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/ #65642011-12-22 14:56Kuraev, Andrey Vjacheslavovich Material from Wikipedia — the free encyclopaedia Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev Name at a birth: Andrey Vjacheslavovich Kuraev Kind of activity: The protodeacon of Russian Orthodox Church Date of birth: On February, 15th 1963 (48 years) The birthplace: Moscow, the USSR The father: Vyacheslav Ivanovich Kuraev Mother: Belief of Trofimovna Bondarets Awards and awards: Site: Page in LiveJournal (http://diak-kuraev.livejournal.com/) the Official site (http://kuraev.ru) Scientific sphere: Religious philosophy, ethics, religious studies, orthodox divinity Work place: The Moscow spiritual academy, Orthodox Piously-Tihonovsky humanitarian university, the Moscow State University of M.V.Lomonosova Scientific degree: The candidate of philosophical sciences the candidate of divinity Academic status: The professor Alma-mater: The Moscow State University of M.V.Lomonosova, the Moscow spiritual academy, the Bucharest theological institute The supervisor of studies: John Mejendorf It is known as: The philosopher, the seminary student, the public figure, the publicist, the writer Andrej Vjacheslavovich Kuraev (on February, 15th 1963, Moscow) — the protodeacon of Russian Orthodox Church; the professor of the Moscow spiritual academy; the assistant-part-time worker to chair of philosophy of religion and religious studies of philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University [1]; the writer, the seminary student, the philosopher [2] and the publicist, secular and church scientific [a source is not specified 48 days], the preacher and the missionary, the author of the official textbook on Bases of orthodox culture [3]. The clergyman of a temple of Archangel Michael in Troparyove. Creativity and Andrey Kuraev's activity cause various estimations: from awards for missionary activity and effort in business of a unification, solidarity and tolerance [4] before charge in kindling of interethnic and interreligious conflicts, in particular the Mufti of Crimea has accused Kuraev of kindling interreligious break a set [5] and negative estimations from representatives as Orthodoxy, and other Christian faiths, for example, here it is possible to result its statements about Miafizitstve in that its kind as it understand historical дохалкидонские churches that from its point of view does not correspond to orthodox dogma, and is as a matter of fact the form монофизитской heresies [6 [7] [8].Содержание 1 Biography 2 Awards 3 Activity and creativity 3.1 Missionary activity 3.2 Pedagogical activity 4 Public statements which have caused polemic in a society 4.1 Statements about representatives of official Islam in the Russian Federation 4.2 Statements concerning the nature of Fertile fire 4.3 Estimation сергианства and Patriarch Grigory V 4.4 Opinions and the publications, concerning the Jewish people 4.5 Critics western креационизма 4.6 Position on elections of the Patriarch in 2009 5 Responses about activity and works of protodeacon Andrey Kuraev 5.1 Positive responses 5.2 Negative responses 6 Books and publications 6.1 Books 6.2 Articles 6.3 Interviews, comments, conversations 7 Films about Andrey Kuraev 8 Notes 9 See also 10 References 10.1 References to critical publications 10.1.1 Critics from the orthodox 10.1.2 Critics from representatives of other religions 10.1.3 Critics from scientists 10.1.4 Publicistic critics 10.1.5 Andrey Kuraev and a policy 10.2 Answers to criticism The biography Was born in Moscow on Sretenie — on February, 15th, 1963. At children's age Andrey some years lived in Prague where his parents worked. The family of Kuraevyh was quite atheistic: his father, Vyacheslav Kuraev, was Peter Fedoseyev's secretary, the main philosopher-ideologist of the CPSU. In the senior classes of school Andrey Kuraev let out the newspaper "Atheist". In 16 years it has arrived on philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University, chair of history and the theory of scientific atheism. On November, 29th, 1982 it was christened in a temple of Christmas of John Predtechi on Presne. In 1984 has graduated higher education in chair of history and the theory of scientific atheism of philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University, the USSR has arrived in postgraduate study of Institute of philosophy АН, but has not finished it. In 1985 became the secretary in the Moscow Spiritual Academy (МДА). Then, having carried out old desire, has arrived in the Moscow Theological seminary. But it was necessary to study there a little (to a burnout in 1986 then it was necessary to work on building). Then the rector of academy again took Kuraev in the staff. In 1988 has ended the Moscow Theological seminary. Then there are first theological publications. The first article is published in самиздатском magazine "Choice" (which published Victor Aksjuchits and Gleb Anishchenko) under a pseudonym Andrey Prigorin. In August, 1988 there is a first article under the name in «the Moscow news» and the first publication in a church press, and also in «philosophy Questions». In the same 1988 has been invited to debate in the Kolomna teacher training college. By results of debate, Moscow обком the CPSU has taken out the special decision "About unsatisfactory statement of atheistic education in the Kolomna teacher's college" and has lobbied Andrey's sending for study in the Romanian Orthodox Church [9]. In 1988-1990 studied at the Bucharest Theological institute which it has not ended and has not received any diploma. On July, 8th, 1990, in day of sacred Peter and Fevronii, in the Patriarchal cathedral of Bucharest has been imposed in a dignity диакона. Temple of Christmas of John Predtechi on Presne After returning from Romania, with 1990 for 1993, worked as the reviewer of Patriarch Alex II. In the autumn of 1991 has begun teaching at faculty of journalism of the Moscow State University. In 1992 has ended МДА. In 1993-1996 — the dean of filosofsko-theological faculty of the Russian Orthodox University of St. John Bogoslova. In 1994 at Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences has defended the dissertation «Filosofsko-anthropological interpretation of the orthodox concept of fall» on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of philosophical sciences [10 [11]. In 1995 has defended the dissertation «Tradition. A doctrine. A ceremony» on competition of degree of the candidate of divinity in the Moscow Spiritual Academy. Before it also made unsuccessful attempt to protect the master's thesis in the Moscow Spiritual Academy, but the presented work has been rejected. In 1996 Patriarch Alex II on representation of academic council РПУ has been appointed by the professor of divinity. Since 1997 — the professor of Piously-Tihonovsky Orthodox Theological Institute. From an autumn semestre of 2004 the basic place of work — the Moscow Spiritual Academy and Seminary (МДАиС). Also manages chair of the basic divinity and apologetics of Orthodox Piously-Tihonovsky humanitarian university (ПСТГУ, till 2004 — ПСТБИ) and is the assistant-part-time worker to chair of philosophy of religion and religious studies of philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University [1]. Temple of Archangel Michael in Troparyove By the decision of the Synod from March, 12th, 2002 it is included in structure of an editorial board of the collection «Theological works». By the decision of the Synod from December, 24th, 2004 it is included in structure of the Synod Theological commission. By the decision of the Synod from March, 31st, 2009 it is included in Tserkovno-social council structure on protection against alcoholic threat. Member of ekspertno-consulting council about problems of a freedom of worship at Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on affairs of public organisations and religious associations. Up to the end of 2007 served in a temple of Christmas of John Predtechi on Presne, then — a temple of Archangel Michael in Troparyove. On April, 5th, 2009 during a liturgy in the Isaakievsky cathedral has been erected by Patriarch Cyril in a dignity of the protodeacon with putting on double ораря and камилавки for active missionary service and work with youth [12]. Since July, 27th, 2009 a member of the Synod theological commission [13] and Intercathedral presence of Russian Orthodox Church [14]. On an idea of director Valery Otstavnyh, религиоведа, the employee of Missionary department of the Tula diocese, on a regional orthodox videostudio "Light" has been removed a documentary film under the name «48 hours from life диакона Andrey Kuraev» (http://diak-kuraev.livejournal.com/tag/%D0%9A%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE) narrating, according to the name, about 48 hours from missionary life on a trip to Tula. [15] impressions of a film crew have been put in a film basis, and also the frank story of the hero of a film about themselves, the life, the future. According to Retired, thought to create a similar film has arisen from desire to show an image of the modern missionary living in the XXI-st century. Also the director of a film has noticed that «For someone this confession will appear unexpected and will allow to see father Andrey in a new fashion» — Elena Shulepova In Tula the documentary film about known orthodox missionary Andrey Kuraev (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2009/11/09/reg-roscentr/kuraev-anons.html) is removed Is published on a site "Russian Newspaper" on November, 9th, 2009 Shootings passed on November, 13-14th, 2007. Because of technical installation work on a film has ended only in 1,5 years. Film display has passed on November, 11th at 10.00 in the White Hall of the House of cinema within the limits of a film festival of "Radonezh"). [16] Awards On February, 15th, 2003 by Patriarch Alex it is awarded the order преп. Сергия Radonezhsky 3rd degrees. In 2006 it is awarded the order the Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons of art «For blessing» in a nomination: «For orthodox education» for wide missionary activity, for efforts in business of the statement of values of a human unification, solidarity and tolerance "[4]. In 2006 it is awarded by the Polish Catholic church sacred Albert Hmelevsky's medal «for long-term missionersko-evangelizatorskuju activity in territory of member countries CIS» [17]. On January, 30th, 2007 Blazhennejshim the metropolitan Kiev and всея Ukraine Vladimir «For merits before the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and in attention to the long-term missionersko-educational works directed on the sermon of Orthodoxy and opposition to splits and sects» is awarded the order by Nestora летописца III degrees [18]. On August, 12th, 2008 Blazhennejshim the metropolitan Kiev and всея Ukraine Vladimir has been awarded the order Ukrainian Orthodox Church «1020 of the Christening of the Kiev Russia» In 2005 by information retrieval system Rambler on section "Religion" is recognised by "the person of year» [19]. In 2008 became the winner of the All-Russia award «Person of year» [20]. On March, 27th, 2009 "Peacemaker" (a public award) [21] is awarded the order. Has gratitude from Patriarch Alex II for the missionary activity. Activity and creativity Missionary activity Andrey Kuraev considers that active missionary work vital [22], and is known first of all thanks to the wide missionary activity, such as: Lecturing The edition of books Participation in TV programs Site and forum «the Missionary portal диакона Andrey Kuraev» Pedagogical activity On June, 29th, 2009 the Order of the Most holy Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Cyril protodeacon Andrey Kuraev is appointed by the secretary of Editorial Council and the chairman of the Editorial board on a textbook writing of "the Basis of orthodox culture» for high school. [23 [24] [25]. In 2010 within the limits of subject approbation «Bases of religious cultures and secular ethics» module teaching «Bases of orthodox culture» was организованно under the textbook written by A. V.Kuraev. The public statements which have caused polemic in a society Andrey Kuraev's public statements quite often cause a resonance in a society. They differ enough sharp criticism difficult and acute problems modern мироустройства, international and interreligious relations in a society, are often connected with табуированными themes. Often Kuraev, according to opponents, passes admissible line in the public statements that sometimes causes scandals and negative reaction to its words. The criticism is often distributed from the opposite sides, beginning from charges in anti-Semitism because of the relation to a holiday of Purim and finishing charges in heresy on pages of the far right edition «Russian Bulletin» [26]. Statements about representatives of official Islam in the Russian Federation On August, 15th, 2007 addressed to the president of Russia Vladimir Putin the Statement of the Muslim public of Russia «Klerikalizm — threat of national safety of Russia» (concerning disputes on the Letter of 10 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences) [27] has been sent. Among подписантов this letter Nafigulla Ashirov, the co-chairman of Council of muftis of Russia, head of Spiritual management of Moslems of the Asian part Russia (Moscow) has acted. Making comments on this statement, Kuraev has expressed disrespectfully in relation to Nafigulle Ashirovu, having urged to send it in termless business trip. [28] Islamic culturologist Dzhannat Sergey Markus in interview [the importance is not specified 312 days] to a portal of Kredo.ru has acted with criticism of this statement of Kuraev, having told that he and expressed earlier incorrectly, naming mixed marriages of Russian with the people of Muslim traditions — a genocide of Russian people. [29]. Sheikh Nafigulla Ashirov in interview [the importance is not specified 312 days] to a portal of Kredo.ru has expressed opinion that Kuraev goes down to level of personal insults and discredits the academic status. [30] According to some mass-media, acting with lectures in Crimea in September, 2006, A.Kuraev has called for counteraction to the radical policy меджлиса (illegal ethnic parliament of the Crimean Tatars), having drawn parallels with behaviour of the impudent teenager in man's collective. [31], [32]. As informs «Deyerler» AIN, upon A.Kuraeva's these statements a mufti of Crimea has accused of radio station "Мейдан" interview [the importance is not specified 312 days] it in kindling interreligious break a set in Crimea. [33] Later Andrey Kuraev in interview to the correspondent of the newspaper "Day after day" answering questions on this incident has told the following: – It not seems to you, what people of church submit very few signals which would associate with the Sermon on the Mount, from one of the main precepts of Christianity – «love near yours, how itself»? When you speak about love, it is one signal when send on figs of Nafigullu Ashirova – another, in something opposite to the first. – I think, it is a problem of information noise. Evangelical signals go on one frequency, and they same, therefore people frequently lose a susceptibility to them. The gospel – very small book, the Sermon on the Mount – even less. Notice, yesterday at lecture there was no question under the Gospel, people ask about any peripheral things... It is necessary to tell still that there is a thing which God has left on our responsibility: as sacred banalities of the Gospel to project on a motley fabric of modern life. Certainly, I