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/ #65632011-12-22 14:50Dvorkin, Alexander Leonidovich Material from Wikipedia — the free encyclopaedia Alexander Dvorkin Name at a birth: Alexander Leonidovich Dvorkin Date of birth: On August, 20th 1955 (56 years) The birthplace: Moscow, the USSR Citizenship: Russia THE USA The father: Dvorkin Leonid Mother: Bukchina Bronislava Zinovevna The spouse: Irina Georgievna Dvorkin Children: Daughter Uljana (Иулиания) Awards and awards: Site: http://www.iriney.ru Scientific sphere: History of the Middle Ages Work place: The professor and managing chair сектоведения Missionary faculty PSTGU, vice-president FECRIS, president РАЦИРС [1] Scientific degree: The doctor of philosophy on stories [2], the candidate of divinity Alma-mater: Hunter-college (University New York), the Piously-Vladimir theological seminary, Fordhemsky university The supervisor of studies: John Mejendorf It is known as: The orthodox researcher of modern sectarianism [3], the seminary student, the church historian, the active worker of antisectarian movement in Russia, the public figure, the writer Aleksandr Leonidovich Dvorkin (on August, 20th 1955, Moscow) — the Russian [4 [5] [6] researcher [7] modern religious sectarianisms [3], the active worker of antisectarian movement in Russia, the church orthodox historian, the seminary student, the public figure, the writer, the author of 10 books and more than 450 publications in 15 languages. Distribution of concept (term) is connected with Dvorkin «totalitarian sect». A.L.Dvorkin has degree the doctor of philosophy (the doctor of philosophy) on stories of the Middle Ages from Fordhemsky university of New York (1988). [8] Work on the dissertation conducted under the direction of протопресвитера John Mejendorfa [9]. Later the dissertation was it is published by the separate monography Erlangensky university [10] Also A.L.Dvorkin receives degrees of the bachelor on a speciality «the Russian literature» Hunter-college of the New York university (1980), degree the Owner of Divinity (the master of divinity) from the Piously-Vladimir orthodox theological seminary [11] American orthodox churches in New York (1983), Alexander Dvorkin has a rank of [2] professors of Orthodox Piously-Tihonovsky humanitarian university (ПСТГУ), appropriated by the decree of the authorised person of the founder of high school — Patriarch Alex II [2] [12]. At the same time scientific degrees and the ranks provided by the Russian state system of certification at Dvorkin are not present [13 [14] because нострификация diplomas about the formation received in the USA it was not spent. [15] The post managing chair сектоведения holds of Missionary faculty PSTGU [1 [16]. The president of the antisectarian [17 [18] organisations «the Russian association of the centres of studying of religions and sects» (РАЦИРС) [19] and «the Center религиоведческих researches for the sake of martyr Irineja Lyons» (ЦРИ) [19 [20], created on blessing of Patriarch Alex II. The Vice-president of the international institute on studying сектанства "Dialogue-centre" [2] (DCI — Dialog Center International [21] — it is characterised as "the countercult" organisation). The Vice-president «the European federation of the centres on research and informing on sectarianism» (FECRIS) [13]. Since April, 2009 — the Chairman of Advisory council on carrying out state религиоведческой examinations at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation [22 [23]. The reader of a temple of the Sacred Trinity in Crests [24]. Was иподиаконом. [25] A.L.Dvorkin is awarded high awards of Russian Orthodox Church [1 [26]: awards of Saint Sergija of Radonezhsky III degree [27], awards of prelate Innokentija of Moscow III degree [27], awards of Saint Nestora Letopistsa УПЦ [27], awards sacred благоверного prince Daniel Moskovsky of III degree [28]. Last award is handed over on blessing of patriarch Alex II «For educational activity and trustworthy information distribution about the doctrine and activity of totalitarian sects and destructive cults» [28]. Dvorkin's activity and its books are criticised from a number of public figures, scientific, религиоведов [13 [29] [30] [31] [32] [33]. It is noticed, what Dvorkin's activity and the organisations headed by it carries more конфессиональный character and has no direct relation to secular scientific religious studies [13 [34] [an unauthoritative source?] . Dvorkin's theory about totalitarian sects is criticised from some clerics of Russian Orthodox Church — adherents of "the missionary approach» to followers of other religions and сектанству [35] and seminary students [36 [37]. During too time Dvorkin's book «Sektovedenie. Totalitarian sects» has positive responses from scientists, it and other publications are used and quoted in dissertations, monographies and scientific articles. [38]. I.J.Kanterov has included the book "Sektovedenie" in the list of the recommended literature (additional) under «the discipline Program" New religious movements and cults »which course Kanterov reads in ИППК the Moscow State University of M.V.Lomonosova. [39] Critics of the approach of Dvorkin characterise activity of the organisations headed by it as "anticult" [40 [41]. In too time the given organisations prefer to name themselves «антисектанскими», in view of difference of approaches of the American and European anticult movement [42 [17] [43], and proclaim the main task trustworthy information distribution about totalitarian sects (destructive cults) [20] and counteraction to their distribution [44 [45]. Alexander Dvorkin denies the acquaintance to Tedom Patrick, noticing that Patrick has been sentenced at this time to 7 years of imprisonment in prison, and Dvorkin could meet it only there that as a matter of fact it was impossible. Also Alexander Dvorkin asserts that extremely disapprovingly concerns to applied by Patrick of methods депрограммирования, washings of brains and violent imprisonment of members of sects. During too time Alexander Dvorkin agrees that Ted Patrick was the first person who has created system of the civil organisations for counteraction общественноопасным to new religious movements which experience have apprehended in many countries in the form of establishment of parental committees [45].Содержание 1 Biography 1.1 Family, study 1.2 Emigration (1978-1991) 1.2.1 IN THE USA Study and Orthodoxy acceptance (1978-1983) Dissertations, teaching activity (1984-1988) Work on radio (1988-1991) 1.3 Returning to Russia and the beginning of antisectarian activity 1.4 Teaching activity 1.5 Other activity 1.6 Dvorkin and Russian Orthodox Church 1.7 Concept «Totalitarian sect» 1.8 Family 1.9 Public work, scandals and litigations 1.9.1 Claim because of the brochure «10 questions …» 1.9.2 Cancellation of lectures on history of orthodox church in UrGU 1.9.3 Conflicts to editions "Ekklesiast" and "Golden Ring" 1.9.4 Detention by a police squad in Ekaterinburg Sergey Rjahovsky's 1.9.5 Claim 1.9.6 Claim of the Helsinki group 1.9.7 Conflict with кришнаитом in the centre of Moscow Jacob Krotova's 1.9.8 Refutation 1.9.9 Protest индолога Irinas Glushkovoj 1.9.10 Dvorkin against РБО Dvorkin's 1.9.11 Election as vice-president FECRIS 2 Critics of activity of Dvorkin 2.1 Critics in Russia 2.2 Critics at the international level 2.3 Critics Dvorkin representatives of Russian Orthodox Church 3 Answers to criticism 4 Positive responses Alexander Dvorkin's 5 Publications 6 Notes 7 Literature 8 References The biography Family, study Was born on August, 20th, 1955 in Moscow, in an intelligency family. The father was the engineer, and mother, the native of Belarus Bronislava Bukchina, has defended the dissertation of Cand.Phil.Sci. and worked as the senior lecturer in sector of the standard of speech of Institute of Russian АН the USSR. It became one of authors of the dictionary-directory «Together or separately?» (http://books.google.ru/books?id=0XNBAQAAIAAJ) [45]. Secondary