Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo

Angie Howard

/ #33 Live Stream of a-ha's final concert and why you should sign <3

2010-08-27 22:32

Hi from Angie in the UK,

I think the streaming of the final live concert is a wonderful way not only for us all to say goodbye to the group that for many (myself one of those huge fans) have followed since the beginning, but also sadly for those fans that have never had the fantastic opportunity to see a-ha at a live gig. 

Even though I am in my 37th year, I can honestly say that I have quietly shed many a tear over a-ha's an end of an era and for many, myself included, a-ha have provided the soundtrack to many lives. 

I know the guys more than likely don't see the Facebook messages that we leave them, but just wanted to wish Morten, Mags and Pal continued success in ALL they do in the coming years.  Thank you so much for the inspiration that is you a-ha <3