try to correlate that I speak and I do, with the Gospel. But the Gospel is more difficult, than толстовство. At the Christ in hands we see a sword, and apostles carried swords, and the Christ has sent Pharisees further, than I am Nafigullu. – And what for you so with Nafigulloj? It is clear that told has found the response in a fit of temper... – Moreover, I had a tremendous case: about two years ago in Perm at one conference I was surrounded with group of people in Islamic clothes, it has appeared that it is the Supreme muftis of different regions of Russia, and they to me have told: «We, instead of with Nafigulloj Ashirovym». [34] Statements concerning the nature of Fertile fire In 2007, making comments for NTV on direct television translation about a convergence of Fertile fire, A.Kuraev held the most widespread among orthodox opinions on it, speaking that this phenomenon is acknowledgement of the validity of Orthodoxy. [35] However in April, 2008 has extended on the Internet own interpretation of interview [36], ostensibly [37] pilgrims given to group the Patriarch Jerusalem Feofilom III, asserting that from words of the Patriarch followed that Fertile fire has the natural nature. Kuraev has commented on words of Feofila III about sources of occurrence of Fertile fire Ceremony which is репрезентацией (representation, reproduction), as well as all other ceremonies Passionate седмицы. As the easter message from a coffin воссияла is no time and has shined the whole world, and nowadays we in this ceremony make репрезентацию how the message about revival from Kuvuklii has disper-sed on the world [37] Having added from itself: To tell about a lighter in a pocket he More frankly, likely, and could not ». [37] Interpretation of words of Patriarch Feofila by Kuraev has caused the rebuff from the head of pilgrim delegation, the president of Open Society "Russian Railway" Vladimir Yakunin: «I do not know, what terms Kuraev, but, in my opinion, expected any bases for interpretation of the statement of the Jerusalem patriarch as statement which denies sanctity of this event, it непознаваемость, there is not present. It is interpretation of the concrete person». Yakunin also has expressed opinion that священноначалию Russian Orthodox Church followed define, «as how permissibly to treat to the cleric if it that is and that is not so permissible and not so correct» [38]. In reply to it Michael Ardov (the clergyman not initial РПАЦ, carried by Russian Orthodox Church to dissenting churches [39]), has supported Andrey Kuraev's statement [40]. On book presentation «Reorganization in church» on April, 10th, 2009 to Kuraev have asked a question on Fertile fire: «the Abuse on Spirit Sacred is considered one of the main sins. You are not afraid?» Protodeacon Kuraev has answered: I am not afraid, because I am silent. <…> I wait for the Church voice. I did not hear official Church dogma and a voice of the Jerusalem Patriarchs. Certificates, stories of pilgrims and a church teaching is not same. <…> here I also want to understand. Here the whole ball of very serious problems and consequently I will better keep silent [41]. On April, 17th, 2009 Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Cyril during display on reporting NTV television channel about сошествии Fertile fire so has commented on this phenomenon: Soshestvie of Fertile fire on the Holy Saturday, on the eve of orthodox Easter, in Groba Gospodnja temple in Jerusalem — a sign on Revival Christ's, and its bringing to Russia attaches believers of Russian Orthodox Church to a meeting of the greatest Christian holiday on the Sacred earth … [42] Estimation сергианства and Patriarch Grigory V In article «Only for the Native land, but not for Stalin!» [43], published in magazine «Fertile fire» (№ 12., 2004), Kuraev vastly quoted texts отлучительных reading and writing against Greek инсургентов, signed in the end of March, 1821 Universal Patriarch Grigory V, and specified that already in the end of the same century Greeks perceived it not as the traitor, but as the martyr. In conclusion of article Kuraev declared: Today only the lazy does not throw stones in patriarch Sergija (Stragorodsky). How he has dared supposedly to go on cooperation with the Soviet power?... And what there, in Greece, occurred? How other orthodox people lived one and a half thousand years under Moslems? In Egypt, Antiohii, Palestin, Serbia, Bulgaria — who knows about it them полуторатысячелетнем experience of church life in несвободе? But this experience was remembered by patriarch Sergy (Stragorodsky) when Russian Church has appeared in slavery.... Patriarch Sergy everybody, but only not модернист. The person secular here could tell:„ In Sergii the eternal obsequious policy of Orthodox Church in relation to the authorities “has proceeded. Such critic will be challenged in the estimation, but it will be the rights in fact fixing: the policy of metropolitan Sergija is not modern.... The orthodox person has no right to oppose the XX-th century to the last centuries a church history, and patriarch Sergija — to sacred patriarch Grigory V. Kuraev stated similar thoughts and earlier [44]. Article has caused criticism from some people considering orthodox; Kuraev has been accused by publicist Nikolay Selishchevym that it «has slandered the Greek orthodox new martyrs», and also in lie and ignorance [45]. With condemnation of a position of Kuraev one of the oldest hierarches of Elladsky church the metropolitan Corinthian Panteleimon (has acted as Karanikolas; † on August, 16th 2006) [46]. Opinions and the publications, concerning the Jewish people In 1998 Kuraev has written on a theme of anti-Semitism the book under the name «As do by the anti-semite» (http://kuraev.ru/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=54&func=fileinfo&id=7) (in 2006 there was a second edition). I am convinced that anti-Semitism in this book is not present. I do not consider the Jewish people in something worse the people of Russian or any another. I simply do not consider Jews best other people. However, today, apparently, even it already is considered anti-Semitism. But unless there is a nationalism in the request to approach to all people and to all people with the same moral criteria? In these articles I also do it. I simply and boringly ask all time: "Misters! I understand that another's pain is badly felt. But present that just the same фразочку someone will throw to your people. To you unless it will not be sick? So, can, and you will not rush cobble-stones to us?" [47] Whether Andrey Kuraev's article «left in the spring of 1999 in« the Orthodox newspaper »Ekaterinburg It is possible to celebrate on March, 8th?» [48]. Kuraev ассоциировал on February, 23rd and on March, 8th with the Jewish holiday of Purim. Then has condemned приурочивание Day of the defender of Fatherland and the International women's day by the given Judaic holiday, having expressed of following opinion: My bewilderment about other: as it is possible to celebrate events of that day after the millenia... Whether There are other people on the earth which with веселием celebrates day of obviously unpunished massacre? I understand a holiday in honour of a military victory. It was the open both risky collision, and day of a victory is a man's and fair holiday. But how to celebrate day of pogrom? How to celebrate day of murder of thousand children? According to the president of the Jewish national-cultural autonomy of Sverdlovsk area Michael Oshtraha, Kuraev has deformed data on history of a holiday of Purim and consequently its article causes the hostile relation to the Jewish people. [49] on it and a number of other facts Sverdlovsk branch KNOR in 2001 has addressed in Office of Public Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk area and has directed to Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alex II, and also the Archbishop to Ekaterinburg and Verhotursky Vikentiju of the letter on distribution from the Ekaterinburg diocese of books, magazines and newspapers in which there were Antisemitic materials. [49] In 2005 Kuraev has conducted lecture on a theme of a part of victims of Osventsima, Jews-Christians [50]. On the other hand in the program «To a barrier» on NTV Kuraev has acted in a role of the second on the party of cosmonaut Leonov, against the anti-semite of general Makashov, and statements of the father of the protodeacon had tolerant and reconciliatory character [51]. Criticism western креационизма In the book «Orthodoxy and evolution» protodeacon Kuraev has expressed with criticism of Protestant authors-kreatsionistov, in support of the evolution theory. In particular he has told: «In Orthodoxy is not present textual, доктринального the basis for tearing away эволюционизма. Has no for orthodox sense and to indulge a public fashion on иррационализм (any иррационализм eventually will work in favour of an occultism and against Church). <…> So, at Orthodoxy unlike paganism, демонизирующего a matter, and from протестантизма, depriving тварный the world of law on coauthorship, is not present the bases for thesis negation according to which the Creator has created a matter capable to good development. The essence of process of expansion of the world does not change from with what speed it occurs. Also those to whom vaguely it seems are naive that God is not becomes necessary, if we stretch creation process. Equally, as those who believe are naive also that world creation for more than six-day term belittles greatness of the Creator. It is important to us to remember only that nothing disturbed, did not limit creative action. All occurred at will of the Creator. Whether and this will in consisted creating the world instantly, or in six days, or in six thousand years, or in мириады centuries — we do not know.» — Protodeacon Kuraev A.V.//Orthodoxy and evolution (http://svitk.ru/004_book_book/15b/3407_kuraev-pravoslaviya_i_evolyuciya.php) Position on elections of the Patriarch in 2009 Julia Taratuta, the correspondent of the edition "Kommersant", marked [the importance is not specified 345 days] in the end of January, 2009 [52] that during elections of the Moscow Patriarch deacon Kuraev, publicly acting on the party of Metropolitan Cyril, used charges to its competitors on the patriarchal throne: in December, 2008 has accused the brother of the metropolitan of Kaluga Klimenta (Капалина) archbishop Dimitrija (Капалина) that that has ostensibly organised "pseudo-elections" of delegates on Pomestnyj a cathedral from spiritual schools which have taken place in the Moscow spiritual academy, and also has made «рейдерский capture of the Moscow spiritual academy» [53]. In connection with such charges the bishop Barnaul and Altay Maxim (Dmitriev), the former inspector of the Tobolsk seminary (1990—2002), has expressed that considers elections of delegates on Pomestnyj the Cathedral from spiritual schools fair [54]. Responses about activity and works of protodeacon Andrey Kuraev Positive responses From interview of Patriarch Alex to II "Newspaper" (about Kuraev and Dvorkin): — Such people as диакон Andrey Kuraev and Alexander Dvorkin, go on the country, give lectures, show films and raise in orthodox hatred to иноверцам. They operate on behalf of Church? … educational work assumes today not only the Gospel sermon, but also polemic, including public, with any doctrines contradicting Orthodoxy. However, polemic and hatred — it is far not same. At polemic conducting it is necessary to approach very responsibly to words, to avoid emotional estimations, to check and recheck the facts which should be authentic and proved. Cases of kindling of interreligious or international enmity by the mentioned missionaries are unknown to me. Moreover, I am convinced that displays of such enmity are directly connected with ignorance reigning in a society in the field of religion to which they according to the lights resist [55]. Negative responses Books and publications Books [56] Kuraev, And. Century Filosofsko-anthropological interpretation of the orthodox concept of fall (http://old.rsl.ru/view.jsp?f=1016&t=3&v0=%D0%9A%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B2&f=1003&t=1&v1=&f=4&t=2&v2=&f=21&t=3&v3=&f=1016&t=3&v4=&f=1016&t=3&v5=&cc=a1&i=6&v=card&ce=4): the author's abstract дис. … the candidate the philosopher. Sciences: 02.29.04 / In philosophies. — Moscow, 1994. — 22 with. Kuraev, A. V.Vzroslym about a childlike faith / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — 5. изд., доп. — Rostov н/Д: Trinities. A word; М: Паломникъ, 2003 (Type. Joint-stock company the Pier. Guards). — 637, [2] with.: silt., портр.; 21 see — (School divinity). ISBN 5-87468-194-9 (in the lane) Kuraev, whether to A. V.Vse it is equal as to trust?: Сб. The item on will compare. To divinity / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — a wedge: Publishing house of the Brotherhood of prelate Tihona, 1994. — 174, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-86407-004-1: B. ц. The second coming of apocryphal stories Call экуменизма Kuraev, A. V.Vyzov экуменизма / Diak. Andrey Kuraev. — М: Междунар. православ. Fund "Ringing of church bells", 1997. — 237, [2] with.; 20 see — (Orthodox apologetics a XXI-st century threshold). ISBN 5-7854-0022-7: B. ц. Kuraev, A. V.Vyzov экуменизма / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — 2. изд., испр. And доп. — М: Издат. Council Rus. Православ. Churches, 2003 (Open Company Tver. полигр. комб.). — 381, [1] with.; 22 see Kuraev, A. V.Vyzov экуменизма / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — [3 изд., испр. And доп.]. — Moscow: the Griffin, 2008. — 477, [2] with.; 22 see ISBN 978-5-98862-046-4 (In the lane) Kuraev A. Provocarile ecumenismului. Bucuresti, ed. Sofia, 2006. (Transfer into the Romanian language) "Harry Potter" Kuraev, And. В "Harrys Potters" in church: between an anathema and a smile: whether to Give to fairy tales the indulgence? Whether Демонична нелюдь? On what "Harry Potter" hints? Satanistka Rouling? "Harry Potter's" truth / Diak. Andrey Kuraev. — SPb.: Neva, 2003 (ПФ the Red proletarian). — 123, [1] c.; 20 see ISBN 5-7654-2901-7 (in region) Kuraev, And. В "Harrys Potters": attempt not to be frightened / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: the Andreevsky flag, 2004 (State Unitary Enterprise of Pitches. полигр. комб.). — 205, [2] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-9553-0035-X (in region) Gifts and an anathema Kuraev, A. V.Dary and an anathema: That the Christianity has brought in the world: Reflections on a threshold of III millenium / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Publishing house Mosk. Farmsteads Piously-Trinities. A sergievoj Monastery, 2001. — 443, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7789-0108-9 Kuraev, A. V.Dary and an anathema. That the Christianity has brought in the world / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — 2. изд., доп. — М: Паломникъ, 2003 (М: ПФ the red proletarian). — 542, [1] with.: silt.; 21 see ISBN 5-87468-215-5 (in the lane) Kuraev, A. V.Dary and anathema. What has the Christianity brought in the world?: reflexions on a threshold of III millenium / диакон Andrey Kuraev. — М: Эксмо: Яуза, 2004 (Tul. Type.). — 285, [2] with.; 20 see — (Conversations with the seminary student). ISBN 5-699-08748-6 (in region) Kuraev, A. V.Dary and anathema. What has the Christianity brought in the world?: reflexions on a threshold of III millenium — М, Eksmo, 2005 (5 000). Kuraev, A. V.Dary and an anathema: what has the Christianity brought in the world?: reflexions on a threshold of the third millenium / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — 5 изд., испр. And доп. — Moscow: Никея: Арефа, 2009. — 319 with.; 23 see ISBN 978-5-91761-001-6 (in the lane) Kuraev, whether A. V.Da сви путеви to water ка to God? Огледи on Pravoslavlu at постхришчанском to light. — Tsetine, Svetigora, 1997. (The Lane on the Serbian language) Kuraev A. Daruri si anathemele. Bucuresti, 2004. (The Lane on the Romanian language) Kuraev, A. V.Disput with the atheist: [the new version] / диак. Andrey Kuraev. — 2 изд., доп. — Moscow: Publishing house of the Sretensky monastery, 2007. — 236, [2] with.; 17 see — (a Series "Chair"). ISBN 978-5-7533-0159-8 Kuraev, A. V.Disput with кришнаитами. In соавт. With свящ. Oleg Stenjaevym and R.Gupta. Vitebsk, 2005. If God is love … Kuraev, A. V.Esli God is love … / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Publishing house Pravoslav. Piously-tihonov. The seminary student. In: Рус. зерцало, 1997. — 122 with.; 21 see — (whether All equally how to trust?; Вып. 2) (the Orthodox word). ISBN 5-7429-0054-6: B. ц. Kuraev, A. V.Esli God is love … / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — 2. изд., испр. And доп. — М: Ringing of church bells, 1998. — 156, [2] with.: silt.; 20 see ISBN 5-7854-0056-1 Kuraev, A. V.Esli God is love … — Zaporozhye, 1999. Kuraev, whether A. V.Da сви путеви to water ка to God? Огледи on Pravoslavlu at постхришчанском to light. — Tsetine, Svetigora, 1997. (Transfer into the Serbian language) Kuraev, A. V.Zhenshchina in church: conversations with the seminary student / диакон Andrey Kuraev. — М: Эксмо: Яуза, 2004 (Tula type.). — 174, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-699-06980-1 (in region) Kuraev, A. V.Iskushenie which comes "on the right" / диак. Andrey Kuraev. — М: Изд. Russian Orthodox Church council, 2005. — 93, [2] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-94625-104-X As do by the anti-semite Kuraev, A. V.Kak do by the anti-semite. — M.Odigitrija, 1998. Kuraev, A. V.Kak do by the anti-semite. — Minsk, the Orthodox initiative, 2004. Kuraev A. Tajemnica Izraela//Fronda. Warszawa, 1999, № 17/18. (Partial transfer into the Polish language) Kuraev, A. V.Kak to concern Islam after Beslan? / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Мрежа, 2004 (Open Society Type. News). — 127 with.; 20 see ISBN 5-9900367-1-X (in region) Cinema: reboot by divinity Kuraev, A. V.Kino: reboot by divinity / Diak. Andrey Kuraev. — М: Фома, 2004. — 77, [2] with.: silt., tab.; 17 see Kuraev, A. V.Kino: divinity reboot: conversations with the seminary student / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Яуза: Эксмо, 2005 (Tul. Type.). — 156, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-699-09534-9 (in region) Kuraev, A. V.Kogda the Sky becomes closer. About miracles and superstitions, about sins and holidays. М: Publishing council of Russian Orthodox Church, 2007 — 112 with. ISBN 978-5-94625-218-8 Who has sent Blavatskaya? Kuraev, A. V.Kto has sent Blavatskaya? Rostov-on-Don, the Phoenix, 2000. Kuraev, A. V.Kto has sent Blavatskaya?:Теософия, Roerichs and Orthodoxy / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Publishing house Mosk. Farmsteads Piously-Trinities. A sergievoj Monastery; Rostov н/Д: Trinities. A word, 2000. — 399 with.; 21 see — (Christianity in «to Ayr Aquarius»). ISBN 5-7789-0052-1 (Polemic with Xenia Mjalo and others рерихославными) Kuraev, A. V.Kulturologija of Orthodoxy: whether the school is ready to a new subject / диакон Andrey Kuraev. — М: the Griffin, 2007. — 269, [2] with.; 21 see ISBN 978-5-98862-040-2 (In the lane) Kuraev, And. В «the Master and Margarita»: for the Christ or against? / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — Izd. 2, испр. And доп. — М: Изд. Council Rus. Православ. Churches, 2005. — 176 with.; 20 see ISBN 5-94625-097-3 (in region) Kuraev, And. Century Missionary crisis of Orthodoxy — М, Nikeja, 2010. Whether can orthodox be эволюционистом? Kuraev, whether A. V.Mozhet orthodox to be эволюционистом?//That повеле, and создашася. Modern scientists about world creation. — a wedge: Fund «Christian life», 1999. Kuraev, whether A. V.Mozhet orthodox to be эволюционистом?. - m.:Христианская life, 2006—112 with. Kuraev, A. V.Na a threshold унии. Whether there are we монофизитами? — М, 1994. (In the co-authorship from V.Lure). Heritage of the Christ. What was not included into the Gospel? Kuraev, A. V.Nasledie of the Christ. What was not included into the Gospel? / Diak. Andrey Kuraev. — М: Fund "Ringing of church bells", 1997. — 219, [2] with.; 20 see — (Orthodox apologetics a XXI-st century threshold). ISBN 5-7854-0025-1: B. ц. Kuraev A. Mostenirea lui Hristos. Ceea ce n-a intrat in Evanghelie. Bucuresti, ed. Sofia, 2009 (transfer into the Romanian language) Kuraev, whether A. V.Mozhet orthodox to be эволюционистом? — The Wedge, Christian life, 2006. Kuraev, And. Century My errors. Krasnoyarsk, 2009. The Neamerikansky missionary Kuraev, A. V.Ne-amerikansky the missionary / диак. Andrey Kuraev. — Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. Dioceses, 2005 (Open Society Type. News). — 463, [1] with.; 22 see ISBN 5-98599-016-8 (in the lane) The Neamerikansky missionary / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — Saratov: Publishing house of the Saratov diocese, 2006. — 463 with.; 21 see ISBN 5-98599-028-1 Kuraev, And. Century About belief and knowledge — М, Argus, 1995. About our defeat Kuraev, And. Century About our defeat / Diak. Andrey Kuraev. — M.:Моск. A farmstead Piously-Troitsk Sergievoj of monastery, 1996. — 43 with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7789-0004-X (SPb.: a cathedral. Reason [etc.], 1999. — 539, [1] with.; 22 see ISBN 5-87738-104-0) 2 изд. In the collection: About last destinies of our world. Three sights from different epoch. М, the Native home, 1998. 3 доп. The edition — Spb., Svetlojar, 1999. 4 доп. The edition — М, the Troitsk word, the Pilgrim, 2003. Transfer into the Bulgarian language: For нашето defeat — Sofia, омофор, 2001 Transfer into the Serbian language: About ours поразу//Iskon. Православни илустровани часопис. Serbia, Lies, 1997, № 1-2 Kuraev, A. V.Okkultizm in Orthodoxy / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Ringing of church bells, 1998. — 380, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7854-0053-7 Kuraev, A. V.Osnovy of orthodox culture. The manual for 4-5 classes. М, Education, 2010. Bases of orthodox culture as a medicine for extremism: very personal reflexions Kuraev, A. V.Osnovy of orthodox culture as a medicine for extremism: very personal reflexions / Diak. Andrey Kuraev. — М: Издат. Council Rus. Православ. Churches, 2003 (State Unitary Enterprise IPK Uljan. The press house). — 109, [2] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-94625-054-X (in region) Kuraev, A. V.Osnovy of orthodox culture as a medicine for extremism: very personal reflexions — Kiev, Piously-Makarievsky church, 2004. Bases of religious cultures and secular ethics. Bases of orthodox culture. 4-5 classes: the manual for educational institutions / A. V.Kuraev. — Moscow: Education, 2010. — 95 with.: цв. Silt.; 26 see ISBN 978-5-09-024063-5 Answers the young Kuraev, A. V.Otvety young / Diak. Andrey Kuraev. — Saratov; Publishing house Sarat. Dioceses; From-in Mosk. Farmsteads Piously-Troitsk Sergievoj of Monastery, 2003 (Open Society Type. News). — 286, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7789-0178-X (in region) Answers young / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. Dioceses; М: Publishing house Mosk. Farmsteads Piously-Troitsk Sergievoj of Monastery, 2004 (Open Society Type. News). — 286, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7789-0178-X (in region) Answers young / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. Dioceses; М: Publishing house Mosk. Farmsteads Piously-Trinities. A sergievoj Monastery, 2005 (Open Society Type. News). — 286, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-98599-011-7 (in region) Answers young / диакон Andrey Kuraev. — Saratov: Publishing house Saratov a diocese, 2008. — 286, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 978-5-98599-060-7 Kuraev A. Raspunsuri catre tineri/Alba Iulia. Reintregirea. 