Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s


/ #11941

2016-05-19 14:08

The competition between Thailand and Japan was not a fair match.

Please explain the following:

In case of technology failure, coach can use conventional way of substitute. If that is the case, why aren't we allowed to do that at the end of fourth set? This is really crucial for tactic of volleyball game.

In 5th Set.
1) Thailand was leading 12-6. Thai's coach tried to push the button for substitution and this is very important tactic. Why couldn't he do so? By asking why we couldn't substitute, you rewarded Thai team a red card to Thai coach? At this point, you gave one point to Japan.

*** We are leading like 6 points. What is the reason for Thai coach to buy time or interrupt the flow of the game if there is nothing wrong? ***

2) Did you see that Japanese player was over the white line? Why couldn't we challenge? This point should have been Thailand's point.

*** The second point we had to give to Japan ***

3) At the most critical time of the match. In what reason that referee can justify to give point which turned to MATCH POINT to Japanese team? This has given Japanese a match point. Thai captain is asking for the reason why we couldn't substitute. We should have been able to substitute in the first place. We weren't allowed to defend our right and referee rewarded us again by giving a red card and one point to Japan?

*** The third point is bitterly given to Japan ***

Do you think this is a fair game? At least 3 points are given away to Japanese team. This is an international tournament that 1 point is really matter to decide the game. Please explain!!