Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #5701

2011-12-20 19:20

55. Why does God create evil people?

God does not create evil people. People become evil. We are all born pure hearted, but due to our association with others, we remain pure or become impure. In the current age, most people are becoming impure due to the forces of evil being very strong in Kali Yuga (the age of ignorance and irreligion).

Children are innocent and pure, but as they grow up, due to their association with adults, television, Internet, and books. They become polluted and corrupt. The result of this is hatred, violence, drug addicts, alcoholics, and gamblers, basically criminals in human society. Its the parent’s responsibility to teach their children what is right and what is wrong from birth and guide them so they don’t become polluted by others and the media like television and internet. The Bhagavad-Gita teachings, give one the best chance of becoming peaceful, non-violent, and free from intoxications, basically a descent human being. It’s the only scripture that preaches that all living beings are eternal and part of God; we are held responsible for our own actions (karma); we are all the children of God and thus we are all brothers and sisters; God is forgiving, merciful, responsible, and gives us unlimited chances (reincarnation).

To engage in hatred or violence towards any living being is hatred and violence towards God, as all living beings are part of God.