Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s


/ #10485

2016-05-19 12:39

On behalf of a sports fans and Thai citizen , yesterday was a volleyball match between Thailand and Japan which everybody alrwady known that was a victory of Japan but , in the other hand ther is a doubt of the people who had watched the match because in the final set , the referee had deducted two points from Thailand'nation team caused the headcoach of Thailand didn't listen or other reason but , that does not make anyone clear and giving two red cards to Thailad'coach and during the match , the referee didn't allowed Thai'coach to substitution a players caused by the 'technical problems so , you have to do something or make the people clear why did the referee deducted a points from Thaiand'side , didnt allowed to substitution players and giving two red cards to the Thai's coach . We all do accepted with the results if that's fair play but , this time we had a doubt on the decisions of the referee .