education has received at schools № 25, 91 and 112 of Moscow. After the termination 10 classes, in 1972, has arrived in the Moscow teacher training college on Russian and literature faculty. During study has joined movement of hippie [45 [46] [47]. Together with adherents it has prepared work which has been shown on September, 20th, 1975 at an exhibition of artists-avant-gardists in one of pavilions VDNH. About this product and its authors — group of hippie under the name "Hair" to which Alexander Dvorkin was close, — the American magazine "Time" has positively responded. As consequence, autumn of 1975 Alexander Dvorkin has been deducted from an institute third year «for the belief incompatible with what should be at the future Soviet teacher». [45 [46] Then worked рентгенотехником in department of resuscitation of the cardiological centre of the Moscow medical academy of I. M.Setchenov on Pirogovke and the hospital attendant in branch of traumatologic resuscitation of hospital on Horoshyovsky highway to [specify], where Evgenie Margulis was its colleague, and continued to participate in movement of hippie actively. Simultaneously began to divide and propagandise the dissident ideas obtained, basically, from Alexander Solzhenitsyna's books. Soon its activity has become interested in KGB which since summer of 1976 has started to decline it or to refusal of distribution of similar views, either to cooperation, or to emigration for limits of Soviet Union. Dvorkin has chosen last variant. [45 [46] Emigration (1978-1991) For departure from the USSR Alexander Dvorkin has used the fictitious invitation from abroad — in the way existing in 1970th years officially to leave abroad on a constant residence, — which to it was sent by one of the yesterday's Moscow hippies, got over in Tel Aviv. Before emigration Alexander Dvorkin has had time to make together with the friend четырёхмесячное travel by a self-locking device, having visited Georgia, to Crimea, Moldova, the Western Ukraine, Belarus. [46] On March, 6th, 1977 Alexander Dvorkin has emigrated from the USSR, automatically having lost thus the Soviet citizenship. First it has reached by plane Vienna where at airport Shvehat the main transit point for "the Soviet" emigrants, which пререправлялись either to Israel, or on the West settled down. Accordingly, «the future Israelis» took under guardianship the Jewish agency, sending by their plane to Tel Aviv [the importance of the fact?]. The others followed, basically, in the USA, using international «fund Of Tolstoi», helping to forward the former Soviet citizens to America. Dvorkin there has gone. For this purpose to it followed issue the entry visa to the USA, than, under the arrangement with fund, the American embassy in Rome was engaged. Therefore employees of the international organisation put interested persons on a train to Rome where people made out papers. [46] Dvorkin has used the given service and it has appeared in Italy. Being in Italy, travelled a self-locking device, having visited a number of cities. In Florence together with the friend Alexander Dvorkin has stayed the night in tent кришнаитов, and, having woken up in the morning, has entered with them world outlook dispute. As a result one of кришнаитов has joined them later. In four months Dvorkin has received from the American embassy the entry visa in the USA and this very day by plane has arrived from Rome to the International airport of a name of John Kennedy of a city of New York [45]. IN THE USA The first months of stay in the USA Alexander Dvorkin worked as the courier, the waiter, копировальщиком. Acquaintance to the real world of the American hippies has brought to it disappointment [47]. Study and Orthodoxy acceptance (1978-1983) In 1978 Alexander Dvorkin became the student Hunter-college of the New York university where has continued studying of the Russian literature. In 1979 during visiting of an orthodox temple in New York, it has decided to be christened. [46] next day after visiting of a temple he has met the compatriot heading a circle of followers of George Gurdzhieva. Alexander Dvorkin for some time was fond of ideas of the new acquaintance, but did not leave idea about a christening. As he said, "guru" actively dissuaded it from this step, and he has left the instructor. [46] Alexander Dvorkin has accepted a christening in the New York temple of the Christ of the Savior [48] Orthodox Churches in America (ПЦА) on January, 19th, 1980 [45]. In the summer of 1980 Alexander Dvorkin has finished Hunter-college, having received here degree of the bachelor on a speciality «the Russian literature». After that it has started to legalise papers for postgraduate study under the Russian literature at the Colombian university. At this time he has got acquainted with the known dissident, the author «Sketches on stories of Russian church distemper» Anatoly Krasnov-Levitinym who has advised to Alexander Dvorkin to continue education in the Piously-Vladimir orthodox theological seminary ПЦА in New York. Archpriest John Mejendorf was the first who has accepted it here. Conversation with it has played a pivotal role in a choice of HIGH SCHOOL and in the autumn of 1980 Alexander Dvorkin became the student of seminary. Here he has got acquainted with the rector — протопресвитером Alexander Shmemanom who became its confessor [45]. In 1981 Alexander Dvorkin has made a pilgrim trip, to which time has visited Israel and Greece. Dvorkin has visited Greece on Athos, in ancient Pantelejmonovom a monastery, whence has brought to father Alexander Shmemanu a gift of one of Russian насельников — покровцы and возду́х XVIII-th century works. Memoirs from this trip, and also from the subsequent trips to Athos were included into the book «Athos stories» [45]. During study in academy Alexander Dvorkin bore obedience: in 1982 has been put in readers первоиерархом ПЦА by Metropolitan Feodosiem, became алтарником, and then — the senior алтарником the academic temple later. In the summer of 1982 health of the rector of Academy of father Alexander Shmemana has considerably worsened also to it it became difficult to accept a confession. Therefore Alexander Dvorkin took blessing to go on a confession to the teacher of academy, the historian of Orthodoxy to archpriest John Mejendorfu who has become by its new confessor [45]. The dissertation, teaching activity (1984-1988) In the summer of 1983 Alexander Dvorkin has finished academy and became the master of divinity. In the end of 1983 father Alexander Shmeman has died. John Mejendorf became the new rector of academy протопресвитер. In 1984 upon termination of "quarantine" term for naturalisation Alexander Dvorkin has obtained the American citizenship and has arrived in doctoral studies [49 [50] at chair of medieval history of Fordhemsky university [51] — so-called «Jesuit university of New York», based by Catholic church, and since 1969 being independent educational institution in which it is possible to receive both religious, and secular education [52 [53], — where specialised on studying of the Byzantian and Russian history of the Middle Ages. [49] there he was invited by father John Mejendorf teaching there. In 1987 thanks to the program to Committee on Christian cooperation of the Vatican secretary of Christian unity Dvorkin has worked half a year in based by Jesuits for training of Russian Catholic and orthodox students of Papal board Russikum in Rome. In the Vatican library it collected materials for the thesis for a doctor's degree. After returning taught Russian history at the higher New York school of the fine arts, continuing scientific researches [45]. In 1988 under the direction of father John Mejendorfa [49 [54] Alexander Dvorkin has defended in Fordheme the dissertation on a theme «Ivan the Terrible as religious type» («Ivan the Terrible as Religious Type») [49 [54], having received degree the doctor of philosophy on stories (corresponds to degree of the