Petition To CRL

True African

/ #43

2016-11-17 13:33

The CRL has no understanding of African spirituality. Their basis is using Western standards as their main advisors are Western Missionaries namely, the Dutch Reformed Church which helped the white oppressors justify apartheid using the bible.

Tithes, offerings and donations are not public funds that require their scrutiny. Malachi 3 The CRL Commission has no authority demanding the church's financial records. Matthew 22:21 The Lord Jesus Christ said "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's." As long as SARS is happy with the church's tax, that's all that matters.

The CRL also needs to clarify what it means by commercialisation of the Gospel. The most important book for any Christian, the bible is sold and big profits have been made and will be made perpetually until Jesus comes. Are they also going to investigate bookstores and distributors of the bible!? The work of the church is huge in any community and the church will engage in fundraising. It is an autonomous organisation with no government funding and it is the congregants that are supposed to support their own church out of their own free will as God instructed. Spiritual weapons do not fall from the sky, the church sources and pays for them on behalf of the congregants. How will the church sustain itself if everything is freely given? Times has evolved and money is vital for the basic functioning of the church.

The CRL Commission should stop trying to play "God". What gives them the idea that they can decide who can open a church and who can't? Who can be called and who can't? Who is gifted spiritually and who isn't? The magnitude of such gifts? How can they purport to be able to measure God's power and how He chooses to manifest it though His servants?

Lastly, the CRL should protect the rights of those who need protecting. We are more than happy with our church leaders, we have never complained of any infringement of our rights.

Maubuye umoya wabaProphet bakwantu!
