Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3251

2011-12-19 05:35



abhasa-nama—the semblance of the Lord’s name.

Abhidheya-vicara—consideration of appropriate devotional
practices by which one may attain the ultimate perfection
(prayojana-siddhi), prema-bhakti.

Abhijita-muhurta—the eighth muhurta of the day (12:09 pm –
12:33 pm Vrindavana standard time).

Abhisara—a lover’s journey to meet the beloved.

acarya-parampara—a disciplic succession of fully self-realized
spiritual masters who teach by practical example.

acarya-svarupa—the form of the spiritual master seen in this

acarya-vaAi—the words of a spiritual master who practices
what he preaches.

Adharamrita-prasada—prasada infused with nectar directly
from Krishna’s lips.

Adhikara—devotional eligibility.

adi-vrajavasis—original eternal Vrajavasi associates of Krishna.

adya-shakti—unprecedented, original internal spiritual potency
– Shri Radha.

Aishvarya-jnana-mayi—consisting of knowledge of the Lord’s

Aishvarya-maya mantra—a mantra imbued with a sense of
the Lord’s opulence and grandeur.

ananda-maya—endowed with or consisting of transcendental

Antaranga-bhaktas—internally oriented devotees.

Antaranga-bhakti—internal devotional service.

Antaranga-shaktis—internal spiritual potencies.

Antaranga-vraja-bhakti-bhajana—worship performed
internally in consonance with the principles of vraja-bhakti.

Apasiddhantic—based on wrong conclusions.

Aparadha-nama—the offended name of the Lord.

Aprakrita-bhava—transcendental ecstatic emotion.

Artha-pravritti—engagement in transcendental affairs.

Asta-kaliya-lila-smaraAa-seva—internal devotional service
performed through remembrance of the eightfold daily pastimes
of Radha and Krishna in the land of Vraja.

Audarya-lilas—the pastimes of Lord Gauranga in which He
humbly accepts the roles of His devotees to more deeply
appreciate the intensity of their love and to more effectively
teach the process of unalloyed devotional surrender to the
fallen conditioned souls.


Bhagavata-dharma—the transcendental eternal function of the
living being – service to the Supreme Lord in accordance with
the conclusions of Shrimad-Bhagavatam.

Bhagavata-sampradaya—the school through which the
teachings of Shrimad-Bhagavatam are disseminated.

Bhagavata-siddhanta—the ultimate conclusion of Shrimad-

Bhajana-kutiras—cottages for performing personal devotional

Bhajananandi—a devotee who experiences ananda in
personally worshiping the Lord’s names, forms, qualities, and

Bhakty-unmukhi sukriti—pious activities that give rise to
pure devotion.

Bhara-vh…—burden-bearing, with reference to 1) those
materially encumbered by superfluous ephemeral goals under
the gross bodily concept of life or 2) those who, like beasts of
burden, feel the weight of regulative devotional practice as a
great drudgery.

Bhauma-lilas—earthly pastimes.

Bhava-deha—the spiritual mental body comprised of perfect
supramundane emotions.

Bhava-grhi janardana—Lord Krishna who appears before His
devotee in response to the devotee’s desire to see Him in a
particular way.

Bhavapana-dasha—the stage of attaining bhava.

Bhava-siddhi—the perfection of one’s desired ecstatic
devotional mood in one of the five primary rasas (shanta, dasya,
sakhya, vatsalya, and shringara or madhurya) – the attainment
of bhava.

Bhavollasa-rati—the love of a maidservant in which the
ecstatic moods of the yutheshvari (gopi group leader) awakens
within her heart producing intense joy.

Bhoga-mandira—the kitchen in which the Lord’s meals are

Bhogya-darshana—a sight that is to be exploited for material

Bhukti-kami—one possessed of desire for sense enjoyment.


Candra-shalika—a turret atop a gopi’s palace specially meant
for viewing the moon (Krishnacandra). Alternatively, it may be
understood in this sense: a turret atop the palace ascended by
the gopis to give Krishnacandra an opportunity to view the
beauty of their moon-like faces.

Candrika—(sometimes called keri) an ornament shaped like a
small mango worn like a crown.


Dana-keli—a pastime in which Krishna extemporaneously
extorts various amorous tolls from the gopis along a footpath at
the base of Govardana Hill.

Dharma-dhvajis—people who wave the flag of religion but who
are actually hypocrites.



Ekadasha-bhava—the eleven aspects of one’s vraja-svarupa:
name (nama), complexion or form (rupa), age (vayas), dress
(vesha), relationship (sambandha), group (yutha), order (ajna),
service (seva), divine cherished ambition (parakastha),
maintainer (palyadasi.) and residence (nivasa).


GaAeshvari—sakhi party leader under a particular gopi group

Gopa-balakas—cowherd boys.

Gosthy-anandi—a devotee who experiences ananda by sharing
Krishna consciousness with the greater family of living entities.

Gulala—a fragrant powder made from flower pollen.

Gunja-mala—a necklace of white, red-black, or alternating
white and red-black berries of the gunja creeper.

Guru-daksiAa—a disciple’s tribute (often in the form of
money) to the spiritual master.

Guru-rupa-sakhi—the eternal kinkari-svarupa of the spiritual
master as a maidservant of Shri Radhika.

Guru-tattva—the guru principle.