candidate of historical sciences in Russia). The dissertation left the separate edition in English, and later — and in Russian languages [45]. After dissertation protection «the young expert» could accept only at university in El Paso (State of Texas). The subject offered for teaching «Introduction in the general history» was not so interesting to Alexander Dvorkin as to the expert in Russian history in view of it ознакомительности and short duration. In this connection he has decided to replace a field of activity [45]. Work on radio (1988-1991) In the end of 1988 Dvorkin moves to Washington where works in radio station bureau «Voice of America». (Boris Grebenshchikov) was One of whom he interviewed. During the same time it becomes иподиаконом and алтарником Vasily Rodzjanko's lords in the Washington Piously-Nikolsky cathedral [45]. In 1991 Alexander Dvorkin receives the offer to move to the Western Europe from Alexey Tsvetkova who was earlier the employee of the newspaper leaving in San Francisco «Russian life», then replaited white bread to Germany and has started to work on radio station "Freedom". Alexander Dvorkin becomes one of editors of department of news of the Munich bureau of radio station. Simultaneously it serves алтарником in a local orthodox Serbian temple [45]. Radio "Freedom" was financed by the Congress of the USA [the importance of the fact?]. Alexander Dvorkin, notices that this fact to it now remember, in spite of the fact that earlier many of critics caught "Freedom" to learn news about «persecutions for belief». That with the same success it is possible to criticise employees of the newspaper of News, that they once worked in an official publication of the Supreme body. Двокрин notices that on radio station together with it Alexander Kiselyov and Alexander Shmeman, archpriest Cyril Fotiev, known conservative orthodox publicist Gleb Rar and even Michael Nazarov taking now of a superguarding position worked протопресвитеры. [45]. In the early nineties Dvorkin also co-operates with the organisation which helped orthodox American families to adopt children-orphans from Russia [55]. Returning to Russia and the beginning of antisectarian activity A.L.Dvorkin visited Russia during Michael Gorbachev's board, however бо́льшую time part remained abroad. In 1991, after putsch, Alexander Dvorkin has called the confessor to father John Mejendorfu and has received its blessing on homecoming [45]. By train from Germany through Romania Dvorkin has come back to Russia on December, 31st, 1991. Some months later, in March, 1992, it have gone to work in recently formed Department of religious formation and катехизации the Moscow patriarchy. At first Dvorkin spent public катехизаторские and educational lectures, including with prisoners of Butyrsky prison taught Church history. According to Alexander Dvorkin, in the beginning he has flatly refused offer of head of sector of religious formation of Gleb Kaledy to be engaged densely «in a problem of counteraction to sects» though during residing at the USA faced both with кришнаитами, and with харизматиками, and also studied сектоведение in the Piously-Vladimir orthodox theological seminary [45]. Dvorkin has started to be engaged in Antisektansky activity in the summer of 1992, after returning from funeral of father John Mejendorfa under the offer of archpriest Gleb Kaledy. [46] Main reason, as he said, was sympathy for the people coming with complaints to sects to which their relatives got. In March, 1993 Alexander Dvorkin has spent conference on a cult problem «Bogorodichnyj the centre» [45]. The then this theme was actual as in the early nineties, after declaration in Russia religious freedom, together with occurrence of the foreign missionaries belonging to the largest Christian faiths of the world, new religious movements, therefore a sphere of action became more active it has appeared wide enough [32]. The big help to Alexander Dvorkin was rendered by the head of Danish countercult organisation "Dialogue-centre" professor Johannes Ogord who has visited Moscow in the spring of 1993 and, having got acquainted with Alexander Dvorkin, has invited him. Having returned from a trip, A.L.Dvorkin has decided to create the similar centre in Russia [45]. On September, 5th, 1993 the information-advisory centre of St. Irineja Lyons »has been opened«. The basic difference of the given centre from anticult «the Cult Network of Understanding», specified by A.L.Dvorkin, is a consultative state of the organisation warning about «dangers of hit in sect», the centre is not engaged in rehabilitation of "sectarians" [45]. In many respects thanks to Alexander Dvorkin and диакону to Andrey Kuraev in December, 1994 on the Arhierejsky cathedral of Russian Orthodox Church definition «About pseudo-Christian sects, paganism and an occultism» [45] was accepted. Some critics express opinion that Dvorkin together with диаконом Andrey Kuraev has developed active struggle against any displays of religious life in Russia out of jurisdiction of Russian Orthodox Church of MT, having emphasised the steady negative stereotypes imparted by antireligious propagation during the Soviet period. In the list of sects have been brought, including неопятидесятники and кришнаиты [32 [33]. Teaching activity With 1992 for 1994 Alexander Dvorkin taught a subject «Church History» at journalism faculty in the Moscow State University where held a post of the professor. [45 [56] further the contract has not been prolonged. Subsequently in publications of ill-wishers of Dvorkin it was widely made comments a certain inquiry signed by the dean of faculty of journalism of Jasena Zasursky in which it was specified that the reason not contract prolongations, ostensibly, was absence of necessary educational level of the master expressed available to degree, and also on, ostensibly, on absence of morally-business qualities and kindling religious break a set [57 [58] of the Given statement it has been denied in a judicial order by the decision Kirov regional court of a city of Yaroslavl [59] In Alexander Dvorkin's biography it is noticed that the faculty management has lost interest to group of church journalism and the contract has not been prolonged under the mutual arrangement with all group of teachers. And the inquiry signed by Jasena Zasursky has been put in circulation from giving сайентологической the organisation having a personal abacus with Dvorkin [45] Also on inquiry of Alexander Dvorkin Jasen Zasursky has confirmed взимную the arrangement not to prolong the contract. [60] journalist Evgenie Muhtarov has spent checking of the facsimile of all five inquiries of Jasenu Zasursky, spent by both parties on business неопядидесятнической newspapers "Ekklesiast" where has found out that the reason not prolongations of the contract on teaching activity between the dean of faculty of journalism of the Moscow State University and Alexander Dvorkin was исключтительно the mutual arrangement, but in any way claims to educational level of the last [56] After that A.L.Dvorkin has passed St. John Bogoslova in the Russian orthodox institute created in 1993, and in 1995 the Russian Orthodox Church has held a post managing chair сектоведения in Orthodox Piously-Tihonovsky humanitarian university (ПСТГУ), founded by then, and having received the decree of the authorised person of the founder — Patriarch Alex II — a rank of the professor [2 [45] [38]. According to ПСТГУ, except lectures which are read in Russia and in Bruxelles, at Dvorkin's chair «regular antisectarian work» [61] is spent. Read a course of lectures on new religious movements at the Finnish university Joensuu, repeatedly acted in various German higher educational institutions, at Bratislava university (Slovakia) and Orhussky university (Denmark), and also in set of domestic high schools — from Sakhalin and Vladimir to Kaliningrad. [62] Other activity Alexander Dvorkin carries out obedience of the reader of a temple