NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education


/ #315

2016-09-28 05:55

I am a strong advocate for the fact that poor people do not need charity or rich people's money but the opportunity to equally work and become rich!.Where is this opportunity?,through education,adequate resources,satisfactory communications with diverse people. We now live in a society were quality education is for rich,were rich people play with the rich and poor people with the poor soO much that the gap will never be narrowed,least we dare even think of it being completely closed!,and a person's birth,say,in a poor environment determines their destiny...However,I am currently in second year at NMMU studying LLB,it is difficult to understand to the T this current situation,however,from the communication from management and colleagues that attended meetings it is clear that,firstly, change does not come over night,secondly,our university-NMMU has heard our cry and is diligent in equally advocating for better access to education,,what does this mean?that we are definetly on the same team!,,so is it not nothing short of hypocrisy if one is now depriving all children of education due to unattainable demands,or attainable demands but within a ridiculous period of time. Sisters and Brothers standing for what we believe is admirable but in it all let's take a step back and realize the monies that have already been invested in this semester alone,the hard work invested in this semester alone,the grave impacts that a week of the university shutdown has done in this semester alone.It is time to go back to school.It is time to give the University and management a chance. Is it not fair we write our tests and exams.Is it nat fair we at least wait for 2017. IT IS FAIR. .Lets not have our main goal,the reason behind all these protests-ACCESIBLE EDUCATION TO A.L.L, drowned by the bickering between us students who are meant to stand as one,acts of irrationality that are causing division more than unity,Always Remember Divided we fall but UNITED we stand. Lets Unite in re-opening Universities and setting a reasonable deadline for our reasonable demands to be met-that is,2017.