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/ #62352011-12-21 17:43BIF investigates Radhanath – The Slayer Swami Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin) The Slayer Swami Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin) ordered and paid for the murder of Sulocana -- murderer accomplice BIF Investigation of Radhanath - The Slayer Swami http://www.b-i-f.com/ Interview with Janmastami das (John Sinkowski) On May 22nd, 1986, at 1.00 am. Thomas Drescher (aka. Tirtha das), walked up to a van parked on a side street in L.A., lifted his hand gun and fired two shots into the head of the occupant, Steve Bryant (aka. Sulochan Das). For the information of our readers; for the sake of truth, for posterity, and for the Law Enforcement agents who we know peruse our pages: BIF presents an interview with one of the three members of the "recruited" hit-man team; the appointed driver of the getaway car- Janmastami Das (JD). For twenty-five years, JD has carried the burden of guilt, not only for his "recruitment" in the murder-for-hire of Steve Bryant, but also for the legal process and behind-the-scenes police corruption that allowed Radhanath Swami (aka. Richard Slavin), the "recruiter" for Bryant's slaying, to escape the probe of a Grand Jury and walk free. Summary: Herein lies proof of sinister cultic thought and deed, which, when triggered by predatory ambitionists, defeats the evolved consciousness of man, taking humanity back to sacrifice on altars of rock. BIF: "Were you a perceptive witness to the execution?" JD: "Jai Sri Krsna Das had come from Washington DC to run my flower business until Tirtha and I were through (assassinating Sulochan Das) in California, but Tirtha called the Philly payphone (at the Philadelphia Temple) and told me not to come, the deed was already done. People at the Philly temple, including Ravindra Svarupa (William H. Deadwyler lll. ISKCON GBC/Guru) and Sesa (Seth Spellman. Temple President, LA) knew that Sulocan was dead before the news was released." The first part of this article is a basic introduction of characters. The second part is in Q & A format. PART ONE: JD: >>HARE KRSNA BIF: Hare Krsna Janmastami ji, >>ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA !!! All Glories to His Divine Grace. >>I am Janmastami das, among other names, of the Sulocan Prabhu murder infamy. BIF is familiar with your writings and your identity. You were not prosecuted for the Sulocan Das homicide res adjudicata, hence we must conclude you have ghosts that need exorcising. We, here at BIF, are more than willing to work with you in relating facts for posterity and for your own conscience, if that is what you want. We must also inform you that our web pages are perused by law enforcement agencies. If you wish for our communications to be confidential please specify as such. >> Not being legally educated, I am not certain that what you have surmised here is correct. My understanding is that the sole reason that I was not indicted is because by removing himself (Radhanath Swami) from the "cast of characters" of the Sulocan assassination preparations, as he had done once his father had made the proper arrangements, and since Radhanath was my link to the conspiracy, I HAD to be avoided. So certain am I of this that I have no problem with your releasing whatever communications we exchange. My goal here is to see that the truth comes out, not that one is glorified or blasphemed. I am not worried, as Radhanath maybe, about arrest for involvement. We were all warned that- "There are no statutes of limitations with regard to murder in West Virginia". I know this. The federal prosecutor told us that while my case was prosecutable, there was some doubt of a conviction based on dated testimonies. But they would leave their options open in that regard. I read this on your site: "laundrette, using tax exemption status to steal money from public coffers. Before going any further may we point out- when the BJP were made aware of the criminals within their ranks, they worked expeditiously to remove them; an act that remains alien to godmen societies such as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) whose Law Books stress the need for protection of criminals within their ranks, a resolve that has given 100% protection to its cabal since conception in 1977: Iskcon Law No: 12.8 ".......and however much he may be dissatisfied with the exercise of that jurisdiction, he shall refrain from invoking the supervisory power of the Civil Court, but shall seek redress of any grievance(s) through the ISKCON judicial process. Otherwise, he may be removed from office and / or his membership in ISKCON terminated.