of the Sacred Trinity in Crests [63]. On November, 4th, 2009 Pavel Lungina's premiere of the film "Tsar", about Ivan the Terrible mutual relations and metropolitan Phillip has taken place. Alexander Dvorkin became the adviser of a film, and also has played a role of archbishop Pimena [25] Dvorkin and Russian Orthodox Church Alexander Dvorkin's activity is noted by Russian Orthodox Church awards, him invite with lectures in many dioceses [64 [65]. In 2008 patriarch Alex II has congratulated the Center религиоведческих researches in a name свщмч. Иринея Lyons, having wished «the further successes in their activity for the blessing of Russian Orthodox Church and our Russian Fatherland» [66]. The concept «totalitarian sect» is used by the majority of the orthodox antisectarian organisations [67]. In 2007 Alexander Dvorkin is awarded the order by Nestora летописца III degrees from the Ukrainian orthodox church [26]. Concept «Totalitarian sect» To Alexander Dvorkin introduction in use in term Russian «totalitarian sect» [30] is attributed. During on-line-conference in RIA Novosti news agency Alexander Dvorkin has told about it the following: In connection with mess in the use of the term of "sect" I suggest to divide sects "classical" from sects "totalitarian". Classical sects are rather small cultural limited religious organisations, the main which sense of existence is an opposition of the basic religious tradition of the country. But at the same time, in no way it is impossible to tell that they are socially dangerous, maintain the followers, supervise their consciousness, make profit of them and etc. All these signs are characteristic just for totalitarian sects. Baptists concern classical sects, for example. It is necessary to notice that, using this term, I in any way do not want them to offend. It is the classical term of sociology of religion. It is possible to tell that baptists are dear Christian sect. There are also the sects which accessory to this or that group to define difficult enough, as they on a number of signs not so classical, but also not the totalitarian. I would carry Adventists of the seventh day to such sects and старопятидесятников. Well and further already actually totalitarian sects in which I and am engaged follow. [68] On September, 30th, 2006 on TV channel "Russia" in the program «National interest (http://www.rutv.ru/video.html?tvpreg_id=115682&vid=42840&mid=14&d=0&p=1)» with Dmitry Kiselyov Dvorkin has made definition of "totalitarian sect» referring to the French experience It some kind of the authoritative organisation which is directed on the power and money for the nearest environment, is covered with various masks, it is completely not obligatory religious, can be political, can be psychological, can any others for which are characteristic a deceit at recruitment, monitoring of consciousness of members, operation of the members of their life both etc. and etc. [69] . Protodeacon A. V.Kuraev present nearby has noticed that Alexander Leonidovich has resulted definition which the French legislator has given to sect. That is it is not simple any expert. In the French law this definition is. Also it is good base from which can make a start by working out of a similar definition in the Russian right [69] . In their opinion, the similar concept needs to be entered into the legislation of Russia. In other interviews [70] Dvorkin directly says that the characteristic «totalitarian sect» is given concept in the law of France accepted in May, 2001, and in order to avoid half-words in the appendix to the law the list from 178 names of dangerous sects is resulted. [71] in the only thing accepted by Parliament of France on May, 30th, 2001 the Law «About the prevention and suppression of the sectarian currents striking the rights and basic freedom of the person» [72], or so-called Zakone Ebout-Pikard (фр. About - Picard the law) brought by the French members of parliament Nicolas Eboutom (Nicolas) and Katrin Pikar (фр. Ketrin Pikard) [73]. In the law text in relation to the sectarian organisations the concept "legal body" (фр is applied. The morals personne), and the law do not contain appendices with the list of sects [73]., in Chapter 4.« The positions limiting advertising of sectarian movements »any definition« the totalitarian sect »though all essential signs of totalitarian sect which are used in the definition by Alexander Dvorkin [74] are many times named directly is not given to concept Michael Shahov, религиовед, the expert in comparative studying of the French and Russian experience it is state-konfessionalnyh relations [75], professor РАГС professor РГТЭУ, the Doctor of Philosophy, the member of Advisory council of Committee on affairs of the public and religious organisations of the State Duma of Federal Meeting of the Russian Federation notices that as of 2009: The French legislation, as well as Russian, does not know such concept as "sect". Attempt to enter such concept of legal system would lead to restriction of constitutional laws and freedom and to legal differentiation of religions on "the first" and "second" grades. Thus, legal definition "sect" is not present, but in религиоведческой to the literature it is used [76]. Russian религиовед I.Kanterov considers empty concepts «totalitarian sect» and «destructive sect». [30] In its opinion, the given concepts are used mainly with the ideological purposes — creations of a negative image of some new religious associations. [30] Family Alexander Dvorkin has younger sister. His mother is live also. The spouse, Irina Georgievna (in girlhood Dzjubinsky), the native of Chelyabinsk and the daughter of the colonel of the Air Forces in George Dzjubinsky's resignation, is the graduate of faculty of foreign languages of the Chelyabinsk teacher training college. Daughter Uljana (Иулиания). The family lives in Moscow. [45] In free from work time Alexander Dvorkin bears obedience алтарника and the reader the Moscow temple of the Sacred Trinity in Crests. Alexander Dvorkin spends holiday usually with a family or in Ukraine where has taken place its childhood, or in the countries of the Mediterranean, for example, in Cyprus and in Greece. [45] Public work, scandals and litigations The claim because of the brochure «10 questions …» In 1997 «Public committee of protection of a freedom of worship» in the name of Gleb Yakunin with adjoined it M.S.Osadchevym, L.S.Levinsonom, N.A.Balukovoj, have addressed in Horoshyovsky district court of Moscow, with the claim to A.L.Dvorkin and Department of religious formation and катехизации the Moscow Patriarchy about a refutation asserting that data stated in the brochure «Ten questions to the persuasive stranger …» [77] do not represent the facts and discredit honour, advantage and business reputation of the organisations described in it — «the Society of consciousness of Krishna», «Association Churches» Moon, "Scientology", «Bogorodichnogo of the centre» I.Bereslavsky, etc. [78] On May, 21st, 1997 the Horoshyovsky district court of Moscow after process lasting many days has refused the claim: The Court considers established that resulted by A.L.Dvorkin in the brochure «Ten questions to the persuasive stranger or the Grant for those who does not want to be enlisted» data on «totalitarian sects» (the nonconventional religious organisations) which are challenged by claimants — represent the facts, that is why are not subject to a refutation. … the Court has solved: In the claim of Public Committee of protection of a freedom of worship, Levinsona Lva Semyonovicha, Osadcheva Michael Semyonovicha, Balukovoj Natalia Aleksandrovny to Dvorkin Alexander Leonidovichu, to Department of religious formation and катехизации the Moscow Patriarchy about protection of honour, advantage and business reputation, a refutation of a damaging evidence to refuse [79 [80]. Cancellation of lectures on history of orthodox church in UrGU In 2000 administration of the Ural state university (Ekaterinburg) has forbidden carrying out of lectures of Dvorkin on stories of Orthodox Church, and it had to act with a course of lectures on сектоведению and Church stories in District Officers' Club. The arrangement between the Ekaterinburg diocese of Russian Orthodox Church of MT and university administration about Dvorkin's lectures has been cancelled by the order of the rector of university Vladimir Tretjakova two hours prior to their beginning. The university administration has explained this cancellation by "ethical reasons» as «the state educational institution cannot be engaged in religious propagation …» [81]. The conflict to editions "Ekklesiast" and "Golden Ring" In 2003 in two newspapers of Yaroslavl [82] (one of them — "Ekklesiast", № 10 (83), 2003, article «Gapon of the Second») [83], and the second — "Golden Ring" from October, 28th, 2003, article «Great сектовед on CIA channels» [84].) informations that Dvorkin has passed from a Judaism in Christianity have been spread, has married the American citizen for the purpose of reception of citizenship of the USA and kindled conflicts on religious soil, and also to it statements have been attributed that «the unique religious organisation which does not represent danger to a society are Satanists» [85]. These facts, as well as Alexander Dvorkin's comparison with double agent-provoker George Gaponom, have been recognised by the Kirov district court of a city of Yaroslavl on December, 13th, 2006 by offending honour, advantage, Alexander Dvorkin's business reputation and subject to a refutation [85 [86]. At the same time the court recognised that such statements of the newspaper, as are not discrediting: "this fighter with прозелитизмом (Dvorkin) has crossed from a Judaism in Orthodoxy in 1980 … as in article does not contain data on mercenary or other low reasons of acceptance by the claimant of Orthodoxy, the given fact is not connected and with Dvorkin's immoral, dishonest, unfair behaviour And. Л" [85]; the statement that Alexander Dvorkin has the American citizenship as it does not challenge the facts of acquisition of the American citizenship [85] and a phrase «Reputation of the odious person, разжигателя interreligious conflicts tries to keep step with it» as here it is a question of estimated judgement [85]. The fact of confession of a Judaism has not been proved by respondents ("Ekklesiast"). In (Dvorkin's) plaintiff's statement this fact is characterised by it as "not representing the facts". [87] Judicial decisions on this private question are not present, as well as on presence at Alexander Dvorkin of the American citizenship. [85] The recognition not representing the facts statements was the only thing from Alexander's six requirements with which the court has not satisfied, that to it, the claimant, ostensibly, has been refused lecturing on journalism faculty of the Moscow State University because of «insufficient educational level». On this point in question the court has explained the decision to that, under the law, the claim in the unreliable information publication should show to the primary source — that is to an Internet site of organisation Narkonon which have placed with «the inquiry from Jasena Zasursky». [88] The newspaper "Golden Ring" even prior to the beginning of judicial session has apologised for the doubtful publication about Alexander Dvorkin. [85 [88] [89], and also later has published interview to Alexander Dvorkin. [89] journalist Evgenie Muhtarov has conducted full comparative research of all materials of the Yaroslavl process [88 [90] Detention by a police squad in Ekaterinburg On March, 23rd, 2005 Alexander Dvorkin and the head of missionary department of a diocese priest Vladimir Zajtsev have arrived to school № 21 Chkalovsky areas of Ekaterinburg for lecturing on a theme:« Totalitarian sect „New life“ — a pursuit of the power and money »and conversation with suffered from activity of sect of Grigory Grabovogo. [91] During a meeting with townspeople employees Chkalovsky РУВД Ekaterinburg have tried to detain them. After Alexander Dvorkin, priest Vladimir Zajtsev, the operator of a diocesan broadcasting company Victor Grigoriev and two organizers of a meeting have refused to follow in branch explaining the refusal by an action coordination, law enforcement officers have applied force. According to father Vladimir on detention of profit two militian UAZ and three cars with nearby 15 police officers, detention the captain of militia Vladimir Shevchenko were in an alcohol intoxication supervised. [92] arrested persons have spent some hours in Chkalovsk РУВД of Ekaterinburg and have been let out only after the ambassador of arrival in branch of the deputy of the State Duma of Russia Evgenie Rojzmana. According to father Vladimir «New life» became the incident reason "подкупленность of some militiamen heads prospering around sect неопятидесятнического sense. [92 [93]. According to the representative of the press-service of the Department of Internal Affairs of Ekaterinburg detention has been spent for refusal to stop not co-ordinated with administration of educational institution of action and insubordination to law enforcement officers, and also for an identification and the meeting purposes. [94] In connection with the occurred events Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alex II has made the following statement: I with the big alarm have heard the message from Ekaterinburg about the made violence over the missionary professor Alexander Leonidovichem Dvorkin — the known fighter with the totalitarian sects, the competent scientific and fearless preacher. Other people, including the priest have suffered also. We live in the free country where the freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Constitution. Any obstacle, especially law enforcement bodies, to distribution of a freedom of speech undermines legal bases of our state. [94 [95]. The legal investigation is entrusted to specially created investigatory brigade and is taken on special control by the assistant to the General public prosecutor of the Russian Federation in УФО Yury Zolotov. Based on the results of testing Office of Public Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk area has filed criminal charges under article 286 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (excess of powers of office) concerning heads of the law-enforcement services which in due time have not stopped lawlessness from subordinates. [94] also on the instructions of Office of Public Prosecutor the management of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Sverdlovsk area has made office investigation which has found out that Alexander Dvorkin's detention and attendants of the Ekaterinburg diocese was unreasonable, and that during detention law enforcement officers have exceeded office powers, having shown roughness [96]. The chief of branch Chkalovsky РУВД Ekaterinburg, supervising detention, has been dismissed from law-enforcement bodies «for the admitted roughness and tactless behaviour in relation to clerics», and to a number of chiefs of the department summary punishments have been defined. [93] И an island of the chief of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Sverdlovsk area Vladimir Filippov has apologised the Ekaterinburg diocese and personally to the father V.Zajtsevu for the occurred conflict. [96] the assistant to the public prosecutor of Chkalovsky area of Ekaterinburg that has not inspected the conflict between clerics and militiamen also has been dismissed. [93] Priest Vladimir Zajtsev has in detail told subsequently all details of incident in interview. [97], and also has sent the missive to the deputy of the State Duma of Russia Evgenie Rojzmanu [98] Sergey Rjahovsky's claim In the autumn of 2006 the chairman «the Russian incorporated union of Christians of belief evangelical» (РОCХВЕ) Sergey Rjahovsky has addressed in court with the claim to Dvorkin. As an