Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3922

2011-12-19 11:26

Let us exhibit our love for God by all his scriptures. Why is the difference there between Gita or the Bible ?? It is only because you are christian and I am Hindu. Once we remove this difference we become the real same children of one God. The difference of hatred lies in our heart not in the scriptures. Original Bible or the Vedas said ban those scriptures that make a person sinful. Gita has never made anybody sinful but has risen one from the sinful life. Our Gita is against illicit sex, drinking alcohol, meat eating and gambling. But many other scriptures encourage these activities, therefore they find Gita is against such way of living or find it uncommon to propagate these activities to people. Those who are fond of such way of living do not want the teachings of Lord Krsna to be spread.