(88)." This law reveals a cult giving authority to its kangaroo court above corpus juris: the leglislated laws of State and Nation. A far cry from clerical appointments of the past, which added to fiduciary obligations the written clause: Quamdiu Se Bene Gesserit- As long as he shall behave himself well"... This edict is violated on a regular basis in the New Vrndaban area by Kuladri and Malati and Tapah Punja Swami (Terry Sheldon), as Radhanath Swami's empowered emmissaries, through both the local police, Marshall counties, the State Trooper barracks, as well as the Wheeling FBI office, at the Federal Building. We can see how the first three names mentioned could be in the mix for one reason (Radhanath) or another. However, to establish breach of fiduciary obligation and oaths by law enforcement agencies mentioned, will need hard copy. Hearsay is not simply an incorrect approach to adopt under the circumstances but also a dangerous one. >>Concerning Radhanath Swami: two of the three mentioned- Kuladri Das and Tapah Punja Swami have more than "hearsay" to offer. Both, they and Radhanath Swami, had foreknowledge of the conspiracy to murder Sulocan. While they currently attempt to exonerate Radhanath's past behavior, their testimony should directly implicate him in the plot to murder, or whatever else they say is false testimony. Both have already given testimony in their past trials on the matter and this can be viewed for a small cost of archived retrieval. Malati Dasi' ongoing protection of Radhanath Swami is irrelevant. She was on the streets of New York at the time. Her knowledge of the case is hearsay and senseless. Anyhow the three names mentioned are there because they have knowledge of Radhanath's earlier involvement, and, for their joint resolution that Radhanath Swami must be kept out of prison regardless of the Truth, or what I have to say. They will continue to perpetuate the lie that Radhanath Swami was not involved in the plan to murder Sulocan Das. In the Wheeling FBI office, Joe Soboczynski has been informed of numerous "potential threats" to New Vrindavan officals, perceived and reported in many cases, by their own paranoia. If this agent can be approached by some strategy as a New Vrindavan 'sympathizer', there is a good chance he may share information in his possession which will reveal details in connection with Kuladri & Co. It is certainly worth a shot. True. But it may also prove unnecessarily time consuming, speculative, and dangerous. A phone call could unravel the scheme and leave our agent exposed- attempting to extract classified information under deception. It is better to investigate what you do have and allow that field of agitation to magnetize whatever else it brings to the core. >>What i am suggesting neither "compromises an agent", nor is it deceptive in it's inception nor in it's implementation. "Time consuming", it may be. The information of which I write is no longer "classified". The US government has a Freedom of Information Act that makes available to the public all government surveillance data more than 20 years old. Any lawyer filing the proper paperwork can access those once "classified" files. If agent Soboczynski is not willing to share the data, copies can be obtained for a fee from government archives. I for one, would certainly like to know what the US government took as notes on the Hare KRSNA movement in the US and around the world, but I don't have money or legal qualifications to get it done. ISKCON refuses because the results would not be flattering. Comment: BIF, in connection with investigating Srila Prabhupada's poisoning, did send away for copies of early survellaince on ISKCON. We received documents with the vitals blacked out. >>In the West Virginia State Trooper barracks, now in Wheeling, the retired "KRSNA cop" (Tom Westphall) was long "the contact". That has expanded throughout the years, with many police coming to abject frustration over the interference from the White House into their investigations. What we get from your statement is that the NV (New Vrindaban) team is connected and has been for many years. How the connections evolved is not clearly defined. For example- was it money, friendships, family connections, political influence? Notwithstanding, when an investigation goes into this area it usually ends up in a tizz. Once again, if we want to exorcise ghosts, we will need to bring our attention to bear on what we can positively expose prima facie, and specific events that involve culprits in complicit degrees. Further down in this letter you address issues that could take us there. So let's continue. >>Radhanath' Swami's father, a criminal kingpin in the Chicago area for more than 6 decades, had the police connections that first put his son Radhanath, in touch with the Chicago FBI office. This happened after the second of the early 1990's Grand Jury indictments came down in Wheeling. I had been living incognito on the run for five years on the orders of the New Vrindavan Community (NVC) management. Three years of that time was spent in India. Radhanath Swami was on the run, as well. When I returned to the United States, our connection in the conspiracy to murder could/would have implicated him, so his father "made all Radhanath's problems go away." This was the precise pivot point when Radhanath Swami turned on Kirtanananda Swami (KS), without KS even suspecting that he was being set-up by Radhanath. It never once occured to KS that Radanatha was accusing him. Tirtha (the shooter), on Radhanath's "spiritual advice", changed his testimony placing all the blame on KS' doorstep. Which was untrue- " falsely manufactured evidence for the protection of Radanatha Swami." Those of us still loyal to and trusting KS at that