Protect the Elham Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty


/ #81

2015-04-30 13:18

I fully believed that a short stay touring campsite for tourists with touring caravans, camper vans or tents was what had been authorised. This would bring a little bit more trade to the local village pubs and shop which are struggling to survive. I would not and never would agree to a full hard standing over an area which floods and requires natural drainage. This type of development is not just inappropriate but plain madness. This is a serious health hazzard with the drains flooding and foul sewage escaping. The facilities required to service a community of this size do not exist on this site. I believe the owner is pulling the wool over the planners eyes and fully intends to establish a Gypsy Camp. The road is not suitable where it passes the site for this sort of volume of use. I could go on but the Council needs to put a stop to this NOW!! And explain itself. Yours faithfully, R. Blake-Jelley.