Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #1637 Re: Re: Re: Keep the Duggars On! They are free to have their Faith/Biblical Beliefs!

2014-11-20 15:30

#1627: clockwatcher - Re: Re: Keep the Duggars On! They are free to have their Faith/Biblical Beliefs! 

 No, any personally-held beliefs that I have are kept private if those beliefs would harm someone else. This is about restricting the private behavior of other people. It's about keeping protections from peoplewho are gay from being fired for being gay. You can't lump all beliefs together when it comes to making law. Of course laws are affected by the beliefs of all who make them, but we ideally stop where it would take rights from other people. They have the right to feel the way they do. People who are gay have the legal right to be gay. But no one is asking that people who are gay have special rights, they just want the same rights that everybody else has. i.e. They don't want to be fired for being gay. Go look up the politicians the Duggars have campaigned for and what those politicians want to make law.