Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6754

2011-12-23 02:20

In Rybinsk the distributor spiritual harekrishna literatures have been beaten during harinama

In Rybinsk the unknown malefactor has attacked the preacher of the local religious organisation "Society of consciousness of Krishna" and has put it heavy mutilations. Incident has occurred in a course харинамы (traditional procession with prayful church chanting) along the street Krestovoj in city centre, of the Center of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia (ЦОСКР) informs on June, 4th.
According to the victim, 44-year-old Yury Brjukvina, it extended the spiritual literature together with харинамой. Near department store "Anniversary" вайшнав (кришнаит) has noticed three guys one of which has called up its gesture, having specified in books which that had control over. Thus, as has noticed J.Brjukvin, the guy was high growth and a strong constitution and affably smiled. Вайшнав has stretched to stranger Bhagavad-gitu. Holding the book one hand, the guy has put to the preacher an unexpected and strong facer, paternal that has fallen. When Yury has risen to the feet and has submissively asked the book back, the hooligan has struck to it the second strong blow. After that attacking quickly has disappeared.
Caused "First aid" delivered the victim in medical institution where doctors have fixed jaw and nose crisis. Now J.Brjukvinu is necessary transfer in regional hospital of Yaroslavl for operation.
Upon an attack on believing in Rybinsk criminal case is brought. Some participants of prayful procession have remembered appearance of the malefactor and have declared that can identify it.
"This heinous crime has not surprised us, - the vice-president of TSOSKR Radha Damodar дас (Sergey Zuev) has commented on an event. - the Case in point is not individual and consequently demands the corresponding strong-willed decision from the authorities concerning those who creates a nutrient medium for such offences. The similar case already took place in Yaroslavl, attacks occurred even in Moscow, and to quite often such cases precede anticult протуберанцы. We can assume that similar malicious tricks an essence a consequence of that extreme" antisectarian "campaigns which have untied on all country notorious" сектоборцы ". Acting in mass media, including, on television, pseudo-experts of all colours cynically blacken followers of the religions which are not concerning to so-called" To traditional religions ", indirectly, and in some cases also openly, urging Russians to hate иеговистов, baptists, Adventists, five-foremen, кришнаитов, Moslems, etc. These direct and veiled insults cause bewilderment and indignation not only Russian кришнаитов, but also actually Indians".
"It is necessary to tell that the concept" сектоборцев "is harmful in a root and антиконституционна. Not to mention that" сектоборцы "intentionally incorrectly treat concept" sect ", raking up in one heap of all successively. We quite suppose, what the problem of pseudo-religious cults and religious sects really exists, but what relation such legislative and authoritative organisation, how the Society of consciousness of Krishna has to them, say?" - vice-president ЦОСКР asks a question.
As he said, "the notorious centres such" experts "have appeared in practice the nurseries of harm creating hostility and hatred in Russia and getting thus support from interested persons from abroad. Most prolific of" experts "even work in a field of advisers in the Ministry of Justice that in itself it is strange enough. After all diligence" сектоборцев "and" experts-religiovedov "Russia has already found image of the country where pursue for heterodoxy and religious sights though in the Constitution of the Russian Federation the right of the person to a freedom of worship is fixed in the opinion of the world community. Actually, similar pseudo-experts only interfere with blossoming of Russia and its integration into world economic community".