time, were also thrown under the bus by Radhanath Swami. It was a devious play by Radanatha to have KS prosecuted for the murder, which would remove him as head of NVC, and leave the position of "spiritual leader" open for Radanatha. And this was done with full support of the FBI and all other law enforcement agencies at the time. Meanwhile Janet Reno's (Head of the Bill Clinton Admin's. Justice Dept.) niece (Amy Hobson), working as a govt. operative, infiltrated NVC management's inner circle. Radanatha Swami met her, realized who she was and, initiated her. She entered into a sexual relationship with Garga Rsi, the Prabhupada Palace manager, and soon became "the spokesperson for the NVC community." She was only a first initiate of Radanatha Swami, but weilded enough power to expell anyone who co-operated with the ongoing child abuse investigation. Her position as spokesperson for the community, gave her a right to say anything she wanted to the press, and she did; much of it concocted for promoting Radhanath's position and public profile. Through her contacts with her aunt at the head of the Justice Department, she personally ended the 600 count child abuse complaint prepared by the West Virginia State Police. She also got a reduced sentence plea bargain arrangement as well as a cash settlement- "drop the charges" end to the gang rape, which was carried out over a two year period on Pusthi Humphries, a 14 year old. With the exception of "Chinese Chandra", a mercenary and current Radhanath loyalist, all the rapists were Radhanath disciples. All were indian nationals who returned to india to aviod prosecution when the matter came to light. No one was ever prosecuted for the crime, but ISKCON made an immediate cash offer to secure a signature for the release of liability. The girl was still a minor when she signed, and that was done under duress and threats by none other than Kuladri Das. Kirtanananda (Ham), along with other abusers have managed to fly the coop via a legally architectured Chapter Eleven escape route in the US. Thanks to GBC lawyer, Gupta Das. However, we must accept SrI Krsna as Lord of the Dance. Ham is now in India; under the jurisdiction of Indian Law. Since he chose to wear the guise of an Indian holy man, there is no place on this planet more appropriate for his retribution. It is our firm belief that he will die in an Indian jail, away from false civilities of the Western penal system. India is also where BIF operates. We will be there when pyrotechnics celebrate Ham's hell. >>In the Federal Building, it was US attorney Stein that Radhanath made his arrangements with. That is, through him and the Chicago FBI office (with which Radhanath's dad had a liaison). There were four of us subpeonoed before the Grand Jury the third time: the so called 'Swamis"- Radhanth Swami, Paramahamsa Krsna Swami, Buddhi Yoga Swami, and myself (Janmastami das), were all called. PART TWO: Prabhu, it appears that the ghosts are hiding in the lines of your letter from here on in. What becomes quickly apparent is that Radhanath brought the ghosts into your life. So let's see if we can establish that fact: You say Radhanatha's dad had a liaison with the Chicago FBI Office. 1) How could he manage to liaison officers of the law who are directly involved with investigating his son; suspect in a homicide? >>Radhanath' Swami's father, a criminal kingpin in the Chicago area for more than 6 decades, had the police connections that first put his son Radhanath in touch with the Chicago FBI office. Radhanath's father was at one time, Chicago's largest liquor distributor, with Mafia connections for 60 years or more. 2) Are you suggesting that Radhanath's father had connections with the Chicago underbelly, and that the FBI office was compromised? >>As above. You say : There were four of us subpoenaed before the Grand Jury . 3) (a) Why exactly were YOU summoned before the Grand Jury? >>The charge was conspiracy to commit murder. The Grand Jury summons you and you must appear, without a lawyer, without a judge, and the prosecutor interrogates you in front of about twenty locals, who can each question you about things such as "What does Hare KRSNA think about....?" and you can either answer or "look guilty" and refuse to answer. My lawyer advised that I refuse to answer any questions about Tirtha or California. So when the 4th or 5th question was "When you and Tirtha went to California to kill Sulochan, who was in charge, you or him?" I took the 5th on all questions from there on out. (b) Who involved your name in the investigation? >>I had been involved since Radhanath recruited me and that was common knowledge. The jewelry room was told to make cyanide available to us so we could poison tip bullets, like the SLA had used to kill Marcus Foster.....(so the jewelry room folk would have known, as well?)