Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #1493 Really

2011-09-17 12:25

"Reason for removal: "You've lost. The cows are on. All your meetings meant nothing. The people's time you've wasted. The time you've wasted on here all your posts. Now your arguments have gone from common ownership to tree cutting to erosion to wildlife to illegal fencing and now to killer cattle. Pathetic mccarron and Barnett. People have listened to you but your campaign has FAILED and the proof of that is by the fence being erected and the cows grazing. Now leave it alone and go and pester another organisation. No I do not work for the council I'm a dog walker. You've been on here and have abused people have tried to stir up issues with the travellers and have told lies. My advice to you is to accept it and move on. There will be no more posts on here from me as I feel by people posting who agree with the work just fuels your petty debate. I don't give a hoot about the so called thousands of signatures. I dont see any other protest from anyone apart from you Tony and someone you abused you call carol. If my maths is still up to date that makes 3. People have provided good arguments against your campaign which you have copied and pasted articles that you think you know what you're talking about when you haven't a clue. The cattle don't bother people or their dogs. I'm living proof of that. People still go there, the same people I see every day. You see no one actually cares about you steve. The work has gone ahead and there is nothing you can do about it. Signed mr guest."

1/ We have only just started.

2/ The meetings are getting bigger and as big as we want them to be.

3/"So called signatures", only your opinion counts?

4/ Commons ownership IS disputed,tree cutting is ilegal with trees up to 100 years of age being felled.Erosion IS happening. Introducing cattle is introducing risk

5/ On the contrary, I have declined the assistence of the travelling community, I am in contact with them and they had mede their mind up about people like you before I started this campaign. Would you like to meet them to have a chat?

6/Their have been previous objections and campaigns, the supposed route to justice has been an impediment for rightful objections.

7/ I have copied and pasted articals that I fully understand

8/ Living proof. You brave person, wild animals do not give you notice, the catastrophe happens before you can blink.

No wonder you remain as Mr Guest, so would I if I made the statements you have here. The difference between us is that we have credibilty because we do not hide our identities or locatuions or agendas. You on the other hand are so gutless you could not mmeet a child who objected to this scheme.

How can we lose when spinless individuals like you won't come out the dark to meet us. A view supported by a lot of very angry people. You think you have won? or that we have lost, you are very much mistaken.

I do not care if nobody cares about me, there are an awful lot of people who are concerned with theft and criminal damage, fraud, misrepresentation, illegal use of ratepayers money etc etc.

Your last word on the subject! Get real, you know you cannott resist. If you were so bloody right and I was so bloody wrong, I would not be on you conciousness. You will be back because its all you can do.

I have never been rude to Carol, thats your M.O.

ps, what dog have you got?