Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #151

2014-11-19 22:03

I am a very liberal, very athiest, very feminist, but I do support the Duggars. I enjoy watching their family for a few reasons:

1. I understand that everyone cannot have the same liberal views as me, I totally respect that.

2. They do not have drama and stuff such as the Kardashians, they're wholesome regular people.

3. I enjoy seeing how other people chose to live their life, the ways they go throughout their day-to-day lives.

4. I am open to learning more about their religion, their reasoning behind their beliefs.

5. They don't try to force their viewers to believe what they do. They always explain the reasoning behind things they do (courting, side-hugs) to help others understand their way of life but aren't trying to force it.

6. They family itself is funny, smart, and loving of one another. 


The key to the Duggars is their love. They love each other and they respect each other. They don't let media attention pull them away from their views, which is something I greatly respect. I also respect their political fight for their beliefs. Though I am pro-choice, I respect that, instead of sitting on their butts, they are getting out and at least trying to make some sort of change in the world. That's more than the rest of us!