Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #69542011-12-24 07:41http://www.ateism.ru/article.htm?no=1360 R.Naumov, S.Voloshin Russian Orthodox Church as destructive sect In the decision № 4 (138) from February, 12th, 1998 the Appellate court on information disputes at the President of the Russian Federation notices that in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no such concept as "sect". According to experts from ИСС, "use of legally incorrect term" the sect "in activity of official bodies kindles xenophobia, intolerance and violence in поликонфессиональном the Russian society". *** "Term" sectarianism »in application to many religious associations simply is not lawful. The verdict"sect"is frequently taken out by those believer who leave official church and do not correspond to criteria of official religiousness. The sect is understood as this or that community of the turncoats, changed to traditional church bases Foreign authors prefer to name small religious communities« free church groups », and the Russian legislation at all does not use "the sect" term. Thus, hardly probable the term"sect"approaches to the representatives, all not orthodox religious associations of Christian sense, not to mention all the others. Occurrence of the slanderous newspaper publications offending business reputation of any not of orthodox religious association, provoke xenophobia, межконфессиональную enmity, illegal actions concerning religious minority. Similar newspaper articles, only promote creation round some religious organisations of intolerable moral atmosphere that is absolutely unacceptable in democratic and a lawful state …» The most terrible sect But, that lawyers did not speak, the Russian Orthodox Church which year, bothers us with the hysterical itch, concerning so-called «totalitarian destructive sects». That means this verbal triptych which has been thought up in bowels of Russian Orthodox Church very few people knows. To understand, we will address to scientific, academic concepts, instead of to emotions of preachers and for clearness we will begin with last word. SECT (from an armour. secta - religious group, the community which has broken away from dominating church. Figuratively - a group of persons, become isolated in the narrow interests and showing animosities to heterodoxy. The big Soviet Encyclopedia) The HERESY, heretics — In language church dogmatic persons means conscious and deliberate evasion from clearly expressed and formulated article of belief, and at the same time — allocation from structure of church of a new society. "Brockhaus and Efron's encyclopaedic dictionary". But, if thoroughly to understand in the history, it turns out, on a minimum, the Russian Orthodox Church is, in тройне heretical sect! In the first, all иудеи and not only they, consider Christianity - the grown from sectarian Nazareth, Judaic heresy - hostile in relation to an orthodox, initial Judaism. And modern anti-Semitism and иудофобия in Russian Orthodox Church to that an example. Except the Bible, correctness of such reasonings is confirmed also with archeological finds. In 1947 in a cave near to Kumrana, in forty minutes of driving to the east from Jerusalem, the so-called manuscripts of "Dead Sea" dated the first centuries of a new era and earlier time have been found out. The American and Israeli scientists have quickly published the finds which have caused huge interest all over the world. Manuscripts of "Dead Sea", stored certificates on the messianic, apocalyptic religious community living on this place about 2 thousand or more of years ago. In 1950, professor Sorbonny Andre Dupont-Somme has given the first public lecture which has become by the international sensation. One of texts of the Dead Sea was the description «New testament sect». Head of this sect was a messianic figure, the elect divine, called «the teacher праведности» and undergone per-secutions and sufferings. Its followers believed that the world end approaches. And they having belief in the Teacher will escape only. Dupont-Somme did a conclusion that «the teacher праведности» in many respects was «Jesus exact prototype». Worst of all that the community as it has appeared, was not simply messianic and apocalyptic on the spirit, but the militant and revolutionary power aimed at capture and an establishment of a kingdom, the sample of the New testament. In other words, its orientation was in not smaller degree political, than religious and it, as well as it is necessary to sect, showed animosities not only to an orthodox Judaism, but also to the existing government. The church has begun to panic at once. The documents, concerning the isolated Judaic sect, were one, and documents which could cast a shade on Christianity sources, — absolutely another. The church began to undertake attempts of concealment and discredit of conclusions and finds of scientists which lasted in a flesh, till 90 years. Further As it is