We want to travel with our 8/9 weeks old pedigree-puppies


/ #173

2016-02-04 12:20

i am signing as i am a responsible breeder!


and vaccinating puppies against rabies at only 8 weeks of age will KILL many of them or will make them sick and many of these puppies will suffering for their whole life.


and this STUPID new law will NOT prevent ONE single puppy dealer from doing his job!!


this law is nothing but STUPID and makes me so sick, i can´t tell.


not one of these people has been thinking about the sideaffects of vaccinations, especially in so young puppies.

and the - not so new scientific knowledge - about how to vaccinate puppies and when, tells something very different.


justice HAS to give the police a law to work with these puppy dealers but not to paralyze us breeders´ good work.

at the moment they have to hand over the poor, mostly much too young puppies to the dealers after they have been cought.


so this law is ONLY against us breeders and NOT against puppydealers.

so can anybody please tell me the official reason for this law?


this is more than ridiculous! 

this is just crazy and blind justice, which only punishes true breeders but not the dealers!


it is time we serious breeders had a better lobby !!!