GCSSD's Attendance Policy Should be Changed.


/ #19

2015-03-22 01:52

I signed this petition as my daughter (kindergarten at time) missed one day over allowed limit and she was cited in court. They called my six year old in front of a judge. She missed due to me having both my arms operated on that year. The school district then asked me what was going on in my home to make my child so timid. Ummm lets see. She is six and was called into a court room in front of the judge. Mind you my 13 yr old was not in truancy and live in the same home. This yr I was informed my mr Bailey should she miss one day over limit due to my neck operation dcs would be called on me. There needs to be a change. Im currently making plans to remove my children from this school district for these reasons alone. Im a single parent with alot of medical problems. My kids get good grades and other than one or two days over the allowed limit atttend regularly. No fault of their own. Im the parent. So this school district also states any child who is tardy three times it counts as a full absence. Last year the bus drive past my kids six times causing me to drive the. When I could. (Couldn't use my hands well) so there is one absence. This policy need a revisited and threatening to call children services when it's my fault, sorry im disabled. Sorry I dont have help. Sorry im unable to function aome days. So here lets throw me in jail or fine me money I have no way of coming up with.Only thing this encouraged me to do was find a different district for my children.