
/ #4 Re:

2015-03-20 17:25

#1: -  

 Seriously, to the person who wrote the first note on this you are out of your mind. Now that the Village knows and many facts have been obtained you are delusional and frankly, as a psychologist, seem to have some issues that you need to deal with as a person. This Village is taking the residents for granted. It is basically robbery. I hope the press gets involved. I hope the board and the mayor get voted out of office. They may be safe for now, but for myself, as a senior citizen, this town is out of control. Before you start slamming others I would suggest you support your argument with FACT. If you cannot support with FACT you lose your case with those reading your rantings and ravings. Seriously, get some help. I think you have some issues with this family or perhaps have FACTS that the rest of the community does not have. If that is the case and you cannot provide them to the Village residents then it leads me to believe that you are not able to talk about it due to a legal issue. Sorry, but, the owners of this beautiful rescue dog have made themselves available at all times of day or night for phone calls, seem to have reasonable evidence and based on this, you lose your case as well as the city. We keep paying to have this linger and it is atrocious. I am glad our home is for sale and we are getting the hell out of here. Something stinks down at the Village and I am glad I have called the newspapers to see if they will put an investigator on the case. Heck, after retirement, I would love to hire an investigator myself to help this family and put into serious question what our Mayor and board are doing besides having coffee and spending our tax dollars. Please, I am available to help you free of charge and I am licensed.