known from the same Bible - I.Hristos for the activity, has been recognised by the criminal, is condemned by the state court and is executed by the authorities. From this it follows that the new testament, it no more, than the description of its criminal activity. Therefore actually, all Christians worship to the criminal - to the sectarian and its criminal ideas. But the most important thing that for two thousand years, being covered with his name, they have made set of crimes and first of all - the massacre which account goes on millions innocently ruined lives. Secondly, apostles Peter and Pavel, have ostensibly founded the Roman Christian church, but in any way orthodox which has arisen самозванно and became still the Byzantian sectarian heresy rather hostile to first, Roman and the heterodoxy in general. The first burnings of people on fires inquisitors, have begun not in medieval Europe, and in Byzantium, even before Orthodoxy acceptance in Russia, those. To 988 years. Thirdly, having come to Russia, this Byzantian sect, has once again broken up, on large, in 17 century, and in additives, has become still никонианской sectarian heresy. As well as it is necessary, by the scientific definition, rather hostile to страрообрядцам, having destroyed millions innocent people. And if to take on a maximum degree of sectarian heresy of Russian Orthodox Church increases even more since никонианство after revolution has broken up, on сергианство and Russian Orthodox Church з, till the most recent time two conflicting camps and still heels, smaller currents constantly conflicting among themselves and publicly accusing each other in sectarianism. And after "reorganisation" to them sects have increased: УПЦ and «new обновленцы», rock priests and д.т., Etc. also conflicting and intolerant of first two and among themselves As it is visible sect is the term, inherent it is exclusive: to intolerant Orthodoxy, Christianity. In others religion it also is not used. If it to use most correctly it is applicable to contradictory clans and groups inside and about MT as it has pulled out it in this world, from gloomy vaults of medieval inquisition and everywhere it advertises. Then, for example, we have: the sect of Rigidera, sect of Gundjaeva, sect of Klementa, Kuraev's sect or sect of orthodox standard-bearers, spiritual возродителей, sect of orthodox citizens etc. Turns out in one big sect of MT of Russian Orthodox Church it is possible to count about fifty small sectarian groups and circles, and really awful, the right radical calling for violence and overthrow of the power and nationalist extremist - dangerous to the state and health of citizens. We go further: TOTALITARIANISM (from ср a.-century. An armour. totalis - everything, whole, full). 1) one of state forms (the totalitarian state), characterised by its full (total) control over all spheres of life of a society, actual liquidation of constitutional laws and freedom, reprisals concerning opposition and far-outers (e.g., various forms of totalitarianism in fascist Italy, Germany, About 20th 20 century totalitarianism became official ideology fascist to Germany and Italy. The big Soviet Encyclopedia) As we see, Russian Orthodox Church totalitarianism is historically inherent also. Till 1917, it was an official cult of the Russian empire. And now all comes back again. Church extending as the tumour tries to crush under itself all гос the device, all public organisations, and private life of citizens for the purpose of imposing of the mercenary interests by all and will. Control over mass-media is already carried out, church censorship is entered. To please the Russian Orthodox Church goes infringement of constitutional laws and freedom in the field of religious relations. There are also reprisals, as in Russian Orthodox Church, against objectionable attendants, including their murder, and concerning competitors of church - all other faiths, restriction of their rights and liquidation. To all there is also a merging of Orthodoxy with nazism, priests already bless nazi murderers and thugs As to the term "destructive" you will not find it in the Academy dictionaries - it ненаучен, it have invented in orthodox psychiatry which specialises on heterodoxy prosecution in religious sphere. But, it, as directly concerns to Russian Orthodox Church. And that such orthodox psychiatry it is possible to read here 2. Last and future church гулаги. http://www.ateism.ru/articles/comrad07.htm ДИСТРУКТИВНЫЙ As repeat many orthodox editions: «as the Destructive religious organisation is called the organisation which applies a deceit at involving and control of consciousness to the members without them on that of the consent.» And so «the Deceit at involving». It is possible to carry everything To it, so-called church "miracles" used by church, for belief suggestion.