Place anything that ain't offensive on loved ones grave


/ #36

2015-11-04 18:32

I have signed this petition because it's absolutely deluded that the council has no better thing to do than to think of utterly disgusting plans that is devastating families all over inverclyde.. It's bad enough that families have lost and are still grieving over there loved ones but to ask them to remove precious items that comfort the grave stones is just a disgrace, it's costs a fortune for funeral costs and does anyone complain no, our loved ones are just as much loved in heaven as they were here so why should there be any difference to keeping the grave looking lovely and clean it doesn't matter how much is on the grave that's upto the family not upto the council, it's just getting beyond a joke the things the council are coming up with now because they have nothing better to do and it's not effecting them, they should think of the people in the town that they are representing and take their opinions to into account and then everyone is happy, nobody is asking for much here..