Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6936

2011-12-24 01:01

Of all the the things to dispute about, holy books of ANY religion should never have to go under the light of court. We should absorb and share all the good things from all religions, races, creed, colour etc. to have a nicer world to live in and not find a reason out to fight, quibble with each other across the world. Absolutely appalling. Moreover, to say the Gita portrays hatred towards other religions, did the person who made this comment in court/to the media have a few too many to drink 'alcohol' maybe? He could NOT be further from the truth. Bless him, he needs fresh air, some sleep and to re-read the Gita with a fresh pair of eyes in the morning!! Trust me that strategy always does wonders!!