Туринскую a shroud, fertile fire, crying of icons, etc. – exposed by a modern science Besides, the Russian Orthodox Church is the religious association having issued dogma and a religious cult, but inherently activity it is the commercial socially-political organisation which is engaged in various kinds of business, manufacture, a policy and actively interfering with affairs of the secular state and different religions that contradicts the constitution of the Russian Federation and international law. In the field of religious studies, the seminarist of Russian Orthodox Church does not receive objective knowledge of religion and religious culture, and representations about history and dogma of traditional religions are frequently deformed or directly incorrect "." Consciousness Control. Consists in behaviour control, information control, control of thinking and control of emotions. »And so« behaviour Control» Followers of Russian Orthodox Church wear special black clothes. The day regimen is changed: lifting in 4-5 o'clock in the morning, prayers, at 6 o'clock. Sexual relations among those who became monks and "secular clergy" stop, they live with an opposite sex as the brother with the sister. «Information control» Information control consists in obligatory studying of the orthodox literature which have been let out Russian Orthodox Church. «Thinking control» Adherents of Russian Orthodox Church should worship to the head of Russian Orthodox Church and I.Hristu undividedly. Any thoughts which can distract the adherent from worship should be stopped. Heterodoxy Is not supposed also all not consent are expelled. The Whole world shares on we (the elite orthodox) and they (all the others - pagans) to which is purposely inspired contempt. The consciousness of the adherent fluctuates between I.Hristu's undivided worship and to the patriarch and comprehension of infinitely defective. Long services and the prayers reaching of 4 and more hours, promote occurrence in many hallucinations both visual, and acoustical - «signs, miracles» and to growth of mental deviations.Строгий control over monks and employees of church is carried out by heads of arrivals, temples and monasteries. Individual conversations and collective prayers practise.« Control of emotions ». At believers emotions of fault before I.Hristom, by means of suggestions, and emotion of fear for the terrestrial life and fear that it is impossible to get to a kingdom божие are formed. In the literature extended by Russian Orthodox Church, appeals to a doomsday, the Last Judgement contain, the apathetic relation to life is declared, the extremism, religious рознь and intolerance is inspired and propagandised. Spirituality in Russian Orthodox Church dogma, is changed by interests of the corrupted official and church bureaucracy. It: 1) is destructive, bears in itself terrible destructive potential concerning values of world culture, institute of a family, stability of the state, interests of unity of a society as a whole, 2) harms health of citizens, promotes growth of superstitions and ignorances, to destruction of families and creates far-fetched obstacles for dialogue of different cultures. 3) interferes with civil education of children and youth in the spirit of internationalism and respect of world cultures and religions. 4) promotes development of extremist moods and the chauvinistic relation to national culture, the state and a cultural heritage as a whole ”. And here one more orthodox qualifier. «In one of articles (the newspaper" Evening Novosibirsk ", on April, 16th, 2005) a deputy head it is information-konsultatsinnogo" the centre concerning sectarianism at an orthodox cathedral sacred благоверного prince Alexander Nevsky ". Oleg Zaev gives advice how to distinguish sects. And from these councils it turns out that... Russian Orthodox Church too sect. Do not trust? Let's check up. To understand, whether is sect that religious organisation in which you have appeared, it is offered to answer 13 questions. "And if at least you have answered one of questions" yes ", this group has to a greater or lesser extent turned to sect", - writes "Evening Novosibirsk". So, a question № 1. Whether "There is a rigid system of beliefs, axioms?" No doubt, at Russian Orthodox Church such system of beliefs and axioms exists. Question № 2. Whether "the doctrine Is proclaimed is unique the correct?" Here it is possible to make a helpless gesture only. Russian Orthodoxy categorically insists what their doctrine is unique the true. Also the one who has accepted Orthodoxy can escape only. Question № 3. Whether "the open or latent war with иноверцами Is conducted?" We think, concerning a Russian Orthodox Church position on such point all is clear to you already from this article. http://jesuschrist.ru/news/2005/05/29/8457 Question № 5. Whether "There is an intolerance to other points of view?" Without comments. Question № 7. Whether "the importance Is given to rituals?" Come into any orthodox temple, and the answer will be by itself. Without having reached the termination