... (c) When and how did you become informed of police recognition of your involvement? >>The so called "ksatriya force" of the LA temple, Krsna Katha Das (KK) and Ramasvara's personal servant Prema Datta Das, were questioned by the FBI on day one after the murder since it was KK's gun and car that Tirtha used to kill Sulochan. They informed authorities that Tirtha and I had been in LA in January of 1986 pre-meditating on possible places to dump a body. They said we had taken trips to Apple Valley looking for mine shafts that could hide a body forever. They spilled their guts. NVC called me telling me that "I was hot" and I was arrested by the police a few days later. Articles were printed in the Philadelphia paper (which is where I had a business), in the belief that after reading it we would try to make a run. I know this because the arresting officers asked me why I didn't run? Hadn't I seen the newspaper article they planted for me? I told them that although I had seen it, I had no need to run. They held me for 8 hours and then they let me go. NVC ordered me to come home that weekend, through Devananda Das, the then temple commander, and Kuladri's right hand man, who is also an extreme Radhanath Swami loyalist. I was ordered to go to India, someone would meet me at the airport. That never happened. I waited a day before setting out on my own. I spent almost three years on the run to protect Radhanath's "innocence" and from getting him incarcerated. He still fears that I am a chink in his armor. My situation was that I had no lawyer, and NVC would not look "compliant" by helping with any legal fees. By implying that New Vrindavan Community "would not look compliant" are you saying there was compliancy within the New Vrindavan Community; those who were party/knowledgeable/complicit in the contract to murder Sulochan? 4) Who were they? >>There were always a handful who knew what was going on; those who counted everyone else's samkirtan collections (money collected from street sales). From the front office to the jewelry room, everyone worked toward the same Prabhupada instruction "protect the head", and that is still the motivating factor for many members to this day. 5) What did they know that made them complicit? NB. JD has already answered this question in his statements above. We will simply summarize: a)- Radhanath recruited me. b)- Kuladri Das and Tapah Punja Swami ...[....]... had foreknowledge of the conspiracy to murder Sulochan. c)- The jewelry room was told to make cyanide available to us so we could poison tip bullets. d)- Krsna Katha Das (KK) and Ramasvara's personal servant Prema Datta Das, were questioned by the FBI on day one after the murder since it was KK's gun and car that Tirtha used to kill Sulochan. They informed authorities that Tirtha and I had been in LA in January of 1986 pre-meditating on possible places to dump a body. e)- People at the Philly temple, including Ravindra Svarupa (William H. Deadwyler lll. ISKCON GBC/Guru) and Sesa (Seth Spellman. Temple President, LA) knew that Sulochan was dead before the news was released." 6) Were you privy to discussions directly involving Radhanath and Drescher? >>This happened with Tapa Punja Swami and Tirtha in November and December of 1985. I was on traveling samkirtan until Christmas and didn't get back to the farm until New Years. Immediately on our arrival at New Vrindavan, Radhanath sought me out and made arrangements for us to meet in his van, where he went through a prepared speech.... When you say..... The "swamis" income was never an "open book", nor was it considered as a contributing factor. It ultimately had to become a "factor", because the Grand Jury was only the opening salvo of a government intimidation, that Radhanath immediately succumbed to. ......by 'the swami' you mean Radhanath? And although his income was never an 'open book' there can be little doubt from your statement that the 'swami' did have an income: 7) Besides the usual swami collections, were there other businesses Radhanath speculated in? >> Radhanath got regular financial cash and "other goods" (4 retired black and white scotch liquor delivery vans became SKIP vans) donations from his father. he also had a circuit of college towns, one every night, with donors and "friends", although for a very long time, all of them were told to surrender to Kirtanananda Swami and the management of NVC. Then there was a 180 degree shift and a lot of people never got the memo. 8) How is it that he was not prosecuted with Ham, or were his investments legal? >>How is it that he was not prosecuted with Ham? is the question any sensible seeker of the truth must ask, and our answer in that regard is factual. Arrangements have been made through Slavin, sr., and the Chicago FBI Office that Radhanath Swami would not be indicted for his involvement. He made just such a boast and the GBC made it a condition of his return to ISKCON. If he gets indicted now, he will be kicked out of ISKCON,* but he always has Nathji's Chowpatty Orphanage. He has 6 disciples who are billionaires; Nathji Desai being the 5th richest man in the world at one point. * Don't hold your breath on that one, JD. >>He separated himself from "our case", which was quite strange since "his case" and "my case" were, in fact, the same "case"; the murder of Sulochan. Curiouser and curiouser. 