Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #275 Re:

2014-11-20 00:00

#10: -  

Do NOT remove this show!  There are so very few shows on television that the entire family can watch as it is.  I happen to agree with the Duggar's 100% , ALL of what they represent, stand for and teach their children.
These self appointed correctness police need to learn this:  THIS IS AMERICA, LAND OF THE FREE!!    EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FREE SPEACH!  Just because your values and "lifestyle choices" differ from that of your neighbor GET OVER IT !  I do not think there is anyone of you that have been forced to watch this show or any other show for that matter. 

FYI: I don't like I DON"T go to the circus or watch them on tv!  But you won't hear about me trying petition or use other means to try to force them away........... See how that works??

Sick 2 Death of political correctness !