of the list of questions, we have already received five "yes". And now we will remind that for reckoning of religious group to the sects, enough one such "yes". Therefore rightfully it is possible to name Russian Orthodox Church criminal and dangerous sect, to its signs of definition «it is totalitarian – destructive sects» How danced orthodox Salomei from MT, asking from the authorities, to sacrifice to them, the next cult, from a lawful state, its judicial, legislative and executive powers and political parties, it is not admissible absolutely not and contradicts democracy principles - to encourage church, in per-secution of other religious trends. And it is especially immoral, in it to participate. And what we see for today? The Russian Orthodox Church when to it it is favourable, with pleasure uses in struggle against the contenders on a religious field, former fruits and political Soviet propagation. Though cries out, as to it badly was at communists. Now it makes an attempt опровославить and the pity rests, atheistic ideologists in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, expelling and criticising the presents ленинцев. Thanks to efforts of church the phenomenon of orthodox atheism arises. When one cult of Russian Orthodox Church with its degrading doctrine admits and existence of all other religions and gods is denied. And in old spirit, totalitarian православно communistic intolerance with them struggle, as with enemies of party belief is conducted. If to speak about political sectarianism – opportunism and ренегатстве, grasped зюгановцев all facts of transformation of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, from party of communists in pravoslavno-nationalist sect - it is available. On protest meetings, against lawful existence to Russia the various, religious organisations which are not arranging with MT of Russian Orthodox Church, communists go now hand in hand with orthodox fanatics, xenophobes and extremists. It is amusing that some philosophising communists and seminary students develop new crazy theories on which only orthodox "Christ", instead of Catholic or Protestant admits. It, appears, «and there was the first communist, and a Marxism-Leninism in general its doctrine». Then there is also an epoch of atheistic godlessness – its will. Taking guardianship over the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the church does not forget to supply зюгановцев антисектанской with the literature and to extend in their environment ideas favourable to and intolerance sights. In the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in all now quote any homebrew orthodox provokers and sent to us from the American CIA - in the person кураевых, дворкиных and to it similar. And Zyuganov writes books about orthodox Russia. Many лже communists stand up and for introduction of training to bases of orthodox culture and support orthodox skinheads. For communistic перерожденцев, orthodox бритоголовые murderers it appears "patriots" »! Where it suits? Where Lenin atheism, internationalism or at least горбачевский, the democratic approach to a freedom of worship? Оправославить the most mass and strong opposition party favourably Russian Orthodox Church and not only to it, for three reasons. First, the church cleans all contenders another's hands and laughs. Secondly, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is switched to struggle with what that sects, in a place of that to defend and struggle for social interests of the people and voters – the power it is very happy. Thirdly, communists in скопе with other parties actively vote for everything that is favourable Russian Orthodox Church, that is, lobby its interests in the Duma. To forbid entrance of foreign missionaries – please, privileges for Russian Orthodox Church and restriction of the rights of other faiths – please, to pass the law favourable to church about «not to a freedom of worship» - please, pensions to priests from гос of the budget, that is from pockets of tax bearers - all right. All it, they have already made. On turn to enter from all Russians (иноверцев and atheists) the universal tax, to the constant maintenance of the most terrible sect of Russian Orthodox Church. And if the people, навыбиравший поповствующих головотяпов in the Duma, keep silent, after all and it will accept … Here the example only from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but such and even more the worst situation with all large Russian political formations is considered. In the company of per-secution, objectionable Russian Orthodox Church, religious communities, are involved: LDPR, the Native land and an United Russia even more fawning, upon church. Certainly, atmosphere of orthodox intolerance soars in the Duma and in many bodies гос managements both central, and local. Will familiarise with monitoring of infringements of the Russian legislation in more details, orthodox officials it is possible