Opposition to ITV
can you get more stibborn than this |
/ #522 see what ml bhams senior says: ml binnori was the rector of the darul uloom he studied at in karachi2012-09-20 07:32THE TV MAY NOT BE USED TO PROPOGATE DEEN
The final bayaan of Hazrat Mowlana Yusuf Binnori (rahmatullaahi ‘alayh) Dhul Qa’dah 1397 A.H. (36 years ago)
Deen may not be promoted or spread by using those means and methods which the Shari’at has declared impermissible
Hazrat Mufti Taqi Uthmani Saheb, after penning the following incident, writes: “These last advices of Hazrat Binnori (rahmatullaahi ‘alayh) should be inscribed on the heart of every person involved in propagating and spreading Deen.”
A few days before his demise, Mowlana Binnori (rahmatullaahi ‘alayh) attended a meeting of the Islamic Advisory Council in Islamabad. On the second day of the meeting, some people approached Mowlana, requesting him to deliver a bayaan (lecture) which would be broadcasted on television. Mowlana politely excused himself and did not accede to their request.
This then led to the question of whether television, videos, etc. should be used for the sake of spreading and propagating Deen, if it is kept free from immodesty, shamelessness and other such elements which negatively affect peoples’ character. Although not on the agenda of the meeting, this topic was unofficially being discussed.
The crux of what Mowlana Binnori (rahmatullaahi ‘alayh) said on this occasion is as follows:
I would like to mention one important usool (principle) regarding the topic under discussion. Allah Ta’ala has not made us mukallaf (duty bound) to use any and every means possible, in order to bring people onto Deen. Yes, we have most definitely been made mukallaf (duty bound) to use the various permissible means and methods of propagating Deen at our disposal. Together with commanding us to propagate and spread Deen, Islam has shown us the method and aadaab (etiquette) of propagating Deen as well. We are mukallaf (duty bound) to propagate Deen, but within the confines of those methods and aadaab. If we, by adopting the permissible methods and means of propagating Deen, achieve our goals and objectives, then well and good. But, supposingly, if we adopt the permissible means and methods, and by so doing, we do not achieve our goals, then we have not been made mukallaf to adopt those methods and means declared impermissible by Shari’at, just for the sake of propagating the message of Deen and winning people over to our side. If by adopting those methods and means which Shari’at has permitted, together with the aadaab of propagation, only one person is brought onto Deen, then our propagation efforts have been successful. On the other hand, if, by adopting those methods and means which are declared impermissible by Shari’at, even a hundred people are affected and won over, then this ‘success’ or ‘achievement’ holds no value in the sight of Allah Ta’aala, because that propagation which entails trampling upon the laws of Deen, can never be the propagation of Deen, but rather it is propagation of something else.
Videos and films are in itself against the laws of Islam, therefore we have not been made mukallaf (commanded) of using it for the propagation of Deen.
We will extend our heart and soul for those who are prepared to listen to our Da’wat through the correct and permissible means, but as for those who are only prepared to listen to our Da’wat if it is done via those means and methods which are not permissible, like videos and films, then we are ma’zoor (excused) from conveying the message to such persons in such a manner.
If we do not adopt this stance which has been explained, then today, for the sake of the people, we will be using films to propagate Deen, tomorrow women without pardah/hijaab will be used for spreading Deen, and we will try to bring people onto Deen through gatherings of music and dancing…and in this way, in the name of propagating Deen, we will be trampling upon and destroying the laws of Shariat, one by one.
[Adapted from Ulama-e-deoband kê aakhree lamahaat pg.170/171]
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