2007 (первод on the Romanian language) Kuraev, A. V.Otkuda at church money: In the help arrival. To priests and tax inspectors / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — Krasnodar:Troits. A word, 1999. — 15, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7221-0262-8 Kuraev, A. V.Perestrojka in Church. The sketch of the seminar textbook миссиологии. The centre biblejsko-patrologicheskih researches at Department on affairs of youth of Russian Orthodox Church, 2009 — 512 with. ISBN 978-5-85271-343-8 Why the orthodox such?. Kuraev, A. V.Pochemu the orthodox such?. / диакон Andrey Kuraev. — Moscow: Publishing house Mosk. Farmsteads Piously-Trinities. A sergievoj monastery, 2006. — 527 with.; 22 see ISBN 5-7789-0208-5 (In the lane) Kuraev, A. V.Pochemu the orthodox such?. / диакон Andrey Kuraev. — Moscow: Publishing house of the Moscow farmstead Piously-Troitsk Sergievoj of Monastery, 2008. — 527 with.; 22 see ISBN 5-7789-0208-5 Kuraev, A. V.Pochemu orthodox such rested? — М, Farmstead ТСЛ, 2006. Kuraev, A. V.Pochemu Christians are not afraid of damage. М, Russian Orthodox Church Publishing council, 2008. Kuraev, A. V.Pravda and imaginations «da Vinci Code». — М: publishing house of the Moscow Farmstead Piously-Troitsk Sergievoj of Monastery, 2006. — 90 with. Kuraev, A. V.Pravoslavie and the right: Church to the public. The state (http://lib.eparhia-saratov.ru/books/10k/kuraev/law/contents.html) / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Сретен. A monastery, 1997. — 63, [1] with.; 21 see Kuraev, And. Century Orthodox philosophy and divinity: Теорет. A course of autocopes. излож. / Mosk. экстер. гуманит. Un y; Kuraev And. В — М: Акад. Publishing house MEGU, 1994. — 160 with.; 21 see — (the Book of the authorised statement). ISBN 5-7136-0018-1: B. ц. To Protestants about Orthodoxy Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy. — М, the Farmstead to the Monastery Trinity-sergievoj, 1997. Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy. — Kiev, Kievo-Pecherskaja of laurels, 1998. Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy. — Noyabrsk, 1998. Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — M.:Изд-во Mosk. Farmsteads Piously-Trinities. A sergievoj Monastery, 1999. — 267, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7789-0063-5 Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy — the Wedge, 2000. Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy — Petropavlovsk, 2002. Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy — М, the Troitsk word, the Pilgrim, 2003. Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy — М, Norm, 2005. Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy; the Heritage of the Christ / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — Izd. 9, the reslave. And доп. — a wedge: Christians. Life, 2006. — 669, [2] with.; 21 see ISBN 5-93313-028-1 (In the lane) Kuraev, A. V.Protestantam about Orthodoxy; the Heritage of the Christ / диакон Andrey Kuraev. — Izd. 10, the reslave. And доп. — a wedge (the Moscow region): Christian life, 2009. — 669, [2] with.; 22 see ISBN 978-5-93313-063-5 (in the lane) Kuraev, A. V.Km протестантите for Pravoslavieto. Sofia, Omofor, 2001. (Transfer on Bulgarian) Kuraev, A. V.Razmyshlenija of the orthodox pragmatist about, whether it is necessary to build the Temple of the Christ of the Savior. — М, 1995. Early Christianity and resettlement of souls Kuraev, And. Century Early Christianity and resettlement of souls / Diakon Andrey Kuraev; [Predisl. V.K.Shokhin]. — М: Гнозис, 1996. — XVIII, 191 with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7333-0451-0: B. ц.) Kuraev, And. Century Early Christianity and resettlement of souls / Diak. Andrey Kuraev. — 2 изд., испр. And доп. — М: Сретен. A monastery, 1998. — 336 with.; 20 sm Kuraev, And. Century Early Christianity and resettlement of souls. Where goes smothering / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — [Rostov н/Д]: Trinities. A word: the Phoenix, [2001]. — 573, [2] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-222-01-603-X) (Kuraev, And. В; Kuraev, And. Century Early Christianity and resettlement of souls М, the Troitsk word, the Pilgrim. 2001. Kuraev, A. V.Rok and missionary work: [conversations with the seminary student] / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: ЭКСМО: Яуза, 2004 (Tul. Type.). — 382, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-699-07522-4 (in region) Kuraev, A. V.Rok-propovedi / protodeacon Andrey Kuraev. — Moscow: Никея, 2010. — 16 with.: silt.; 22 see ISBN 978-5-91761-014-6 Kuraev, And. Century With whom struggle foreign missionaries. Endurances from conversations and leaflets диакона Andrey Kuraev. — Spb., 1994. Satanism for intelligency Kuraev, A. V.Satanizm for intelligency: [In 2 т.] / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: the Native home, 1997. — 21 see [Æ] 1: Religion without God. — М: Моск. A farmstead Piously-Trinities. A sergievoj monastery: the Native home. — 527 with. ISBN 5-7676-0082-1: B. ц. Kuraev, A. V.Satanizm for intelligency: (About Roerichs and Orthodoxy) / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: the Native home, 1997. — 21 see [Æ] 2: Christianity without an occultism. — М: Моск. A farmstead Piously-Trinities. A sergievoj monastery: the Native home. — 429, [1] with. ISBN 5-7676-0083-X: B. ц. Kuraev, A. V.Satanizm for intelligency: (About Roerichs and Orthodoxy): in 2 т. / диак. Andrey Kuraev. — Moscow: Publishing house of the Moscow Farmstead Piously-troitsoj Sergievoj of Monastery, 2006. — 21 see 1: Religion without God. — 2006. — 527 with. ISBN 5-7789-0209-3 Satanism for intelligency: (About Roerichs and Orthodoxy): in 2 т. / диак. Andrey Kuraev. — Moscow: Publishing house of the Moscow Farmstead Piously-troitsoj Sergievoj of Monastery, 2006. — 21 see 2: Christianity without an occultism. — 2006. — 429, [1] with. Kuraev, A. V.Satanizm for intelligency: (About Roerichs and Orthodoxy): in 2 т. / диак. Andrey Kuraev. — Moscow: Publishing house of the Moscow Farmstead Piously-troitsoj Sergievoj of Monastery, 2006. — 21 see Kuraev, whether to A. V.Segodnja give the press of Antihrista? Russian Orthodox Church about INN/A. V.Kuraev. — Rostov-on-Don: the Phoenix: the Troitsk word, 2001. — 350 with. — Bibliogr.: with. 331. — ISBN 5-222-01796-6 Whether today give the press антихриста. Fifteen questions on an INN Kuraev, whether to A. V.Segodnja give the press антихриста. Fifteen questions on an INN. М, the Pilgrim, the Troitsk word, 2001. Kuraev A. Pecetea lui antihrist, codurile de bare si semnele vremurilor. Bucuresti, 2005. (The Lane on the Romanian language) Temptation of neopaganism Kuraev, A. V.Soblazn of neopaganism / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: МНПП "Letter", 1995. — 127, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-85770-196-1: B. ц. Kuraev, A. V.Soblazn of neopaganism. — М, the Protestant, 1995. Kuraev, A. V.Strashnyj sud and secrets of the Apocalypse / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Журн. «Фома», [1999?]. — 29 with.; 20 see — (Bibliotechka of magazine "Фома"). Tradition, Doctrine, Ceremony Kuraev, A. V.Traditsija. A doctrine. A ceremony. Apologetic sketches. — М, — the Wedge, 1995. 