9) You and Radhanath were never indicted for illegal business dealings (copyright infringement) as were the other two defendants? >>None of the four of us were ever indicted. We were called before the Grand Jury and the prosecutor decided not to prosecute any of us. The other business, the drug smuggling in the US was never more than the source of an occasional huge (6 figures) donation from some of the second generation drug kingpins. But you said...... The other two were only indicted for their involvement in samkirtan mail fraud, using the Express Mail to ship unauthorized NFL hats to teams at football stadiums. They were the logistic support team that kept the football game pickers supplied, through Express Mail and overnight air shippers, with those illegal hats. >>I misspoke. Okay. Anyhow... 10) This is the scam that netted NV $10 million between 1981 & 1985; money that was largely assessed by Ham, and dispersed in part among NV management? >> The same. Since the murder was the larger charge, Radhanath Swami and I were expected to pay more than half of the lawyers expenses, but I expected that he would help out with something because he had many centers where the donors donated to him personally, knowing that he was Kirtanananda's right hand man. Okay Janmastami Prabhu, let's give Radhanath's ghosts back to him: Kuladri claimed that Radhanath was... "pushing like crazy for this [murder] to happen." 11) Do you concur with the court recorded statement above? >>Absolutely. It is the truth. You'll note, none of the principals, even those who would like to see Kirtanananda Swami punished for something, are so deceptive as to say "Kirtanananda Swami ordered it." Except for Tirtha, who, in his "final version of events", changed his story to incriminate Kirtanananda and give him jail time. 12) Is there anything you wish to add to Kuladri's statement? excerpt: Janmastami dasa, who traveled with and assisted Tirtha while conducting surveillance on Sulochan in California, explained how he was recruited to assist in the elimination of Sulochan: "In January of 1986, on my return to New Vrindaban [after the Christmas marathon], I was ordered by Radhanath . . . not by Kirtanananda Swami, to terminate Sulochan. 13) Is the statement above true to the best of your knowledge? >>Yes. When you say..."ordered by Radhanath....to terminate Sulochan," what you are saying is: 14) You were directly enlisted by Radhanath Swami to murder Sulochan, is that right? >>That is correct. 15) What were his exact words in connection with your participation in executing the crime? >>It was a ten minute prepared speech: It put the future of the KRSNA consciousness movement on this planet in Kirtanananda Swami's hands, and that was in jeopardy because of the threats on the lives of NVC management. Radhanath Swami gave us the spiel on how- "as a ksatriya, your nature is to..." and all the rest of the bodily distinctions required to justify such an act in one's mind. We were told that Sulochan had a hit list with half a dozen names on it, targeted for elimination. A pre-emptive strike was the mindset. Such mindset had to be accepted, community policy, or otherwise Radhanath had the power, spiritually, to change the direction of the outcome of the events. He didn't want to change anything. Everything went exactly the way he planned, until after the murder. Then the trap that the FBI had set was sprung and someone from NVC was going to jail. About 5 or 6 people did jail time for the events: Kirtanananda Swami, Tirtha, Top Buffoon (?) Kuladri, Dharmatma, and Sundarakara (mail fraud). 16) What was the amount agreed to as payment, and how was it to be transacted? >>This is the thing, there never was "an amount agreed to". When Radhanath spoke, it was only of "devotional service", and, at least from our point of view there was no "price tag". The police asked me the same thing and I told them, "You've got it wrong. I send him money, and I have the money order receipts to prove it." That was very damaging to their scenario. Quite possibly another reason I was not indicted. All this "getting paid" nonsense came up long after I left the operation. 17) Were there any witnesses privy to the transaction? >>The only "transaction", the getaway money, is the object of the Dharmatma Das' testimony. 18) Did you carry out your end of the contract, in toto? >>There was no "contract", so there was no "finish". If "protection of the spiritual master" was the goal, can you ever say "mission accomplished"? 19) Were you a perceptive witness to the execution? >>Nearly. I had a flower business in Philadelphia and I lived at the Philadelphia temple. I was not a part of "the New Vrndaban surveillance team" and I did not "work with the police", as they did. I did not like Randall Gorby being involved, and his "enthusiasm" was clearly that of an agent provocateur. It turns out that my hunch was right and their "covert operation" was in fact compromised by government infiltrators. The warden, Bordenkircher, on FBI insistence, called NVC and told them two days before Sulochan (who was being held in jail) was released that he was planning to make bail. NVC was ready to react (as per the FBI trap set for them), and Drescher (Tirtha) called from California anticipating Sulochan's return to rearm himself and get a resupply of drugs. It was assumed Sulochan would stop at his mother's first to get some money. But Tirtha chose his point of attack based on his continued contact