Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s



2016-05-22 07:42

I don't think  the majority of the Japanese people will agree and proud of this digusting tactic the Japan team used to get the dirty tickets to RIO. Most of Thai pleple respected the japanese  in their civilized and great morale. They used to have "Harakiri" for deadly punishing themsevles in responsible to the fault they made.  
But now, seem to have no Japanese people care or fight for this crime. Or what we are respected for is all gone?  
Personnally, i have seen any reason to do this embarassing acts and lets the people around the world see it. 
Japanese team have a lot of great athletes and Olympic games is not a first time for them.

Who ever seen the match can easily understand that the things happened were wrong. The obvious one is not a technology but , but the Technicians (FIVB/JAPAN operations). If without any intention to cheat, why nobody try to fix the problem of 'not sending the requests", or if it cannot why the manual procedure will not be used. Swith the players and ask for the challenging can be done easily by hands.

The second but more disgusting is the Referees. A simple reason "Thai team cuasing the delay" is truely "idiot". Why the Thai want to deley, they lead 12-7, 3 more points to win and 5 points ahead the Japanese team.  There no need to ask for the reciept  for the evidence of this corrupetd referees. My respecful Japanese should invetigate this  finding the reponsible of these shameless plans and acts. 

For FIVB, SHAMELY AND A PITTY on them. After the match, without any deep or insightful of the match, annouce and congraulate the cheating team and blame the Thai.  The FIVB considers all Volleybal fans worldwide an IDIOT, NO BRAIN like them.  

They kept sending the CORRPTED Referees to the subsequent matchs. They still allowed to use the unreliable/questionable technology and the biased operators.    

A SHAME ON YOU, FIVB - How the world can TRUST you - organizing Olympic games !!!!!!