2 edition — Kiev, 2003 Kuraev, A. V.Traditsija. A doctrine. A ceremony. — Sofia, the Face, 1996. (The Lane on the Bulgarian language) Kuraev, A. V.Trudno to be Russian / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. Russia and new paganism / Celibate priest Vitaly (Utkin). — М: Piously-ioanno-seminary student. A monastery: Православ. A brotherhood of St. apostle John Bogoslova, 2001. — 78, [1] with.; 21 see ISBN 5-89424-041-7 Lessons сектоведения Kuraev, A. V.Uroki сектоведения: How to learn sect: On a movement comment рериховцев / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — SPb.: Формика, 2002. — 447 with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7754-0039-9 Kuraev, A. V.Uroki сектоведения. т. 2. A way to emptiness янв. 2006 Kuraev, A. V.Uroki сектоведения. т. 1. How to learn sect (on an example рериховского movements) Kuraev, A. V.Fantazii and truth «da Vinci Code» - М, an Ast-zebra, 2006 Kuraev, A. V.Hristianin in the pagan world, or About a devil-may-care attitude to damage / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Эксмо: Яуза, 2004 (Tul. Type.). — 286, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-699-08092-9 (in region) Christian philosophy and пантеизм Kuraev, And. Century Christian philosophy and пантеизм. — М, the Farmstead to the Monastery Trinity-sergievoj, 1997. Kuraev A. Pantheism and Monotheism//The Russian Idea. In search of a new identity. Ed. By Wendy Helleman. Bloomington, Indiana, 2004 (the Partial lane on English :) Kuraev, A. V.Hristianstvo on a history limit: About our defeat / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — 2. изд., доп. — [Rostov н/Д]: the Troitsk word; М: Паломникъ, 2003 (Type. Joint-stock company the Pier. Guards). — 844, [3] with.: silt.; 21 see ISBN 5-87468-208-2 (in the lane) Church in the world of people Kuraev, A. V.Tserkov in the world of people — М, the Sretensky monastery, 2005. Kuraev, A. V.Tserkov in the world of people / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — Moscow: Изд. Срет. A monastery, 2006 (М: Printing house "News"). — 542, [1] with.; 21 see ISBN 5-7533-0387-0 Kuraev, A. V.Tserkov in the world of people / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — 4 изд. — Moscow: Publishing house of the Sretensky monastery, 2009. — 542, [1] with.; 21 see ISBN 978-5-7533-0270-0 Church and youth: whether the conflict is inevitable? Kuraev, A. V.Tserkov and youth: whether the conflict is inevitable? — Spb., Formika, 2003. Kuraev, A. V.Tserkov and youth: whether the conflict is inevitable?: belief and a science about miracles and superstitions. Light and shades of modern culture. Whether there is a life in church? As to a rock music … / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — SPb.: Рус. Island, 2004 (ФГУИПП Vyatka). — 450, [1] with.; 21 see ISBN 5-902565-01-4 (in region) School divinity Kuraev, And. Century School divinity / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — М: Междунар. православ. Fund "Ringing of church bells": the Temple of sacred disinterested persons of Kosmy and Damiana on Maroseyka, 1997. — 308, [1] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7854-0041-3: B. ц. Kuraev, And. Century School divinity: [Collection] / Diak. Andrey Kuraev. — 2. изд., испр. And доп. — М: Ringing of church bells, 1999. — 364, [2] with.; 20 see ISBN 5-7854-0061-8 Kuraev, And. Century School divinity / Diakon Andrey Kuraev. — 3. изд., испр. And доп. — SPb.: a cathedral. Reason: Светлояр, 2000. — 369, [1] with.; 21 see ISBN 5-87738-104-2) School divinity: кн. For teachers and parents / диакон Andrey Kuraev. — М: NORM, 2005 (Tul. Type.). — 511 with.; 22 see ISBN 5-89123-900-0 (in the lane) Бэггет, David. Harry Potter's philosophy: if Aristotle studied in Hogvartse; [the lane with English] / David Begget, Sean E.Klein; [послесл. диак. A.Kuraev]. — SPb.: an amphora, 2005 (GIPK Lenizdat). — 430, [1] with.; 21 see — (New eureka). ISBN 5-94278-892-8 (рус.) Иустин (Popovich Good Sp.; архим.; 1894—1979). Orthodox church and экуменизм / Arhim. Iustin Popovich; Послесл. диак. A.Kuraev. — М: Publishing house Mosk. Farmsteads Piously-Trinities. A sergievoj monastery, 1997. — 244, [1] with.: silt.; 20 see ISBN 5-7789-0019-8: B. ц. Books of protodeacon Andrey Kuraev can be downloaded on its official site (http://kuraev.ru/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=54&func=select&id=1). Articles The scientific Kuraev A.V., Kuraev V. I. Religious belief and rationality (http://www.philosophy.ru/iphras/library/ratiohist.html)//Historical types of rationality/otv. ред. V.A.Lektorsky. - Т.1. - M.:ИФРАН, 1995. - 350 with. (With. 74-95.) ISBN 5-201-01891-2 Kuraev А.В. About belief and knowledge — without антиномии//philosophy Questions, 1992. - № 7 - С.45-63. Magazine «the Alpha and Omega» Kuraev Andrey, диак. "Poor in spirit"//the Alpha and Omega, № 1 (1994) Kuraev Andrey, диак. Reflexions about Genesis chapter 1//the Alpha and Omega, № 3 (1994) Kuraev Andrey, диак. Reflexions about chapter 1 the Genesises (termination)//the Alpha and Omega, № 4 (1995) Kuraev Andrey, диак. Precepts of Edema//the Alpha and Omega, № 5 (1995) Kuraev Andrey, диак. «God …» (Motive of division in the Bible)//the Alpha and Omega, № 6 (1995) Also has separated Kuraev Andrey, диак. About our defeat//the Alpha and Omega, № 7 (1995) Kuraev Andrey, диак. Sacrament of expiation//the Alpha and Omega, № 8 (1996) Kuraev Andrey, диак. The man and the woman in the Genesis//the Alpha and Omega, № 9 (1996) Kuraev Andrey, диак. After "Heruvimsky"//the Alpha and Omega, № 11 (1996) Kuraev Andrey, диак. Polemichnost Shestodneva//the Alpha and Omega, № 12 (1997) "The News" newspaper Kuraev Andrey, диак. How to struggle with terrorism without special troops (http://www.izvestia.ru/articles/article26316/?print)//News, on November, 13th, 2002 Kuraev Andrey, диак. The unfamiliar patriarch or to That we are learnt by history of a temple of the Christ of the Savior (http://www.izvestia.ru/obshestvo/article3124663/)//News, on January, 26th, 2009 «The Russian newspaper» Kuraev Andrey, диак. The Ukrainian division — to whom it is necessary? (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2006/03/24/kuraev.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Federal release) N4026 from March, 24th, 2006 Magazine "Kommersant the Power" Kuraev Andrey, протодиак. The Church world is the world of people (http://kommersant.ru/doc/1688914/print)//Magazine "Kommersant the Power", №30 (934), 8/1/2011 Magazine "Profile" Kuraev Andrey, диак. The Abkhazian knot of a church policy (http://www.abkhaziya.org/server-articles/article-40e8f410059eaa6256a6ff88c9cb00dd.html)//the Profile, № 47 12/15/2008. «Church and time» Kuraev Andrey, диак. Canonization of an imperial family: pro and contra//Church and time, № 7 (1998) Kuraev Andrey, диак. Traditions and changes in Orthodoxy social ethics//Church and time, № 25 (2003) Kuraev Andrey, диак. About a way not-monastic//Church and time, № 28 (2004) Magazine "Expert" Kuraev Andrey, диак. Orthodoxy and spirit of capitalism (http://www.pravaya.ru/leftright/472/4621?print=1)//the Expert, on August, 29th, 2005 Other editions Kuraev Andrey, диак. «Dispute of two academies» (http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/print/274965.html)//Patriarhija.ru, on July, 30th, 2007 Interview, comments, conversations «I still too imperial person …» (http://www.pravaya.ru/ludi/451/5762?print=1) (interview to an orthodox portal of Pravaja.ru) Failure of a course of secular ethics can be in advance thought over score (http://www.pravmir.ru/protodiakon-andrej-kuraev-sryv-kursa-svetskoj-etiki-mozhet-byt-zaranee-produmannoj-partituroj/print/) (the comment to a portal "Orthodoxy and the world) Julia ХРАМОВА Deacon Andrey KURAEV: «We are not able to pray at all» (http://kuzbass.aif.ru/issues/541/03_01?print)//«Arguments and the facts in Kuzbas», release 13 (541) from March, 29th 2007 г Igor Grebtsov of 7 questions to Andrey Kuraev, диакону (http://www.rusrep.ru/2009/01/interview_kuraev/)//the Russian reporter. № 1-2 (80-81), on January, 22nd 2009 Online conference Andrey Kuraev about belief, churches, missionary work (http://www.aif.ru/onlineconf/320/1#questions)//Arguments and Facts On-Line, 2/9/2009 «The Russian newspaper» Tatyana Vladykina Zalozhniki of clip thinking (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2004/05/13/Kuraev.