PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down


/ #1061

2015-12-11 13:01

Zuma isn't to blame, the World system we live in, history everything created the right environment for Zuma to be a president of SA, I sign this to see if people can actually stand together and bring change, because No current political party in the world has actual solutions, because the system and capitalism itself is designed to screw everyone over. but if PEOPLE of earth starting with SA can actually come together and see what is best for EVERYONE and not just their individual self interest such as race or money or luxuries, but actually what is best for ALL as in basic needs and well beings of the land people and everything that is here, then we might get change. common sense must be the guide for change and always the direction must be what is best for all life, so Zuma must leave, and lets learn our lessons that needs to be learned, and hopefully who ever is next in president seat will show everyone, the system must change, not just the president, the people must change, not just the president. But Zuma must leave, and thank you Zuma for waking up the people to show the people how politics directly effect everyone through your actions and decisions.