicktime Sound File (2.8 MB) Room Conversation, Vrindavan 11/8/77 Prabhupada: Sa eva go-kharah. (pause) Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada? You said before that you..., that it is said that you were poisoned? Prabhupada: No. These kind of symptoms are seen when a man is poisoned. He said like that, not that I am poisoned. Tamala Krsna: Did anyone tell you that, or you just know it from before? Prabhupada: I read something. Tamala Krsna: Ah, I see. That's why actually we cannot allow anyone else to cook for you. Prabhupada: That is good. Tamala Krsna: Jayapataka Maharaja was telling that one acarya, Sankaracarya, of the Sankaracarya line--this was a while ago--he was poisoned to death. Since that time, none of the acaryas or the gurus of the Sankaracarya line will ever take any food cooked except by their own men. Prabhupada: My Guru Maharaja also. Tamala Krsna: Oh. You, of course, have been so merciful that sometimes you would take prasada cooked by so many different people. Prabhupada: That should be stopped. (pause) Above section in Quicktime Sound File (3.1 MB) Room Conversation, Vrindavan 11/9-10/77 Devotee: What did Prabhupada just say? Unknown (Indian accent): Prabhupad just said that this morning his condition was bad. Bhavananda: SP was complaining about mental distress this morning. Kaviraja: (Hindi)... mental distress? Prabhupada: (Hindi)... poison. Kaviraja: (Hindi) Devotee: Some one gave him poison. Kaviraja: (Hindi) Tamal Krishna: Prabhupada was thinking that someone was poisoning him. That was the mental disturbance. Kaviraja: (Hindi) Tamal Krishna: What did Kaviraja say? Unknown (Indian accent): He said that when Srila Prabhupada is saying that there must be some truth behind it. Devotee: What is ....? Devotee: That someone gave him some poison - powdered (many voices - hindi) Tamal Krishna: Srila Prabhupada, Shastraji says that there must be some truth to it if you said that. So who is it that has poisoned? Pause...... Kaviraja: (Hindi - asking SP) (Hindi conversation) Devotee: What did he say? Unknown (Indian accent): He said that it is quiet possible that Mercury is a kind of poison. Kaviraja: Very poison... Bhavananda: What medicine was he taking before that. Unknown (Indian accent): He is referring to a big case husband poisoning the wife. Tamal Krishna: No poison is strong enough to stop the harinam. Above section in Quicktime Sound File (2.1 MB) Room Conversation, Vrindavan 11/10/77 Jagadisa: Srila Prabhupada, can you tell us why you want to go on the parikrama? Bhakti-caru: (Bengali) (break) Prabhupada: ...good paddy. Tamala Krsna: This seems like suicide, Srila Prabhupada, this program. It seems to some of us like it's suicidal. Prabhupada: And this is also suicidal. Tamala Krsna: Hm. Prabhupada said, "And this is also suicide." Now you have to choose which suicide. Prabhupada: The Ravana will kill and Rama will kill. Better to be killed by Rama. Eh? That Marica--if he does not go to mislead Sita, he'll be killed by Ravana; and if he goes to be killed by Rama, then it is better. Tamala Krsna: Who is this Prabhupada's talking about? Devotees: Marica. Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada? I mean, just judging the symptoms, which is all that we can do, certain symptoms have certainly picked up. For instance, you're passing more urine, stool is coming naturally, and you're able to drink milk without getting any cough. These things were never there before. Prabhupada: Hm. That will continue. Above section in Quicktime Sound File (2.6 MB) |
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