here http://www.rlinfo.ru/news/ http://religion.sova-center.ru/events/13B742E/150814B http://religion.sova-center.ru/events/13B742E/13CC9F1/ And we try to tell here about what that democracy and freedom of citizens when their state and breaks, following the tastes of the most terrible sect Russian Orthodox Church. As a rule, all information on «sectarian horrors», spread in a society, is obtained from speeches of orthodox preachers and their literature. But the orthodox literature is inconsistent, primitive, false and pursues absolutely accurate ideological aims. In this case it is directed on elimination of all competitors of Russian Orthodox Church, a way навешивания a label "sect" and развязыванием the subsequent per-secution, this "sect" to mass-media, гос establishments and a society. In cultural traditions not burdened as Orthodoxy, ignorance and painful intolerance, admits the right, practically for any person to reach so-called inspiration or transformation and to start to preach according to given, to one it the information or revelations. Thus, not necessarily it should coincide with already known, traditional doctrines completely. It is absolutely correct, clever and democratic approach. He allows to keep and develop the present spirituality in our society constantly gravitating to distortion of true by dead dogmas, hypocrisy and to its submission, not to spiritual interests. Therefore this offensive label there is not applied As it is known, Jesus, bearing the new message, began the way with small group of pupils, all in 12 persons. Appear it again so now, фарисействующие conformists without doubts have hung on its group, a sect label. As it is a label it can be stuck on everything, everything, without troubling itself reflexions, whether to a place it or not. As the Russian Orthodox Church, successfully forming images of "enemies" of church and where there, it appears even «enemies of Russia» becomes! «Terrible, zombiing, the control alien to orthodox spirit», etc. etc. – all it not legal arguments, behind all this terminology is visible church envy and desire to eliminate competitors. Besides, similar horrors as it is visible, it is full in Russian Orthodox Church. As it is known from the church press, terrible sects «deprive of people, mental health, money and apartments, manage violence». But, there is nobody not a secret that in any city at each orthodox church at any time, it is full of any cripples, кликуш and psychopaths, a terrible state. Probably they were made such by Orthodoxy …. http://www.kp.ru/daily/23567/43637 Beatings of children in orthodox shelters http://www.ateism.ru/article.htm?no=1345 the patriarchy throws out people from apartments http://2000.novayagazeta.ru/nomer/2000/63n/n63n-s29.shtml Priests have expelled people from own house http://www.solidarnost.org/article.php?issue=21§ion=17&article=400 Also that is surprising, so-called orthodox «fighters with sectarians» http://www.sektoved.narod.ru/ about victims and suffered from Russian Orthodox Church and to hear want nothing. Therefore as all them «struggle against sects» - the Russian Orthodox Church also is financed. If someone breaks laws, for trials should be independent, secular, instead of оправославившееся the state institutes. If it, simply advancing something, the competitor of Russian Orthodox Church - excuse. The state here not and. Why people are obliged to go in collapsing your Zhiguli if there is a possibility to sit down in qualitative Mercedes? All right to overtake it in "spirituality" of which you are proud, instead of slander both imperious restrictions and abusings. "Control" - and where it at us is not present? Take at least army from it безприкословным submission, servility and a worship for immoral officers and дедовщиной – here one of awful and blood-thirsty sects! In which in a peace time every year, the person perishes on 5тысяч and criminal offences, however who is not going to disper-se and forbid it prosper. Moreover, all victims and witnesses there in every possible way intimidate, and crimes carefully disappear. And as we see Russian Orthodox Church supports similar to it on spirit, army sect. Look, as priests have attacked on the soldier's mothers, tried to protect the children, from an arbitrariness of blood-thirsty sectarians in лампасах and epaulets. And you tell control …. In orthodox книжонках do not write, what methods the Russian Orthodox Church with enemies »And these methods, on the one hand criminal with another at level of operative work спец services"struggles". Beginning from hooliganisms, pogroms and murders, members and leaders objectionable patriarchies, the religious organisations and finishing засылкой an orthodox agency in numbers of"sectarians"which there, under the pretext of« spiritual interest », collects the compromising evidence, and makes provocations to expose then"sect"in an unattractive kind before the authorities and a society. They also give