with the LA devotees who had been ordered by Ramasvara Swami to "transmigrate this guy to his next body". LA was the place, with a car and a throw away gun ready and waiting for him. this was more widely known and accepted in LA and NV than throughout the rest of the movement, but even Satsvarupa Goswami and others weighed in on it. Jai Sri Krsna Das had come from Washington DC to run my flower business until Tirtha and I were through (assassinating Sulochan Das) in California, but Tirtha called the Philly payphone (at the Philadelphia Temple) and told me not to come, the deed was already done. People at the Philly temple, including Ravindra Svarupa (William H. Deadwyler lll. ISKCON GBC/Guru) and Sesa (Seth Spellman. Temple President, LA) knew that Sulochan was dead before the news was released." That's how "close" to being involved I was. But I was only an underling. There were "controllers", of whom Radhanath Swami was one, and in spite of his continued denial. Tirtha acted only with the help of the LA devotees. Then he called his government agent /assistant, Randall Gorby, to make arrangements for his exit which included money he expected someone to bring him. When I was ordered to run to India, no one gave me anything. In fact, the millionaires borrowed rupees from me, until I told Kirtanananda about it and he yelled at them to give my money back. But they never gave me an extra paisa. You stated ... This happened with Tapa Punja Swami and Tirtha in November and December of 1985. I was on traveling samkirtan until Christmas and didn't get back to the farm until New Years. Immediately on our arrival at New Vrindaban, Radhanath sought me out and made arrangements for us to meet in his van, where he went through a prepared speech.... When you say.... "This happened with Tapa Punja Swami and Tirtha (Thomas Drescher: currently serving a life sentence for the murder of Sulochan)....[....]....and made arrangements for us to meet in his van..." you are informing us that ... 20) Tapa Punja Swami was witness to the contract between Radhanath Swami, Drescher and yourself, in his van, in the planned murder of Sulochan, is that correct? I had made the point that there was no "contract", therefore no meeting. whenever the devotees met, it was understood that that was "a community goal", and anyone who had any such "positive" input, information on Sulochan's whereabouts or anything like that, would give it up, to the front office, to Kuladri, like that. Here below, you tell us: When he went on his own, I had to pay half of our legal bill, mine and the two remaining "swamis". Radhanath made his deal, and the next time we all met, at the Grand Jury hearing, Radhanath and the prosecution team were all high fiving over a deal already done. Are you saying: 21) After Radhanath Swami managed to go "on his own", you, being party to his (possible) indictment for murder, became part of his defense strategy? >>His "defense strategy" was formulated in his father's lawyers offices, and the results are not only that Radhanath was not indicted, but that he has a guarantee that he never will be. 22) So what appeared to be a stroke of great fortune for you was really Radhanath Swami effectually removing you from the witness box so you could not testify? Is this a fair assumption? >>Yes. ....and then it was a simple matter of not answering any questions? >>The "swamis" and I, each paid $1100 to be advised not to answer any questions on that subject matter, and in their cases, to deny knowledge of the contents of the parcels they shipped. 23) Were the "swamis" prepared to lie to the Grand Jury? >>The "swamis", Paramahamsa Krsna Swami, and Bhakti Rasa (?), were accused of shipping hats from NVC to SKP (street seller) devotees at football games and other sporting events. I don't know their testimonies, we each prepared with our lawyer separately, not hearing the others testimonies. They claimed they did not know the contents of the packages that they shipped and that was not true. 24) Who advised them to lie and perjure? Was it Stein, Radhanath's lawyer? >>I don't know their testimonies, we each prepared with our lawyer separately, not hearing the others testimonies. After Radhanath dealt out of prosecution, I was no longer "involved" in the Sulochan murder, since my only involvement was through Radhanath, who they now were forced to exonerate. "Innocent". How Radhanath 'dealt out of prosecution' comes easily into focus when we hear you say:- >>Radhanath's father was at one time, Chicago's largest liquor distributor, with Mafia connections for 50 years or more. We also know that Radhanath Swami used his position as a cult leader to mix psychology and philosophy in a concocted edict to murder. And, according to court statements, pushed for the murder of another human being. We also know that he enlisted you, Drescher, Tapa Punja Swami and Kuladri, in clandestine meetings, to do this evil deed. We know this because you have so bravely come out at risk to your own safety and wellbeing. Thank You. >>Because my only involvement was through the perpetrator, Radhanath, to whom they now had dealt a "get out of jail free" card. "Protected by Krishna!" is how I've always seen it, and He's walked