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Federal release) N3474 from May, 13th, 2004 Elena Jakovleva Rok-propoved (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2004/07/23/alisa.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Week) N3533 from July, 23rd, 2004 The sky above, than seems (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2004/10/28/kuraev-propovednik.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Chernozem region) N3615 from October, 28th, 2004 Tatyana Vladykina Kak correctly to mark Easter (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2005/04/30/kuraev.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Federal release) N3760 from April, 30th, 2005 Konstantin Volkov Diakon Andrey Kuraev: «Atheism as that it is simple negation of another's relic» (http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/print/60215.html)//"Results", on November, 25th, 2005 Diakon Andrey Kuraev admitted that from a serial «the Master and Margarita» he expected большего. (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2005/12/21/otklik-anons.html) (It is published a site «Russian Newspaper» on December, 21st, 2005) Elena Jakovleva Pljus of 300 arrivals (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2007/05/17/kuraev.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Federal release) N4365 from May, 17th, 2007 Alexander Emeljanenkov, Elena Jakovleva Kod yes trues (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2007/08/07/cerkov-spor.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Federal release) N4433 from August, 7th, 2007 Elena Jakovleva Soblaznennye a doomsday (http://www.rg.ru/2007/11/20/kuraev.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (the Central release) N4522 from November, 20th, 2007 Elena Jakovleva Grabovye of III century (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2008/02/04/grabovye.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (the Central release) N4579 from February, 4th, 2008 Elena Jakovleva In a ravine is not present life (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2008/05/19/ovrag.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (the Central release) N4662 from May, 19th, 2008 Elena Jakovleva Trudno to be the bishop (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2008/06/28/sobor.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Federal release) N4695 from June, 28th, 2008 Alexander Radova, Elena Jakovleva Vera and war (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2008/08/27/kuraev-konflikt.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Federal release) N4737 from August, 27th, 2008 Elena Jakovleva Udochka, instead of fish (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2009/12/29/kuraev.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (the Central release) N5076 from December, 29th, 2009 Elena Jakovleva Someone there above loves me (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2010/01/26/kuraev.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Federal release) N5093 from January, 26th, 2010 Elena Jakovleva God Patriarha (http://www.rg.ru/printable/2010/02/04/patriarh.html)//«the Russian newspaper» (Week) N5102 from February, 4th, 2010 Borislav Kozlovsky of 7 questions to Andrey Kuraev, the protodeacon (http://www.rusrep.ru/2010/05/interview_kuraev/)//the Russian reporter. № 5 (133), on February, 11th 2010 The newspaper «Young ленинец» Andrey KURAEV HAS approved ACTIONS СЕКТОБОРЦА FROM Penza (http://www.alivefaith.ru/news/2010/news.php?newsfile=2010/10-03-31-01)//Young ленинец, on March, 31st 2010 The expert The program "Point of view" with Alexander Privalovym on "Expert-TV" — a theme «Religion for schoolboys» (http://www.expert.ru/articles/2010/04/06/privalov_kyratv/) (on April, 6th, 2010) Video (http://tv.expert.ru/video/uzr_020410/) Russian line Andrey Kuraev: On a fig to us such Nafigulla (< |
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Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, We, the undersigned, residents and concerned citizens of Fairfield Township and Madison County, Ohio, respectfully submit this petition to oppose the installation of a biodigester facility at Wilson Rd. While we recognize the value of renewable energy, the proposed location raises serious concerns about environmental impact, public safety, and local infrastructure. These concerns include air a...
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
The world has never been so divided. We all take ourselves far to seriously and while everyone's beliefs and causes matter, there are times we all just want to sit down , shut off our brain and be entertained. ENTER Weird Al Yankovic. He does not discriminate, all forms of art are subject to being tweaked and made to parody. When it comes to a halftime show , people enjoy a few things : 1) fun and interesting sets 2) Songs we know 3) A few incredible special guests Weird Al cold del...
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Developing Nations Stand Against Sodomy!
The British diver Tom Daley started a campaign to overturn anti-sodomy laws at the Commonwealth Games in 2022. It is part of a drive from the West using vast sums of money to advance what they claim are ‘internationally acknowledged human rights’. The truth is, there is no right to commit unnatural acts in any international treaty, much as UK and US gay activists would like there to be. We the undersigned note that God made us male and female and instituted marriage, with this position endorsed...
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Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
This message expresses strong concerns about a recent decision by the Norwegian government, particularly the Ministry of Culture, led by Culture Minister Lubna Jaffery and Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl, to allocate NOK 77 million to the Jewish Museum Oslo. The result of this decision will force the eviction of the Subsonic Society, a music studio complex with 12 full-time jobs, 25 years of Norwegian music history, and a central role in Oslo’s music production scene, from its premises i...
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Urgent Concern – Kingston Council to Continue the After-Hours School Program at Southmoor Primary School
To Kingston City Council, We are writing to express our deep sadness, shock, and extreme disappointment regarding the council’s probable decision to discontinue the after-hours school program at Southmoor Primary School. This decision is not only distressing for parents, children, the committed staff members, but also has serious consequences for our community. First is the financial concern addressed about running this program. However, why is childcare being treated as a money-making bus...
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Add petition "Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita" to this listNo Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
Petition to Stop the Construction of Nuclear Power Plants for AI Data Centers Introduction: Nuclear power poses a serious threat to public safety and the environment. The construction of nuclear power plants to power AI data centers is a dangerous and short-sighted decision. Large Corporations are obtaining permits to build nuclear powerplants to power their AI data centers. This is clearly a bad idea. The potential for accidents, the long-term consequences of nuclear waste which cannot be dis...
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