out themselves then for «victims of sectarians». Though, legal experts to originally know that there is no victim of sect recognised as court. Despite it, impudently lying orthodox sources blow to us about hundreds and thousand «stirred up and made destitute» All it is vile and disgusting. Such position of Russian Orthodox Church is absolutely not compatible to the status of the spiritual organisation moreover and applying for a role of the leader in the country. Therefore it is necessary to observe the constitutional freedom of worship. And to support all that is a normal counterbalance and alternative to a totalitarian floor to criminal monopolism of Russian Orthodox Church. Are afraid here there is nothing. Any religious community will not get never such weight and influence on all spheres of our society and the power as Russian Orthodox Church. But during too time, alternative, will weaken spiritually degrading church that for a long time it is time and to make. It is important to protect not sects, and the constitutional freedom of worship and the right of each person to have the sight at the world. Is right to dispose freely of the choice, in as that it to trust and to that not to trust. And also the guaranteed right to reception of that information which only he will wish. And in this area, should not be what abusings and privileges from outside рпц. There should not be a totalitarian imposing by everything, Orthodoxy. And the destructive approach when speech comes about observance of legitimate rights of all not the orthodox. Certainly threat of democracy and to a freedom of worship represents not what be unknown and small religious group about which and we hear that of инквизиционно - detective orthodox sources, and itself Russian Orthodox Church, with its most powerful both well debugged structure and the propagation which exclusively dominating over all layers of our society and has crushed under all гос the power. Russian Orthodox Church very much excite, new religious movements, certainly from the point of view Rivalries, instead of spirituality. But these most НРД (on an orthodox slang) in difference, from good to us of known and most terrible sect of Russian Orthodox Church, have no dark thousand-year history of inquisition and per-secutions on far-outers. They have not soiled themselves neither mass executions, nor tortures, neither religious wars, nor pogroms. So why, the sect of Russian Orthodox Church which was getting up all is centuries in Russia good, and they, whether see all bad? Any religious communities have the right to the existence if do not break laws of the Russian Federation irrespective of, likes they someone or not. And even if someone from their members, suddenly will make an offence, the concrete person, for concrete act, instead of a religious community as a whole should answer. There should not be attacks to it and its doctrine (certainly it does not concern to what be каннибалам where fulfilment of crimes is a cult integral part). In an opposite case itself rightfully it is possible to name Russian Orthodox Church sect of murderers, thieves, embezzlers of public funds and other criminals and immoral persons therefore as, all this public goes to church prays and names itself orthodox. At all конституционно also breaks freedoms of worship existence so-called «the orthodox centres on struggle against sects». For, if the offence is really made, there are state law enforcement bodies and if the person needs treatment, there are hospitals. On what basis the church has appropriated these functions? What it for arbitrariness? Moreover, under the pretext of «the help to victims» people there simply, turn into Orthodoxy, with use of hypnosis and psychotropic preparations. On an orthodox slang it is called депрограмминг. The fanatics extremely afflicted with Orthodoxy and agents serve in such centres foreign спец the services, interested in kindling of the centres interreligious break a set in territory of Russia that with success it is possible to them. Has especially succeeded in it, working in Soviet period on цереушном radio Freedom, the citizen of the USA, A.Dvorkin http://www.sektoved.narod.ru/ and its colleague O.Stenjaev, it is visible too on the instructions of western спец the services, run across in Russian Orthodox Church from Russian Orthodox Church () with special mission … In this connection, it is rather interesting to remember that the director of CIA A.Dalles, stating known «Reflections about realisation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR», in 1945, gave a special role to kindling between national – religious break a set also to planting лже morals, in territory of the USSR for the purpose of its disorder, well and now and Russia. Times when CIA threw to us saboteurs from parachutes and carried in hiding places blasting нац - the religious literature, for a long time have passed also radio "Freedom" it was closed as superfluous. But as Russia still exists, struggle is displaced in a new plane and conducted quite openly, in our territory, moreover under a reliable roof - Russian Orthodox Church!!. Thanks to Stenjaevu, Dvorkin and them similar, there was one more, an interesting orthodox phenomenon «сектоведение», http://www.sektoved.narod.ru/ demanding special studying and the analysis. «Сектоведы» differ special intolerance and obscurantism not only under the relation to all not orthodox faiths, but also the orthodox communities, doing not wish will obey to Russian Orthodox Church MT. The western agency skilfully inflates hatred and plays defects of orthodox hierarches of MT - egoism, pride and intolerance.