occasion performance of the last has served in TV channel "Russia" program «National interest» on September, 30th, 2006 in which A.Dvorkin has accused S.Rjahovsky of preparation of "orange revolution» in territory of Russia [99 [100]. Head РОСХВЕ has declared that him have accused of preparation of orange revolution, and asked court to recognise A.Dvorkin's statements groundless and discrediting honour and advantage. Preliminary hearings have taken place on November, 9th and on December, 21st. In both cases Sergey Rjahovsky, Alexander Dvorkin on court personally were not, preferring to operate through the lawyers working by proxy. For various reasons process was tightened, total session has taken place on May, 14th, 2007, the decision on it has been taken out in favour of Dvorkin [101]. The claim of the Helsinki group On September, 30th, 2006 Dvorkin in transfer «National interest» on TV channel "Russia", in particular, has told: Well, I do not speak about the Helsinki group which, however, constantly supports all sects and consists on жалованьи at сайентологии [102]. Thereupon the Moscow Helsinki group — МХГ against A.L.Dvorkin and ФГУП «the All-Russia state television and broadcasting company» had been submitted the statement of claim from November, 26th, 2006 about protection of business reputation (as item 152 ГК the Russian Federation). During process the worker of remedial centre "Ark" — lawyer Sergey Sychev undertook to defend its interests. Because of that the applicant has specified to Horoshevsky court of capital the old address of the respondent on which has gone the summons — Dvorkin knew nothing about process, and business was considered without it [103]. For lack of the respondent, the court has sided with claimants and recognised as not representing the facts the statement that «МХГ consists on the salary at сайентологов». Then Alexander Dvorkin has submitted the appeal on the decision of Horoshevsky court, and on August, 6th, 2007 it has been cancelled [104 [105], and business is directed on new consideration to Basmanny Court of Moscow. On January, 29th, 2008, having considered the plaintiff's statement and having heard arguments of respondents, Basmanny Court has refused МХГ satisfaction of its claim requirements, motivating the decision with that Dvorkin's statement «cannot be considered, how the statement about the facts», and is its opinion which «cannot be checked up on conformity of the validity», and also the court has considered impossible «to identify the statements extended by the respondent with the concrete legal body» — the Moscow Helsinki group. [105 [106] The conflict with кришнаитом in the centre of Moscow On May, 1st, 2006 in the centre of Moscow there was a conflict between Dvorkin and the novice of the Moscow temple of the International society of consciousness of Krishna living without registration by the citizen of Moldova Sergey Kosenko extending the books of publishing house Bhaktivedanta the Beech the Trust in underground transition between metro stations «Kuznetsk bridge» and "Lubjanka". Dvorkin has taken away кришнаита in militia where сообшил that has rebuked group кришнаитов, one of which has put it an easy beating on the person and рассёк a lip. [107 [108] [109] [110]. The information on beating кришнаитом Dvorkin has been stated subsequently by the head of department of the information and public relations of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow by Victor Birjukovym who has noticed that the crime structure in incident is not present, as, as he said, victim Alexander Dvorkin has not been beaten, and also with the statement for beating did not address. Employees have checked up documents at Kosenko who was resulted under an elbow by Alexander Dvorkin itself after that left, and have released. [108 [109] [111] According to the president of the Moscow Society of Consciousness of Krishna Sergey Andreeva the attack was only from Alexander Dvorkin, and Sergey Kosenko after check of documents has gone on the affairs. [112]. On May, 12th, 2006, Sergey Kosenko, in interview to "Portal-credo", has described happened as Dvorkin's attack which has thus pulled out at it from hands one of индуистских books and, shouting that all is a Satanism, has torn it on a part. Aggressive behaviour of the orthodox professor кришнаит has explained as follows: Thus, each fanatic usually convinces itself of the correctness, strengthens itself. At first it suffices the book, and then can to take also a knife in hands to kill for the sake of the belief, that is it already in essence does not supervise itself(himself) [113]. Косенко also has declared that it was already the second case of an attack on it Alexander Dvorkin. On a question of the journalist, what opinion кришнаита about the happened conflict, Sergey Kosenko has answered: Dvorkin is more likely covered with Church. As a result of its performances ignorant people have a sensation that in a society all share on "our" and "not our". Thus, antisectarian actions aggravate religion and belief ignorance in general, people turn away from Orthodoxy if hear statements of such people, as Dvorkin. Professor Alexander Dvorkin — not orthodox, and orthodox are Saint Sergy Radonezhsky and metropolitan Antony Surozhsky. At the heart of Orthodoxy the Christian principle lies — love the Lord of Your and near, and aggression display is at all religion [113]. On May, 15th, 2006 with the statement concerning Sergey Kostenko's interview to "Portal-credo" official representatives РАЦИРС — Vice-president РАЦИРС archpriest Alexander Novopashin, Vice-president РАЦИРС archpriest Alexander Shabanov, and Responsible secretary РАЦИРС, the candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer, priest Lev Semyonov where have expressed as follows have acted: Citizen Kosenko, breaking the Russian laws, trades in the underground with the connivance of militiamen on duty here, and professor Dvorkin, destroyed the intervention these idyllic mutual relations of the offender and правоохранителей, receives from the criminal (after all so the person who is violating the law) a punch in the person till now was called. As to official physical examination of the physical injuries received by it in it it is a question of damages of soft fabrics of the person and a mucous lip. We hope that last specification, we have completely satisfied curiosity With. Косенко, expressed by it in interview in it is inadmissible obscene style. [114] Also official representatives РАЦИРС have paid attention to partiality and an involvement of "Portal-credo" of the spending interview to Sergey Kostenko: Probably, it is a high time to pay attention and to the Portal-credo. The ruthenium which once again has confirmed the low-standard reputation by placing of named interview. Really, what by and large can be demand from the Moldavian greenhorn brought to Moscow beaten to exotic sect, remained in thirty two whether the former musician, whether illegal книгоношей, without a family, without a certain occupation and, seemingly, without the special formation having at «the passport copier» and wandering nowadays on the Moscow streets and underground transitions on purpose всучить the passer-by given to it sectarian leaders for distribution the literature. In strict sense it only a victim of the sect which willingly have appropriated it like many other things. And especially ridiculously to be too captious to literary style of its interview. And here to the Portal, should be thinking itself capable to be in the same row with respectable information resources of the Internet, it would be advisable to concern stylistics and tone of placed materials more exactingly. The portal applying for granting of the wide information in sphere of religious life, apparently, should remember that the chastity is one of attributes of religiousness as that. [114] Jacob Krotova's refutation On November, 12th, 2006 Jacob Krotov has directed in «the Center