into some strange situations, especially from a devotional viewpoint. Radhanath's "get out of jail free" card applies only to the US. He, along with Ham, as we have mentioned earlier in this post, are now operating under India's legal jurisdiction. Forget all the nonsense you may have heard about bribery and corruption in the Indian judicial and Law Enforcement administration. That was part of India's "third world" past. The CBI, CID, and Metropolitan Police Force, combined with investigative journalists from the world's largest free press, makes India the most infertile place for criminals like Ham and Radhanath. Yet, there they are. Think about it. YS BIF >> Humbly submitted for your consideration, >> John Sinkowski -- AKA Janmastami das Radhanath confronted - YouTubeVideo Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, the "The Isckon Masterminds" behind unlawful attempt to hijack of The Sanctuary @ 25 First Ave NY, NY 10003, being confronted by the lawful founders of The Sanctuary, as usual Radhanath continues to lie and deny under his pseudo Vaisnava garb. Hypocrites !!! A Plea from the New York Sanctuary New Vrindaban YOUTUBE video documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5HG80bJXu8 http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=govinda107&p=r The Battlefield of New Vrindavan in 18 Chapters A pictorial history of New Vrindavan crimes, photo reportage New Vrindaban History Radhanatha Proven to be Involved in Murder of Sulocana Radhanath Swami’s Alleged Involvement in Sulochan’s Murder Shocking Evidence Points to Radhanatha Swami Radhanath Swami – The Iskcon Gangster The Other "Wonderful" Story of Radhanatha Swami The mytical Radhanath Swami and his hidden story Radhanatha's Magical Mystery Tour Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, The Sanctuary Hijackers Radhanath Swami - Saint or Sinner? - Charlatan or Saint? |
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Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
This message expresses strong concerns about a recent decision by the Norwegian government, particularly the Ministry of Culture, led by Culture Minister Lubna Jaffery and Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl, to allocate NOK 77 million to the Jewish Museum Oslo. The result of this decision will force the eviction of the Subsonic Society, a music studio complex with 12 full-time jobs, 25 years of Norwegian music history, and a central role in Oslo’s music production scene, from its premises i...
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
The world has never been so divided. We all take ourselves far to seriously and while everyone's beliefs and causes matter, there are times we all just want to sit down , shut off our brain and be entertained. ENTER Weird Al Yankovic. He does not discriminate, all forms of art are subject to being tweaked and made to parody. When it comes to a halftime show , people enjoy a few things : 1) fun and interesting sets 2) Songs we know 3) A few incredible special guests Weird Al cold del...
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Urgent Concern – Kingston Council to Continue the After-Hours School Program at Southmoor Primary School
To Kingston City Council, We are writing to express our deep sadness, shock, and extreme disappointment regarding the council’s probable decision to discontinue the after-hours school program at Southmoor Primary School. This decision is not only distressing for parents, children, the committed staff members, but also has serious consequences for our community. First is the financial concern addressed about running this program. However, why is childcare being treated as a money-making bus...
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No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
Petition to Stop the Construction of Nuclear Power Plants for AI Data Centers Introduction: Nuclear power poses a serious threat to public safety and the environment. The construction of nuclear power plants to power AI data centers is a dangerous and short-sighted decision. Large Corporations are obtaining permits to build nuclear powerplants to power their AI data centers. This is clearly a bad idea. The potential for accidents, the long-term consequences of nuclear waste which cannot be dis...
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Promote petition "Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita" on this listDeveloping Nations Stand Against Sodomy!
The British diver Tom Daley started a campaign to overturn anti-sodomy laws at the Commonwealth Games in 2022. It is part of a drive from the West using vast sums of money to advance what they claim are ‘internationally acknowledged human rights’. The truth is, there is no right to commit unnatural acts in any international treaty, much as UK and US gay activists would like there to be. We the undersigned note that God made us male and female and instituted marriage, with this position endorsed...
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Time period | Number of signatures |
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Time period | Number of signatures |
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