« Сектоведы »frequent habitues of different paranoid orthodox conferences, parties and forums. By them it is published and the corresponding literature on purpose to discredit any objectionable Russian Orthodox Church MT religious movement, its doctrine, believers and followers. Certainly, all information containing in lectures«сектоведов»and their literature does not represent the facts. It and except insults of feelings иноверцев anything does not contain a fruit of their sick orthodox imagination in herself. For what, sometimes«сектоведам»it is necessary to answer in courts, for the boorish and slanderous fabrications. Dvorkin has attacked on кришнаита http://www.portal-credo.ru/site/print.php?act=authority&id=510 It is rather sad that all it prospers under the signboard of Russian Orthodox Church trying hypocritically to learn of us of spirituality, love, patriotism, and in practice, finishing with competitors иноверцами, rather not in the spiritual ways, moreover hands of foreign agents - squabblers of provokers. Also that this looks absolutely absurdly, foreign сектоведческая an agency undermining between конфессиональный the world in Russia, on a hand to enemies of the country. Are under special guardianship, not whom be, and протоирея D.Smirnova - the main thing «окормителя» our Armed forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other power structures! Further, how to be told, there is no place. The plan of which so Dalles dreamt, is successfully realised by Orthodoxy and operates, under the direction of and protection, the most terrible sect – Russian Orthodox Church. |
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Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 804 |
30 days | 38 |
Health Insurance Companies Need to Increase Reimbursement Rates to Chiropractors
18 Created: 2025-02-07
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 18 |
30 days | 18 |
To keep Hayden Lambert out of the school. Keep our babies safe!
140 Created: 2025-01-24
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 140 |
30 days | 18 |
Bring back "Julie and the Phantoms" for season 2
36 Created: 2025-02-11
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 36 |
30 days | 36 |
Name collection: Keep ABU Ambassadeur Swedish!
526 Created: 2025-01-24
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 526 |
30 days | 169 |
Release 100 Years Movie ASAP (2026? 2027?)
66 Created: 2025-01-14
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 66 |
30 days | 11 |
Reinstate the Endangered Species Unit
753 Created: 2025-01-15
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 753 |
30 days | 184 |
Youtube to unban Musician / Comedian / Singer / Songwriter Foundring
14 Created: 2025-02-21
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 14 |
30 days | 14 |
117 Created: 2025-01-15
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 117 |
30 days | 9 |
In support of fusion energy research in Alameda, CA
41 Created: 2025-01-29
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 41 |
30 days | 8 |
7 Created: 2025-03-01
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 7 |
30 days | 7 |
Make math normal again
7 Created: 2025-02-10
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 7 |
30 days | 7 |
1632 Created: 2025-02-12
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 1632 |
30 days | 1631 |
Stop the destruction of a 3500 year old grave!
955 Created: 2025-01-19
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 955 |
30 days | 35 |
Petition for Precinct-Level Election Day Voting in Parker County, TX
66 Created: 2024-07-17
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 66 |
30 days | 6 |
Make Armored Mud Balls a State "Sedimentary Structure"
448 Created: 2021-03-03
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 448 |
30 days | 6 |
Call for a Thorough Investigation into Shen Yun Performing Arts' Abuse and Manipulation
985 Created: 2024-09-02
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 985 |
30 days | 5 |
Remove Wagoner County District Attorney Jack Thorpe and Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot
8 Created: 2025-01-25
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 8 |
30 days | 4 |
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