Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #7145 neethi

2011-12-24 17:04

Any religious book is meant only for its believers. Only those who have faith in the religion will accept the contents of the religious book. Therefore there need not be any say for the non-believers on the contents of the religious books. Afterall Bhagavad Gita is meant for the upliftment of the human race. Why should those who don't want to have this improvement be concerned about it. In a secular country, where freedom of speech is given importance, there should not be any sort of empowerment for any section of the public to prohibit others. Thought feeding process for the people should not be curtailed. As a matter of fact, since no terrorist attitude is envisaged bhagavat Gita should not be prohibited in any part of the world. NEETHI