религиоведческих researches to them. St. Irineja Lyons», headed by Dvorkin, the letter with a refutation of the [115] information, dated on September, 29th, 2005, signed certain «the brother in the Christ Andrey» [116], and placed on a centre site. Jacob Krotov has characterised this material as «the anonymous forgery written ostensibly by one of members of a community», and has accused публикаторов: «you have taken up responsibility for slander distribution». But neither in court, nor in Office of Public Prosecutor has not addressed. The protest индолога Irinas Glushkovoj In 2008 the site Portal-Credo.ru referring to an official site of the International society of consciousness of Krishna has placed the text of the statement Russian индолога, the leading research assistant of the Center of the Indian researches of Institute of oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Irina Glushkovoj [117 [118]. In I. P.Glushkov's statement has stated objections against use in article «to Krishnaity as they are» [the 119] its phrases, published in 1996 in «the Independent newspaper». In the statement it is noticed that on some sites article «Krishnaity as they are» Glushkovoj, and also that A.L.Dvorkin resorts to references to this citation more often others and without a visible occasion [117] is signed by a name. In the text of the statement of I. P.Glushkov that the citation «is said in polemic in a concrete occasion» refers, and objects to her name use «thus and with such purposes» [117]. Glushkov also has declared that addressed to V.Ju.Pitanovu to remove from a site of Orthodox institute of religious studies and church arts the article signed by her name or to name its author, but was refused [117].Однако, except the given sources, there are no acknowledgement of authenticity of this statement. Citation I.P. Glushkovoj used in article published in 2004 «Krishnaity as they is» [119], in 2000 Sektovedenie has served as an epigraph to devoted кришнаитам to head of the book of A.L.Dvorkin «. Totalitarian sects» [120]. Dvorkin against РБО On November, 20th, 2008 the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation inspected activity of the Russian Bible Society and based on the results of testing recognised РБО as the religious organisation [121 [122]. However, in 2009 at the first session «Advisory council on carrying out религиоведческой examinations» Dvorkin has declared that will stop activity of the Russian Bible Society. According to chief executive РБО Anatoly Rudenko to explain or prove something to such chairman as Dvorkin it is useless [123]. After objections РБО Ministry of Justice recognised claims to a society unreasonable [124] Dvorkin's election as vice-president FECRIS On May, 17th, 2009 in St.-Petersburg there has passed annual conference «the European federation of the research centres of informing on sects» (FECRIS) which unites representatives of 31 countries and is the official adviser of the Council of Europe. Delegates have taken part in action from Germany, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Russia and of some other states Western and the Eastern Europe. Gathered which have the day before held a meeting with the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Alexander Konovalovym, have heard the report on work of all organisation and the Board of directors, Alexander Dvorkin was one of which members. Then elections of new directing bodies FECRIS have taken place. As a result the post of the president of the organisation was occupied with sir Thomas Jeffrey Sakvill — the graduate of the Oxford university and the former first deputy of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Great Britain, and Alexander Dvorkin became the vice-president. In interview to Agency of national news Alexander Dvorkin has informed: I regard it as high trust, and not only to me, but also to my Russian colleagues. Participation of the representative of Russia in a management of the organisation which is the official adviser of the Council of Europe, raises the status of our country and visually shows its intention together to struggle with infringements of human rights in criminal communities, including their such version, as totalitarian sects [125]. In July, 2009 Economic and social council of the United Nations at the session has given «to the European association of the research centres of informing on sectarianism» (FECRIS), Alexander Dvorkin, the status of the special adviser [126] became one of which bosses. Criticism of activity Dvorkin The criticism in Russia Definitely enough looks Dvorkin by results of antireligious activity and on pages of the total work "Sektovedenie". In the first case, it is weights of the believers offended in the religious feelings because of its general negativism to another's beliefs. In the second — the collection of the chaotic, deformed representations about with what the author, most likely, simply is not familiar, weight of falsifications, передёргиваний, оговоров and the pseudoscientific reasonings strongly losing on the artistry to works of academician Fomenko. The printing text, as it is known, essentially differs from oral speech — it is always more transparent. Therefore, to see Russian «сектоведа № 1» without everyones прикрас, is better to read this work. Actually, and good experts do. [32] The historian and религиовед Alexey Muravyov and publicist Michael Sitnikov In published in 2005 in St.-Petersburg the collection «Sketches Russian сектоведения» [127] have entered devoted to Dvorkin's creativity materials of some philosophers: the chairman of presidium of Russian geopolitical society Sergey Shatohina and the co-chairman of the World Russian cathedral Igor Kolchenko, the professor, the doctor of jurisprudence M.Kuznetsova and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper «Slavic house» of J.Isatova [32]. All mentioned authors of the collection published by an orthodox brotherhood «Adherents of Orthodoxy», according to authors of article [32], are orthodox and responses both about activity, and about Dvorkin's book disapprove of "sects", but, published in the collection, at all are unflattering: Being the teacher of educational institutions of Russian Orthodox Church, giving lectures to the future orthodox pastors, seminary students and scientists, And. L. Dvorkin causes the activity a doubtless damage to interests of Church and the orthodox people in Russia, accustoming students to neglect scientific methods of work, to a superficial acquaintance with a theme of religious sectarianism, does not form an initial church sight at this subject. Without being able (or without wishing) to work in the selected area it is professional from the scientific point of view that is how only that and is demanded by a object of research — modern religious sectarianism, A.L.Dvorkin under the grants prepares for Church of self-confident laymans which not only will not manage to defend interests of Church in a modern civil society, but also will discredit a church science in the face of secular researchers, and Svjashchennonachalie of Russian Orthodox Church before a society and the state. I.Kolchenko [32] A.L.Dvorkin and a number of persons, acting with it on this points in question, show the misunderstanding of processes of church canonization, glorification in Sacred as phenomena of internal life of Church … Their belief that in the given relation it is possible to forbid something basically, to exclude possibility of this or that event in this area, testifies, in our opinion, it is simple about their insufficient belief in God and consequently assignment to itself (to the understanding and understanding) abilities and properties which in Christian Church are considered belonging not to the people, whatever formed or high-ranking in church hierarchy they were, but only to God. S.Shatohin [32] Estimating Dvorkin's activity, the lawyer, the co-chairman of the Slavic legal centre Vladimir