Road improvements for Fodderdyke Bank & Hobhole Bank.


/ #59

2015-02-19 19:00

In about 2008 I was driving northwards along the east bank of Hobhole Drain, at less than 30mph, and hit such a bad patch that I was thrown onto the verge, and found myself looking down into the murky depths of the drain below. I filed a complaint with the local highways authority (there wasn't so much as a bumpy road sign at the ends of the road). I finished that someone should be sent immediately to investigate, and that they would see how bad it was.
In spite of this, shortly afterwards a family in a car went off the road and drowned. I did not know this until I read that an Inquest was underway at Horncastle.I immediately telephoned the Court and said that I had something to say on this issue, but was told it was too late, but that I could submit a letter if I wished. I did so. I heard no more about it.
I am horrified that this problem persists on Hobhole and Fodderdyke. so assume the Highway Authority was not held accountable for the accident I wrote about. This might explain why the problem has been allowed to continue.