Stop the abuse

Support these victims!

/ #96 Re: The thing is with echnology these days thRe:

2016-02-14 01:23

#83: thanks for helping our cause with you immaturity - The thing is with echnology these days thRe:  

 I agree, technology can trace anything. Not wise. They are so brainwashed they can't obviously think outside of what they have been told to think. So pitiful. Trevor is amazing. I don't know him, but I think Trevor is doing a good thing. There is no doubt these people at FWC will get what is coming to them. Whether it be they get closed down or when they meet there maker! I am sure there are a lot of good people in this church...just don't understand why they cannot stand up and have integrity. They actually teach that in the bible.  Trevor is helping victims, this is a selfless act. These victims need support and this can be a source of their healing. Thanks for what you are doing. Keep it up!!!