Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #7118

2011-12-24 14:05

For myself, The Bhagavad Gita, is the most beautiful, inspiring peace of literature to ever be written. Brings a tear to my eye, to know people in this world strive to take that away.
Those who seek power, will always work against others with free, open, knowledgeable minds. Compassion for those, who do not see.
I have never been to a Krsna Temple, that resembled a concentration camp. I have never seen anyone, murdered, or gassed, during a ceremony of love, and praise to Krsna. Upon researching the ancient symbol, the swastika. Even somebody with only half, of a functioning brain, would be able to see that Hitler truly butchered the swastikas meaning. (literally) Comparing the Gita to, any publication of Hitler's, is a crime in itself.
Compassion for those who do not see.
One can only hope, the researchers, and prosecutors can take a deeper look, within themselves, without being guided by thoughts of political advancement, or financial success. After all, when we leave this planet, the only thing we take is our beautiful spirits.
God Bless, Hare Krsna. Hare, Hare.