
/ #1

2015-03-07 01:59

Your petition and flyer is filled with lies and intentionally deceptive. I encourage anyone who signs this petition to check into the facts. I am sure the two victims who where attacked by Heidi feel they are being victimized by your crusade to distort the truth. Additionally, the Village offered to have the Bacardi family send the dog out of the Village. Mr. Bacardi did not comply and it was a judge that held him in contempt, not the Village. Nor has the Villages tax dollars been spent on a lawsuit brought against the Bacardi's by the county. Any intelligent resident would know this. Mr. Bacardi defied the judges orders, spent time in jail and it was he who decided Heidi's fate by not complying with the law. Heidi is unfortunately a danger to the community and whether you love dogs or not, we can not allow a dog that is not controlled by its owner to attack residents. If a human being attacked a resident would the signatories demand he or she be able to continue on without liability? Please, lets focus on the truth instead of a family without respect for its neighbors, the law or its own dog dupe all of us.