Save Dog Shows and Docked Breeds In Northern Ireland

Claire Kay

/ #23 Dont ban, but if you do dont make a shambles of it

2011-01-12 19:32

If the powers that be in England had said you can keep docking but we will ban the removal of few claws, at least I could have understood it. It has to be admitted that the pups do feel the dew claws but it is considered a necessary evil as the pain endured and incessant bleeding by dogs tearing the dew claws is potentially a lot worse, BUT the docking or banding of pups tails is not cruel and when done correctly does not cause pain to the puppy. The best scenario would have always been to licence the very best and most expereiced breeders to painlessly dock on behalf of the population of breeders of docked breeds, but that would have been too sensible.
If a ban is inevitable PLEASE do not make the same dogs breakfast of bringing in the law as the English did. In Wales you can show a legally docked dog at all shows, the same in Scotland, but in England you can only show a legally docked dog at shows without a paying gate. My question this the government and anyone else who thinks this is right is, " If the docking ban was brough in on the basis of cruelty then is it onbly crual when the public are chaged to get in! " what an unjust shambles dont follow suit