Justice For Jacob

Retired Erie County Correctional Officer

/ #318

2015-07-22 19:39

Because derry sanders jr. deserves exactly what the judge gave Andrew Wurst when he shot and killed Teacher John Gillette in Edinboro. 30 to 60 years or more. This case is no different. a senseless killing over a bicycle. the people in charge need to start setting examples and putting people in jail for very long periods of time. Judge Brabender erred when he had this kid removed from vision quest. he placed in vision quest for removing an ankle monitor, Derry sanders was in a secure program for rehabilitation. judge brabender had him removed and sent home, where he killed an innocent young man with a very promising future. The only victim here was Jacob. Derry Sanders jr parents should have been involved and concerned before he killed Jacob, not after.
We can stop this senseless cycle of violence by putting these thugs in jail. get the feds involved, its a federal felony just to have a stolen gun punishable up to 10 years in jail, the victim doesn't have to testify. charge them for the stolen gun and again for using it in a crime, both federal felonies up to 20 years in jail...and leave them there. clean up the streets, save lives, its that simple.