Save Byrne Creek Forest East


/ #6 Unprecedented removal of old trees

2018-03-01 21:14

Not only are most of the older buildings and houses built so much stronger and with much more quality than newer developments these days but also, there was never any issue keeping the trees in the lawn and building the development with consideration to keeping and protecting existing trees.

I have lived in Burnaby for 35 years and never in my life have I seen this type of disregard for the care of city trees.  I have seen just in the Edmonds and Kingsway area alone hundreds of trees brutally chopped and or completely removed.  There is always some aburd excuse like the roots are causing damage, the tree is sick, people are complaining and if course there is going to be development.   However, evidentally, a lot of the lots in the few block radius I live in where trees have been removed in the name of future development nothing was ever developed there is now an empty lot and yet the trees were removed anyway.

Considering this fact of the removal of trees for ultimately no reason there needs to be less haste in removing trees just because of development.  Right now there is excavation going on under the 7282 Kingsway I can hear it under my feet practically.  The building has not been taken down as of yet but excavations have been in progress for a week away from Kingswsy all the way to what appears to be 18th Ave.  I find all this activity questionable and shady.  

Serious implementations need to made as soon as possible to make no exception to take down any more trees in this neighborhood and if that cannot be done the building should not be taken down simply because the tree is in the way and it must be saved especially after we have already lost so many hundreds in this area alone.  

What is the purpose a buildings foundation needs to be ripped out and therefore the tree next to it when there is no plan for a development yet?  And why are we approving projects that are allowing 500 year old trees to be chopped down?  There are so many empty lots around this nrighborhood why can't they pick one of the already empty lots to build on!!!?