Rjahovsky, confirms: «The Center of St. Irineja Lyons» if to estimate it on Dvorkin's activity and to the signs revealed by him of "destructive and totalitarian sects», in essence and is the extremely destructive sect which, being based on lie, propagandises enmity to variety of legislative religious associations officially operating in our country. [128] The same that mister Dvorkin on behalf of church does, works only on its discredit … [129] H. I.Kozlov [the importance is not specified 246 days], the writer and the psychologist, a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences The leading research assistant of Institute of the Russian literature (the Pushkin House) the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology A. A.Panchenko in Internet-portalu Bogoslov.Ru interview has noted: … I should express the indignation of that the Advisory council on state религиоведческой to examination at the Ministry of Justice was headed by the odious active worker of antisectarian movement Alexander Dvorkin who is subject, from my point of view, to suit for kindling religious break a set. It, of course, too testifies to incompetence of present ruling elite. [130] The project head «the Encyclopedia of modern religious life of Russia», the sociologist, религиовед Sergey Filatov has stated the point of view on Dvorkin's activity in connection with its appointment to the post of the chairman of Advisory council on carrying out state религиоведческой examinations at Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation: Alexander Dvorkin's Election — the certificate (both from the power, and from Russian Orthodox Church which should bless such eminence of the main thing патриархийного сектоведа) either impudences, or madnesses. Dvorkin — a figure sign, throughout many years it defames religious minority without special analysis, accuses (or suspects them) in the most improbable crimes, urges the authorities to finish religious freedom. Till now it acted in a main thing role сектоведа Russian Orthodox Church. Permanent campaign of hatred untwisted by it did not paint Russian Orthodox Church. In my opinion, it simply discredited it. But, eventually, it acted only in a role of the spokesman of sights of public organisation, instead of the power. Now for all hatred and slander with which it gushes forth, bears responsibility the state. [131] According to Alexander Novikova [132], as a result of A.Dvorkin's activity in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, it is selected in May, 2009 by the vice-president of "the infamous foreign organisation», extending «the unchecked slanderous information on religious minority, provoking religious hatred», — the European Federation of the research centres of informing on sects (FECRIS): The Councillor of directors FECRIS Alexander Dvorkin, having received a tribune in Ministry of Justice, involves the Russian Federation in a religious hostility and danger situation to be discredited in the opinion of the international community. [132] … we should realise danger of that the information can be doubtful because the problem of one country can be incorrectly apprehended in other countries; moreover, we can sometimes not have representation that the given information starts with the sources connected among themselves and bears in myself similar (if not same) a bias. This statement is especially true, when all new religions are a priori defined as dangerous cults, and any behavioural deviation of their any member is considered as one more acknowledgement to that. These reasons have compelled me to undertake the critical review of the report of A.Dvorkin before the Bundestag commission on September, 21st, 1997 in which he has offered the report on a present condition of a problem of cults in Russia. I hold the opinion that this report we will wound both with methodological, and from the actual point of view. Besides, I have doubts in, whether the report from purely moral point of view as it contains some personal and groundless attacks to some concrete people is comprehensible. (…) the latent precondition of the report of Dvorkin consists that НРД have all, in effect, the same characteristics and all of them can be named by "totalitarian sects» and «destructive cults». Thus, it seems to the author sufficient to result all some examples from activity of only several groups to make the general statement about the danger proceeding from all НРД. Moreover, activity НРД is described as antisocial because НРД associate with cults. The method «charges on association» is widely used in the given report. Proceeding from this logic, the author should get to a certain vicious circle: cults are dangerous, because their activity is dangerous; activity of cults is dangerous, because cults [133] are dangerous. Marat Shterin, the doctor of philosophy. In March, 2007, acting at deputy hearings in Moscow City Council, the president of Association of Indians in Russia mister S. K.Dzhha [the importance is not specified 274 days], criticising A.L.Dvorkin for reckoning кришнаитов to totalitarian sects, has declared: Induizm is most ancient of existing religions and a self-sufficient religious direction, thus from anybody without breaking away and without being a fragment what or religions. Statements of mister Dvorkin offend religious feelings of followers индуизма in Russia and cause indignation in India. [134] Russian религиовед S.I.Ivanenko considers A.L.Dvorkin as the representative "confrontational" (unlike "missionary") the approach which, in its opinion, is characterised extremely by negative attitude to other religions as to «totalitarian sects» or «destructive cults» [33]. There is also a criticism of the approach Dvorkin in Russian Orthodox Church. Criticism at the international level On May, 1st, 2009 the Commission of the USA on the international religious freedom [135] has presented to president Barack Obama, the Congress of the USA and the public the report on problems of maintenance of religious freedom in a number of the world countries, including to Russia. The discontent of the Commission causes new body at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation — Advisory council on carr |
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Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 753 |
30 days | 181 |
Youtube to unban Musician / Comedian / Singer / Songwriter Foundring
14 Created: 2025-02-21
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 14 |
30 days | 14 |
117 Created: 2025-01-15
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 117 |
30 days | 9 |
In support of fusion energy research in Alameda, CA
41 Created: 2025-01-29
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 41 |
30 days | 8 |
7 Created: 2025-03-01
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 7 |
30 days | 7 |
Make math normal again
7 Created: 2025-02-10
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 7 |
30 days | 7 |
1632 Created: 2025-02-12
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 1632 |
30 days | 1631 |
Petition for Precinct-Level Election Day Voting in Parker County, TX
66 Created: 2024-07-17
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 66 |
30 days | 6 |
Make Armored Mud Balls a State "Sedimentary Structure"
448 Created: 2021-03-03
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 448 |
30 days | 6 |
Stop the destruction of a 3500 year old grave!
955 Created: 2025-01-19
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 955 |
30 days | 33 |
Call for a Thorough Investigation into Shen Yun Performing Arts' Abuse and Manipulation
985 Created: 2024-09-02
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 985 |
30 days | 5 |
Remove Wagoner County District Attorney Jack Thorpe and Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot
8 Created: 2025-01-25
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 8 |
30 days | 4 |
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