Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools


/ #158 Re: School Calendar

2012-01-16 17:34

#131: Kick out the unbalanced four - School Calendar 

 The 3 new board members were voted virtually unopposed,

- how can you be "virtually unopposed", you are opposed or not;  every candidate who won election to the board in the last election: beat a candidate that supported the August 1 start date calendar

- "3 new board members and 1 existing members had a private meeting voting 2 of themselves as chairman and vice chairman";  - how can it be "private" when it is legally announced and televised?

"have strange ties to an individual who has told at least 1 of them to hold strong on the calendar vote and not to forget who put them office and who can take them out, this same person was given by someone a copy of the names address and employment records of everyone who voted to keep the balanced calendar and that person then created a hit list and on at least 1 occasion 1 of the 4 tolled 1 of the 3 to quit being a bitch in front of people for asking about the hit list."

 - alrighty then