Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita

Alalanatha dasa

/ #3910

2011-12-19 11:21

There has not been even one case of some extremist behaviour based on Bhagavatgita as it is. Actually if all people read this book they will become normal. World is crazy nowadays, but if they will take up this teaching then the world can become normal and sane again.
But thank you for creating so big publicity for Bhagavatgita as it is. This is very good. They have no chance to win the case anyway, but even if Gita would be banned, just remember the old Soviet times, when it was banned and devotees jailed. How greatly the teaching was spreading in underground ways in Soviet union...because better to eat the forbidden fruit. But there is nothing to fear, Krishna is always victorious.....